I've been using the lack of actual work lately at work to expand my horizons a bit. Here are the top 5 things I've learned this week.
1. Crochet: I have visions of making a granny square quilt as a Christmas present. That might be slightly out of reach though. I've gotten the single stitch down, but actually adding on to my string has proved tricky...I thought I had it today, but somehow I now have 2 separate strings attached by 1 stitch. Luckily, I have a personal tutor in the form of a great friend coming next week to provide Crochet boot camp. Maybe Christmas 2013...
2. Adobe Photoshop: I've been using Deke McClelland's courses on lynda.com and a free trial of Photoshop to teach myself. The program is ridiculously complex but the lessons are really detailed and are a great way to move at your own pace.
3. Cooking and Baking: I'm no chef but I'm finally starting to learn a bit. Luckily, I have a great teacher in my dad (thanks bud!). Now if I could just persuade him to finally open the restaurant, I'd be a much happier camper.
4. Macrame: Based on last Sunday's post, I'm very early in the learning process on this one. But it's actually kind of fun and if I could find the correct string, I'm thinking it could make some super cute bracelets.
5. Politics is ugly!: Hate to harp on this but this campaign is nothing but each side insulting the other. Maybe I'm just a dreamer, but there has to be a better way to do this.
If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got...
Friday, August 31, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Doctor Who?
So just last week, I mentioned that the Dr. Who tchatchkes that were pinned everywhere (and I do mean EVERYwhere) on Pinterest had piqued my interest. I count myself a sci-fi nerd and I'm a sucker for all things Brit but I had yet to see a second of this long-running BBC (according to everyone I've spoken to) "masterpiece." Now that that's changed, I wouldn't call it fantastic (Firefly is Fantastic just for comparison), it's got kind of a "need to watch to somehow figure it all out" quality about it.
Seeing that its long-awaited return is this Saturday, BBC America has practically been playing repeats on a constant loop, which has given me the chance to sample any time I want. Luckily, the episodes I've gotten to see star the 10th Doctor otherwise known to us mortals (I'm noticing that hard core Whovians treat him as a god among men) as David Tennant. I must agree with the fan-base on this guy. He's fantastic! He's a Brit who seems to be having a blast playing the role and he's fairly adorable: How could I not enjoy?!.
However, there are still things that completely baffle and confound me which are keeping me from drinking the kool-aid. I realize this show has been on for decades and I really should have started from the beginning but I have a good excuse... I wasn't born yet. So if these things were explained a few decades ago, forgive me.
1. Why is the police box called a Tardis? It's super cute in a vintage-y kind of way but what the heck does "tardis" mean?
2. The CGI is unbelievably unbelievable. I realize the BBC's budget isn't as large as say Warner Brothers but really? The aliens are kinda corney.
3. The whole companion thing: Girlfriend or just friends? Really very confusing...
4. This hasn't come up in the Tennant years but I'm hearing alot about Rivers and Ponds and goofy R2D2 looking things called Daleks...Any ideas?
5. What the heck is up with the glowy magic wand thingy that apparently fixes everything?
6. And the 2 heart thing. Why?
7. Lastly, I'm fairly certain that if Doctor House was played by a different actor every few seasons, fans would riot. How has this worked for decades? I sorta get the whole regenerating thing but it sounds like everyone has their own "Doctor". Why keep watching a show that you know will never be as good as it was?
Of course, it's also got some things going for it. It's not super sci-fi-ish. (I hate super sci-fi!) It's not gory or gross or terrifying a la Criminal Minds (which I realize is not Sci-fi but it's just creepy!) And of course, it has the stupid British humor that I find so endearing and so incredibly amusing. So while I'm not ready to call myself a true Whovian, I will probably watch it until 10 regenerates to 11 at least (forgive me but I just don't see the appeal of #11) as I'm doing right now (apparently there are cybermen to defeat!).
Any-Who, Allonsy! (heh, see what I did there? : )
Seeing that its long-awaited return is this Saturday, BBC America has practically been playing repeats on a constant loop, which has given me the chance to sample any time I want. Luckily, the episodes I've gotten to see star the 10th Doctor otherwise known to us mortals (I'm noticing that hard core Whovians treat him as a god among men) as David Tennant. I must agree with the fan-base on this guy. He's fantastic! He's a Brit who seems to be having a blast playing the role and he's fairly adorable: How could I not enjoy?!.
However, there are still things that completely baffle and confound me which are keeping me from drinking the kool-aid. I realize this show has been on for decades and I really should have started from the beginning but I have a good excuse... I wasn't born yet. So if these things were explained a few decades ago, forgive me.
1. Why is the police box called a Tardis? It's super cute in a vintage-y kind of way but what the heck does "tardis" mean?
2. The CGI is unbelievably unbelievable. I realize the BBC's budget isn't as large as say Warner Brothers but really? The aliens are kinda corney.
3. The whole companion thing: Girlfriend or just friends? Really very confusing...
4. This hasn't come up in the Tennant years but I'm hearing alot about Rivers and Ponds and goofy R2D2 looking things called Daleks...Any ideas?
5. What the heck is up with the glowy magic wand thingy that apparently fixes everything?
6. And the 2 heart thing. Why?
7. Lastly, I'm fairly certain that if Doctor House was played by a different actor every few seasons, fans would riot. How has this worked for decades? I sorta get the whole regenerating thing but it sounds like everyone has their own "Doctor". Why keep watching a show that you know will never be as good as it was?
Of course, it's also got some things going for it. It's not super sci-fi-ish. (I hate super sci-fi!) It's not gory or gross or terrifying a la Criminal Minds (which I realize is not Sci-fi but it's just creepy!) And of course, it has the stupid British humor that I find so endearing and so incredibly amusing. So while I'm not ready to call myself a true Whovian, I will probably watch it until 10 regenerates to 11 at least (forgive me but I just don't see the appeal of #11) as I'm doing right now (apparently there are cybermen to defeat!).
Any-Who, Allonsy! (heh, see what I did there? : )
BBC America,
David Tennant,
Dr. Who
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Election Burnout
Is anyone already bored to tears with the election coverage this year? I'm usually interested in the inner workings of campaigns. But this year I just can't get there. What's unfortunate is that it's only August and we have a little less than 3 months more of this craziness. I think the most annoying part is that it's already getting ugly. Both sides have attack ads targeting the others side's worst quality, which is really nothing new but I guess I was hopeful for a little more civility in these increasingly scary times.
Added to the already crowded election coverage, there's all the convention chaos. Between certain pundits claiming the recent hurricane was a "conspiracy to delay the RNC", and candidates debating the facets of "legitimate rape", I can barely stand to watch the news, let alone make any conscious candidate decision. Whether you're Republican or Democrat, you have to admit that the whole electoral process has turned into one giant circus.
I doubt our founding fathers who mapped the electoral system out so carefully, wanted the most powerful man/woman in the world to be chosen by a game of "who has the best sound bite?" That being said, those sound bites make fantastic fodder for the late night hosts. At least someone's benefiting...
Added to the already crowded election coverage, there's all the convention chaos. Between certain pundits claiming the recent hurricane was a "conspiracy to delay the RNC", and candidates debating the facets of "legitimate rape", I can barely stand to watch the news, let alone make any conscious candidate decision. Whether you're Republican or Democrat, you have to admit that the whole electoral process has turned into one giant circus.
I doubt our founding fathers who mapped the electoral system out so carefully, wanted the most powerful man/woman in the world to be chosen by a game of "who has the best sound bite?" That being said, those sound bites make fantastic fodder for the late night hosts. At least someone's benefiting...
Election 2012,
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Sick Day Smile
Today was a day spent on the couch snoozing and trying to get over whatever stomach bug bit me. So as to not break my streak of consecutive days blogging, I thought I'd check in with your smile for the day. This is by far my most favorite joke of all time. Brace yourself, you'll be amazed (mostly of how little it takes to make me laugh...).
Two pretzels were walking down the street and one was a salted... : )
**If you're not groaning, say it out loud. It's funnier when you hear it...I swear!
Two pretzels were walking down the street and one was a salted... : )
**If you're not groaning, say it out loud. It's funnier when you hear it...I swear!
Monday, August 27, 2012
Dear USA...
Dear fellow citizens of the US,
Like most of you, I've been thrown for a loop by the many mass shootings that have occurred over the last few months. Today, one hit a little too close to home for me to ignore. The first day of school is supposed to be a day of promise of good things to come, but the students of Perry Hall High School were robbed of that happiness when a student opened fire in the cafeteria during the first lunch period of the year. I'm not sure what to think or how to act, when I hear these vivid accounts of students and parents alike.
It's hard not to villainize the men that have monopolized our airwaves lately, beginning with the movie theatre shooting in Aurora, then DC, and NY. They've taken life and hope from so many, and they deserve to be punished. They don't deserve to enjoy their lives when their victims can't. They deserve to feel a little of that pain that the families of their victims felt. However, in today's case, that eye for an eye mentality takes a bit of a hit. The shooter at Perry Hall is a 15 year old kid. What he did was not the answer to any problem and he deserves to pay for his sins but he's a kid...What was going through his mind and what kind of life drove him to such a rash decision? It's wrong to think that a kid shooting another kid elicits this response when an adult committing the same crime doesn't. But for a lot of us that's the case, there's no getting around it.
Why this sudden surge in violence has been so prevalent recently, I've no good reason. But if anything can come out of these acts of desperation, it's this: We need to focus on being better. I'm not naive enough to think that a kind word will make a psychopath, not a psychopath. That's not what I'm saying. Some people are just bad people. There's no understanding or reason for it and some people are brought to that point by situations. What I'm proposing is this, why can't we counteract these acts of cruelty, by just being good? Share a kind word with a stranger. Volunteer for a good cause. Talk to each other. Erase Hate from your vocabulary. Love...
I know this seems a simplistic answer to an incredibly difficult problem. But, the best way to deal with the irrational, is, by simply, being rational.
A Concerned Citizen
Like most of you, I've been thrown for a loop by the many mass shootings that have occurred over the last few months. Today, one hit a little too close to home for me to ignore. The first day of school is supposed to be a day of promise of good things to come, but the students of Perry Hall High School were robbed of that happiness when a student opened fire in the cafeteria during the first lunch period of the year. I'm not sure what to think or how to act, when I hear these vivid accounts of students and parents alike.
It's hard not to villainize the men that have monopolized our airwaves lately, beginning with the movie theatre shooting in Aurora, then DC, and NY. They've taken life and hope from so many, and they deserve to be punished. They don't deserve to enjoy their lives when their victims can't. They deserve to feel a little of that pain that the families of their victims felt. However, in today's case, that eye for an eye mentality takes a bit of a hit. The shooter at Perry Hall is a 15 year old kid. What he did was not the answer to any problem and he deserves to pay for his sins but he's a kid...What was going through his mind and what kind of life drove him to such a rash decision? It's wrong to think that a kid shooting another kid elicits this response when an adult committing the same crime doesn't. But for a lot of us that's the case, there's no getting around it.
Why this sudden surge in violence has been so prevalent recently, I've no good reason. But if anything can come out of these acts of desperation, it's this: We need to focus on being better. I'm not naive enough to think that a kind word will make a psychopath, not a psychopath. That's not what I'm saying. Some people are just bad people. There's no understanding or reason for it and some people are brought to that point by situations. What I'm proposing is this, why can't we counteract these acts of cruelty, by just being good? Share a kind word with a stranger. Volunteer for a good cause. Talk to each other. Erase Hate from your vocabulary. Love...
I know this seems a simplistic answer to an incredibly difficult problem. But, the best way to deal with the irrational, is, by simply, being rational.
A Concerned Citizen
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Crazy Good Cupcakes
I'm a sucker for a good cupcake but I hate making them because there such a pain in the neck! If I am going to make them, I usually just settle for the Duncan Hines special out of the box. Each time I've ventured into the realm of truly homemade, I've been disappointed. All I've tried to make have either burned, been too sweet, not sweet enough or just plain yucky. So when I started the day, I didn't have high hopes. But I've finally found the mother of all homemade cupcake recipes.
I was doing some bookshelf organizing this morning (Does anyone else spend an hour on this from time to time or am I the only nerd that does?), and I came across a cupcake magazine that I hadn't seen in a while so I gave it a look. On the first page they had 3 classic recipes, 1 white, 1 chocolate and 1 vanilla. Then a few pages later, a banana buttercream was highlighted. So I took a shot seeing 2 of my favorite flavors as a good omen.
I was already impressed by the recipe just by judging the consistency of the batter. I hate scooping cupcake batter into tins because it makes such a mess (I guess I should say I make such a mess...) It's usually so thin that it's hard to keep it on the spoon and winds up all over the tray and the counter. But this batter was just thick enough that it stayed on the spoon until I wanted it off of the spoon. When they came out of the oven they smelled so good that I just had to try one and they were delicious! I would have been content to just eat them plain (I've always been more of a cake girl than an icing girl anyway) but I decided to whip up the icing anyway. After some initial issues, I finally succeeded. It was good, but I wish I would have stuck with a plain old boring buttercream. Even though I used real banana, it tasted like I used banana flavoring and I hate that taste. Also, seeing that I had to (rather my dad had too...he's the icing whisperer...I suck at icing!) add sooo much 10X sugar to counter-act the wet bananas and butter, it was super sweet. But they still tasted good and were just what I was hoping for on a crazy-rainy Sunday.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Fun with String
I decided to branch out into other Crafty mediums by attempting to create these bracelets. Aren't they cute? This was the result...
Are you seeing the difference? So it didn't exactly turn out how I'd hoped, as you can tell. What have I learned from this? 1. Remembering the whole right left thing is fairly important. I seem to have a lack of short term memory which made it difficult to remember which side I started with. 2. Understanding sewing would have come in handy. The pictorial was extremely helpful for every step except the sewing part which leads to number 3. Having a needle that has a big enough hole for the yarn you're using. I have quite a few pin holes in my fingers (and one in my chin...don't ask!) while trying to thread the needle. I have high hopes the next try will go better.
On the upside, I sorta taught myself how to crochet. That went slightly better. I figured out a stitch, which may or may not be an actual crochet stitch. Then of course I have the issue with not having any idea what to do with it. Currently, it's the world's smallest scarf. If I want it to be anything besides that, I need to figure out how to attach it to something. Therein lies the issue...
Are you seeing the difference? So it didn't exactly turn out how I'd hoped, as you can tell. What have I learned from this? 1. Remembering the whole right left thing is fairly important. I seem to have a lack of short term memory which made it difficult to remember which side I started with. 2. Understanding sewing would have come in handy. The pictorial was extremely helpful for every step except the sewing part which leads to number 3. Having a needle that has a big enough hole for the yarn you're using. I have quite a few pin holes in my fingers (and one in my chin...don't ask!) while trying to thread the needle. I have high hopes the next try will go better.
On the upside, I sorta taught myself how to crochet. That went slightly better. I figured out a stitch, which may or may not be an actual crochet stitch. Then of course I have the issue with not having any idea what to do with it. Currently, it's the world's smallest scarf. If I want it to be anything besides that, I need to figure out how to attach it to something. Therein lies the issue...
Friday, August 24, 2012
Friday Five
2. Dr. Who stuff: Notice that I didn't say I actually like Dr. Who. I've never seen an episode and the very few clips I've seen on YouTube make me think it's not really my thing. But I wish I liked it. All of the Tardises I see on Pinterest are too cute. I've been trying to find someone that actually likes the show just so I can buy/make any number of these things for them. Too cute!
3. (I should start prefacing some of my favorite things with "Pinterest Find") Anyway, I'm loving these nerd girl problems and all the super fun reader-y quotes. I definitely need a library in my next house so I can display them all.
Most especially this one: Adorable!
4. Super Smart Summer Television: Between "Suits", "White Collar", "Political Animals", "Newsroom" and "Falling Skies", the summer season has been beating the winter season in all areas. The characters and writing are so sharp and so smart that you're no longer waiting for Fall: you're ticked that you're stuck watching network TV until the second parts of the seasons start. Even reality TV is smarter in the summer: How can you not love chefs competing for charity?!
5. The Artsy Crafty mood I've been in as of late: I don't know about you but I have to be in the mood to craft. I can't just sit down and tinker and create a masterpiece. I have to have a solid idea what I want to do, before I do it. Lately, I've had lots of solid ideas concerning everything from pies and dinners to cards and Christmas presents. Loving being in this mood, hopefully it lasts throughout the holidays: Christmas shopping will be much easier if it does : )
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Things That Make You Go Hmm...continued
1. I'm fairly certain there is a giant conspiracy against "average" sized people. Here me out. For the last month I've been looking for pants. Not special pants mind you, just regular everyday work pants. I've looked in just about every store known to man. Short pants are too short but regular pants are too long. (Yes I have weird legs...) Anyway, I've finally come to terms with the fact that I need to buy long pants and have them hemmed. So I go to buy some regular pants and do I find any? No! (Ok, that's exaggerating, I found 3...) But there must be hundreds of pairs of pants at every store I searched, and 90% were either Tall or Short. Seriously?! After an exhaustive search, I found 2 pairs at one store. The pain in the neck part was that they were buy one get one free so I would have been happy to buy 4 pants at that price but only 2 colors actually came in regular size. The 3rd pair was found at another store that had the same problem. Only one color in my size...Ugh! Can't it just be summer year round? Capris are just so much easier to shop for!
2. I'm taking a Photoshop class as you know. In the chapter on actual photo touch-ups, the instructor prefaces with a story on going "overboard" with touchups. Basically be careful to not make your subjects look too perfect. So he starts the chapter and after an hour of touching up his photo, a perfectly pretty young girl has become a supermodel. Hello!? Pot---Kettle!
Am I the only one that thinks like this?!
2. I'm taking a Photoshop class as you know. In the chapter on actual photo touch-ups, the instructor prefaces with a story on going "overboard" with touchups. Basically be careful to not make your subjects look too perfect. So he starts the chapter and after an hour of touching up his photo, a perfectly pretty young girl has become a supermodel. Hello!? Pot---Kettle!
Am I the only one that thinks like this?!
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Ohm Debrief
A few weeks ago I decided to give meditation a shot. The app I used is called Headspace which was created in theUK. I chose it, not because of any legitimate research, but because it was in a top 3 list in a newspaper article I was reading about stress relief apps...very technical, I know. Anyway, the article said it was the easiest app they had come in contact with. It had cutesy cartoons to help you on the journey (never underestimate the power of cute) and best of all, it was free (I really hate paying for apps unless I know I'm going to love them, and I was convinced I was going to hate this one).
Anyway, the app is put together in 10, roughly 10 minute meditiation segments. You're supposed to complete 1 a day for 10 days. I, however, am not that disciplined. I chose to focus on every other day or days that I was really stressed. Now, I'd tried meditation before in high school and found it did nothing for me so I wasn't expecting much. But, as it turns out, it's actually pretty helpful. The man who guides the meditations, has a great British accent which is low and soothing. So it definitely wasn't hard to relax. The hardest part was forgetting about everything else. I don't know about you, but when I lay down and try to think of nothing , I usually think about everything else in the entire world but nothing. However, after a few days, it got easier.
On one particularly stressful day, I decided to really see what it could do. I was really annoyed about something forgettable and I could feel my BP going through the roof. So I took the ten minutes and meditiated. I wouldn't say that I was walking on sunshine afterwards but I was able take a deep breath without my head exploding. And I ultimately went on to enjoy my day.
In the end, I would say that meditation is an effective way to drop a little stress and figure out what's most important at that very moment. It's probably not for everyone, but I actually enjoyed it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not signing up for any trippy meditation pilgrimages to holy sites any time soon, but I will turn to it the next time I get frazzled. At the very least, it's a great way to take 10 minutes completely to yourself. Who couldn't use that every day?
Anyway, the app is put together in 10, roughly 10 minute meditiation segments. You're supposed to complete 1 a day for 10 days. I, however, am not that disciplined. I chose to focus on every other day or days that I was really stressed. Now, I'd tried meditation before in high school and found it did nothing for me so I wasn't expecting much. But, as it turns out, it's actually pretty helpful. The man who guides the meditations, has a great British accent which is low and soothing. So it definitely wasn't hard to relax. The hardest part was forgetting about everything else. I don't know about you, but when I lay down and try to think of nothing , I usually think about everything else in the entire world but nothing. However, after a few days, it got easier.
On one particularly stressful day, I decided to really see what it could do. I was really annoyed about something forgettable and I could feel my BP going through the roof. So I took the ten minutes and meditiated. I wouldn't say that I was walking on sunshine afterwards but I was able take a deep breath without my head exploding. And I ultimately went on to enjoy my day.
In the end, I would say that meditation is an effective way to drop a little stress and figure out what's most important at that very moment. It's probably not for everyone, but I actually enjoyed it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not signing up for any trippy meditation pilgrimages to holy sites any time soon, but I will turn to it the next time I get frazzled. At the very least, it's a great way to take 10 minutes completely to yourself. Who couldn't use that every day?
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Welcome Elena!
Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice...
Elena Christine was welcomed into our little family yesterday afternoon. She's not technically but for all intents and purpose, my 3rd niece and she's absolutely adorable! Can't wait to meet her even though I'm super jealous...I want one! : )
Welcome little one! We all love you and can't wait to welcome you home.
Elena Christine was welcomed into our little family yesterday afternoon. She's not technically but for all intents and purpose, my 3rd niece and she's absolutely adorable! Can't wait to meet her even though I'm super jealous...I want one! : )
Welcome little one! We all love you and can't wait to welcome you home.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Monday Moan
Today was the day (according to Facebook) that every teacher in America went back to school. I know from experience that June, July and August are 3 of the greatest reasons to be a teacher. And I know that teachers deserve the summers off but do they all have to complain about having to go back to school? I mean, call me a nerd, but I was always excited to go back. New classroom themes, new lessons, new students. Aren't they all just a little excited? As someone who isn't teaching currently, I'd kill for that excitement and newness that the start of the school year brings. I'm secretly jealous of even the meetings and classroom arranging that my friends are doing right now and don't even get me started on Pinterest! Too many awesome lesson ideas that are making my job that much less exciting and creative. If I have my way, soon I will be back where I belong but until then...
Here's to a great year for all my teacher peeps! Try to enjoy it just a little! It really is fun, you just have to make it that way!
Here's to a great year for all my teacher peeps! Try to enjoy it just a little! It really is fun, you just have to make it that way!
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Mini Leibovitz
In my opinion, giving a camera to a 3 year old is always a good idea. I'm thinking the niece has a future in photography. Watch out Annie Leibovitz, here she comes!
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Pinterest Foodie
With all the Pinterest pinning I've done lately, I've been feeling a little adventurous in kitchen. Last night, I made this Chocolate Cobbler. I'm a sucker for all things chocolate but to me it was just OK. I was worried it would be too sweet but somehow it wasn't sweet enough. The consistency was more of a lava cake instead of a cobbler. The parentals thought it was good but I don't think I'll be repeating it anytime soon.
Then, this morning, I gave these Baked Eggs a shot. They were just OK but I think the issue with these were me and not the recipe. I was hoping the yolks would be more runny but I baked them a little too long. And then I added a little too much Parmesan so all in all they were just too much everything. However, they are sufficiently on the repeat list.
Then, this morning, I gave these Baked Eggs a shot. They were just OK but I think the issue with these were me and not the recipe. I was hoping the yolks would be more runny but I baked them a little too long. And then I added a little too much Parmesan so all in all they were just too much everything. However, they are sufficiently on the repeat list.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Friday Five
1. Lynda.com: About the best site I've seen for learning just about anything. Loving that it's free but even if it wasn't the subscription is fairly reasonable too.
2. "As Always, Julia" by Joan Reardon: I started this fabulous book on Julia's 100th birthday and I'm already in love with it. It contains the letters back and forth between Julia and Avis Devoto, her best friend, during the writing of 'Mastering the Art of French Cooking' and beyond. You can almost here her accent when reading the letters.
3. Isn't it adorable!? It's the new London bus charm by Pandora and it's mine. Thanks M and D! Too cute!
4. The new Cuttlebug Cartridges for Fall: I use my Cuttlebug quite a lot and have been coveting some new cartridges. The ones for Fall are by far the coolest they've desgined. Between the calendar, and tiles and houses, I will be spending some serious cash at Michael's very soon. Gorgeous!
5. The Geek section of Pinterest: I've been letting my geek flag fly a little too often this week. But there are some really fun super nerdy things on this section. I'm partial to the Nerd-Girl problems as well as anything Firefly. I even kinda wish I was a Doctor Who fan because the all the crafty tardises are too cute! Such an awesome waste of time!
3. Isn't it adorable!? It's the new London bus charm by Pandora and it's mine. Thanks M and D! Too cute!
4. The new Cuttlebug Cartridges for Fall: I use my Cuttlebug quite a lot and have been coveting some new cartridges. The ones for Fall are by far the coolest they've desgined. Between the calendar, and tiles and houses, I will be spending some serious cash at Michael's very soon. Gorgeous!
5. The Geek section of Pinterest: I've been letting my geek flag fly a little too often this week. But there are some really fun super nerdy things on this section. I'm partial to the Nerd-Girl problems as well as anything Firefly. I even kinda wish I was a Doctor Who fan because the all the crafty tardises are too cute! Such an awesome waste of time!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Creative Genius, I Am Not
I have been dying to learn how to use Photoshop and all of its creative friends for a while now. I had planned to take a class but the course kept getting cancelled due to low enrollment. Then, my company decided to purchase us a subscription to lynda.com. (If you don't know anything about lynda, and you love learning new software, you really should check it out-Amazing!!)
Anyway, I started the fundamentals course this week (10 hours! And that's the first of 4!). Like a good student, I even downloaded a free 30 day trial of Photoshop so I could follow along and practice. Now, if you must know,I've never used it before which could have something to do with my reaction but, really!? How many flipping buttons could this program have?! Between the left panel, right panel, menu bar and the extras that are on many of the buttons, count me thoroughly confused! The program is chock-full of ways to do all kinds of fun things but how can you remember how to do them if you can't even figure out what buttons are what?
I taught myself Visio, Sharepoint and Access so I'm not completely computer illiterate (just slightly...) but I think I'll need a PhD in Adobe before I will actually be able to use it to do anything I want...The worst part of it is, that all Adobe products share the same interface. Therefore, if I have any hope at all of learning Flash, InDesign, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, or any other way cool designer-y goodies, I'll really need to figure out these darn buttons!
Anyway, I started the fundamentals course this week (10 hours! And that's the first of 4!). Like a good student, I even downloaded a free 30 day trial of Photoshop so I could follow along and practice. Now, if you must know,I've never used it before which could have something to do with my reaction but, really!? How many flipping buttons could this program have?! Between the left panel, right panel, menu bar and the extras that are on many of the buttons, count me thoroughly confused! The program is chock-full of ways to do all kinds of fun things but how can you remember how to do them if you can't even figure out what buttons are what?
I taught myself Visio, Sharepoint and Access so I'm not completely computer illiterate (just slightly...) but I think I'll need a PhD in Adobe before I will actually be able to use it to do anything I want...The worst part of it is, that all Adobe products share the same interface. Therefore, if I have any hope at all of learning Flash, InDesign, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, or any other way cool designer-y goodies, I'll really need to figure out these darn buttons!
Adobe Photoshop
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Bon Appetit!
I am by no means a chef. I can cook and I love surfing for new and exciting recipes however, I won't be winning any James Beard awards any time soon. But I am a sucker for real chefs. Bourdain, Collichio, Cosentino, My dad, Ripert...I can go on for days. Random facts about chefs? That's my bread and butter. So it's with great pleasure that I wish the mother of them all (quite literally) a happy 100th birthday! It seems that the entire foodie world has joined me in celebrating this national holiday. Google has a doodle in her honor, Eatocracy has been blogging their hearts out, and the Smithsonian had a party just for her.
Today, August 15, would have been Julia Child's 100th birthday. She was, by all intense and purposes, the queen of her domain. There are a million reasons to love Julia. She succeeded where many said she wouldn't. She became the first real celebrity chef. She was an agent in the OSS during WWII. She didn't fit the ideal image of the time and could have cared less about it. She ate butter, red meat, chocolate, and foie-gras and drank gin and lived to be 92 years old. But I love her mostly because she loved food even more than I do.
You can probably tell by now that eating is probably my favorite past-time. I look forward to new restaurants and trying new things. The blogs and articles I read are about chefs, recipes and restaurants. Before I visit a new city or town, I check out the dining scene first. I can't imagine having Spaghettios or Cup-a-noodles for any meal. (Never had them and never will: quite proud of that fact!) Vegans/Vegetarians and I come from 2 completely different planets. I don't understand those who eat because they have to, not because they want to. Yeah, you could say that I'm a bit of a food snob.
And I know that most chefs love food in this same way. But to watch Julia, you could almost taste what she was tasting. You knew the second she ate something, how she felt about it; whether it needed more or less seasoning, or whether it was the most perfect thing she'd ever had. She tasted nearly everything that went into her pans and made that OK for the rest of us. She ate the final product with reckless abandon that encouraged any home cooks to give it a shot. Heck, if Julia said they could do it, they better gosh darn try! Her recipes in "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" were all a labor of love. The book isn't stuffy or preachy. She knew how delicious French food could be if made correctly, and she wanted the rest of the world to know as well. It wasn't cooking and for cooking sake. She expected you to eat these dishes and mostly fall in love with them. Why spend all the time and energy making something if it wasn't going to be delicious?! I found this quote earlier today which pretty much sums up her (and my) outlook on life. (I pretty much want to frame it and hang it in my kitchen!)
Today, August 15, would have been Julia Child's 100th birthday. She was, by all intense and purposes, the queen of her domain. There are a million reasons to love Julia. She succeeded where many said she wouldn't. She became the first real celebrity chef. She was an agent in the OSS during WWII. She didn't fit the ideal image of the time and could have cared less about it. She ate butter, red meat, chocolate, and foie-gras and drank gin and lived to be 92 years old. But I love her mostly because she loved food even more than I do.
You can probably tell by now that eating is probably my favorite past-time. I look forward to new restaurants and trying new things. The blogs and articles I read are about chefs, recipes and restaurants. Before I visit a new city or town, I check out the dining scene first. I can't imagine having Spaghettios or Cup-a-noodles for any meal. (Never had them and never will: quite proud of that fact!) Vegans/Vegetarians and I come from 2 completely different planets. I don't understand those who eat because they have to, not because they want to. Yeah, you could say that I'm a bit of a food snob.
And I know that most chefs love food in this same way. But to watch Julia, you could almost taste what she was tasting. You knew the second she ate something, how she felt about it; whether it needed more or less seasoning, or whether it was the most perfect thing she'd ever had. She tasted nearly everything that went into her pans and made that OK for the rest of us. She ate the final product with reckless abandon that encouraged any home cooks to give it a shot. Heck, if Julia said they could do it, they better gosh darn try! Her recipes in "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" were all a labor of love. The book isn't stuffy or preachy. She knew how delicious French food could be if made correctly, and she wanted the rest of the world to know as well. It wasn't cooking and for cooking sake. She expected you to eat these dishes and mostly fall in love with them. Why spend all the time and energy making something if it wasn't going to be delicious?! I found this quote earlier today which pretty much sums up her (and my) outlook on life. (I pretty much want to frame it and hang it in my kitchen!)
On top of her talent in the kitchen, she had a simple and completely adorable relationship with her husband Paul. Paul adored Julia and their marriage was something to aspire to. He encouraged her to do what she loved and with that encouragement and support, she was able to become someone all foodies admire greatly.
For most of us, she's that grandmother in the kitchen baking our favorite cake. That may be why I love her so much. She's always reminded me of my grandmother with her love for all things food and the stern yet always loving, always smiling demeanor. They both could crack jokes while wrapping you in a bear hug. And of course, they could cook pretty much whatever you desired. The world would be a much happier (and better fed) place if we all had someone like Julia in our life. I know mine is.
So Happy 100th Julia! Wherever you are, know that you are still much admired, much respected and mostly, much loved.
Julia Child
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Simple Life
After spending a great weekend doing everything that I wanted to do, I made the realization that I live a fairly simple life. I realize that it would be fabulous to hit the lottery or become the talk of the town, but I'm not seeing that happen any time soon. So I'm perfectly happy to live the life I have.
Some people I work with are content to fly off on business trips each week barely making time for their family and friends. Me, I'd love to travel, but weekly trips, days on end in empty hotel rooms, eating alone...that's just not my thing! As monotonous as cube-dwelling is, at least I know where I am going to be on any given day of the week. And while it's not perfect (not yet but I'm getting there) what's not to love about the ability to work from home on a day when you just don't want to go in? Don't get me wrong, if a job as, let's say as, George Clooney's personal assistant, came along, I would jump at it in a heartbeat ; )
And while I'm not really living in my dream house just yet, I have my own little world that's decorated as I want and holds all my favorite things. I have a wonderful family that loves me and close friends that I can count on.
Yes, it's a relatively simple life, but it's mine and I'm ok with that!
Some people I work with are content to fly off on business trips each week barely making time for their family and friends. Me, I'd love to travel, but weekly trips, days on end in empty hotel rooms, eating alone...that's just not my thing! As monotonous as cube-dwelling is, at least I know where I am going to be on any given day of the week. And while it's not perfect (not yet but I'm getting there) what's not to love about the ability to work from home on a day when you just don't want to go in? Don't get me wrong, if a job as, let's say as, George Clooney's personal assistant, came along, I would jump at it in a heartbeat ; )
And while I'm not really living in my dream house just yet, I have my own little world that's decorated as I want and holds all my favorite things. I have a wonderful family that loves me and close friends that I can count on.
Yes, it's a relatively simple life, but it's mine and I'm ok with that!
Monday, August 13, 2012
Shopped Til We Dropped
There are not many things better than spending a day off, outlet shopping with your mom, who just happens to be your best friend. Of course, there were no pants to be had (I'm starting a new fashion: shirts only! Who's in?!) but that didn't ruin the day in the least. Sun, sand and more Dumser's sundaes capped off the perfect Mom-Daughter day.
Do I really have to go back to work tomorrow? Ugh!
Do I really have to go back to work tomorrow? Ugh!
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Everything's Peachy
Feeling the urge to bake today, I decided to try this Peachy Bread Pudding which is Pintrest inspired and can be found here. If you have peaches that you need to use, I definitely recommend this recipe. Delicious! I'm sure it didn't hurt that I had fresh picked and super sweet peaches. Perfect ending to a quiet Sunday, spent anticipating the Olympics Closing Ceremonies.
Here's to a great week!
Saturday, August 11, 2012
You Can't Stop the Beat!
All in all a fantastic evening!
Friday, August 10, 2012
Beach Day Wash Out
So this would be the only photo I have from our bestie day in OC. You could say that it didn't go exactly as planned. When I woke up, it was raining (pouring actually), then we left and it was raining, then we got to Assateague to swim: it was raining and the beach was closed due to inclement weather. Are you sensing a pattern here? MD has been the Sahara all summer. The one day I decide to do something fun and it decides to POUR! You've gotta be kidding me! After driving through the storm of the century and eating our way through a Dumser's sundae, it finally cleared up enough to sit on the beach with only one false start. After 4 minutes of sitting on the beach it started to pour again-by the time we got to the car-soaked of course-it had stopped raining and the sun had come back out...
The day wasn't a total washout and we had a fabulous time but mixed with the flooding coastal highway and closed beaches, it was most certainly interesting.
The day wasn't a total washout and we had a fabulous time but mixed with the flooding coastal highway and closed beaches, it was most certainly interesting.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Friday-ish Five
Bright and early tomorrow morning I'm heading "down the ocean, hon". After a day spent in the heat, sand and waves, it's safe to say you won't get much more out of me than a few pics of waves and probably a pic or 10 of a Dumser's sundae (Yum!) So I figured I'd post this a little early this week.
1. Bookriot: I read a lot of blogs on a daily basis. But until this week, I hadn't realized that I didn't have a favorite book-centric one. For all the reading I do, you'd think that would be high on my list. This site is full of writers who are hard core book-nerds just like me. It's a must read if you like to read or you just like having/buying books.
2. Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh Jennings: I admit to only watching Beach Volleyball during the Olympics (just like most of the world). But when you watch these 2 girls play, it's hard to see why we don't watch it more. Last night, when they went for a three-peat at the gold medal, it was electrifying. Seeing their joy and the excitement of everyone around them when they won, really solidified what the Olympic spirit is all about. Cut to me tearing up on the sofa: Way to go girls!
3. This recipe for Caesar Dressing. It was a Pinterest find that I'd been dying to try. Oh my goodness is it delicious! To me it tastes more like a Bookmaker salad dressing than Caesar. But, over fresh lettuce and tomatoes with some Romano thrown in for good measure, it's the perfect summer salad!
4. Google Doodles: On a regular day, these doodles are a highlight. But during the Olympics, they've been extra adorable. They highlight one sport each day. And today, they've even stepped it up a notch. They added a game! I just tried to google something and found myself too distracted trying row a rower through the obstacles and to the finish line. Too cute!
5. Shopping for Fall (okay, shopping in general : ) I get excited for the next season's fashions entirely too early for my own good. This is why I'm annoyed that I can't find a single sweater at any store and it's 90 degrees outside. At this point, it's only window shopping, but when my coupons go into effect: Watch out! I'll be a woman on a mission!
1. Bookriot: I read a lot of blogs on a daily basis. But until this week, I hadn't realized that I didn't have a favorite book-centric one. For all the reading I do, you'd think that would be high on my list. This site is full of writers who are hard core book-nerds just like me. It's a must read if you like to read or you just like having/buying books.
2. Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh Jennings: I admit to only watching Beach Volleyball during the Olympics (just like most of the world). But when you watch these 2 girls play, it's hard to see why we don't watch it more. Last night, when they went for a three-peat at the gold medal, it was electrifying. Seeing their joy and the excitement of everyone around them when they won, really solidified what the Olympic spirit is all about. Cut to me tearing up on the sofa: Way to go girls!
3. This recipe for Caesar Dressing. It was a Pinterest find that I'd been dying to try. Oh my goodness is it delicious! To me it tastes more like a Bookmaker salad dressing than Caesar. But, over fresh lettuce and tomatoes with some Romano thrown in for good measure, it's the perfect summer salad!
4. Google Doodles: On a regular day, these doodles are a highlight. But during the Olympics, they've been extra adorable. They highlight one sport each day. And today, they've even stepped it up a notch. They added a game! I just tried to google something and found myself too distracted trying row a rower through the obstacles and to the finish line. Too cute!
5. Shopping for Fall (okay, shopping in general : ) I get excited for the next season's fashions entirely too early for my own good. This is why I'm annoyed that I can't find a single sweater at any store and it's 90 degrees outside. At this point, it's only window shopping, but when my coupons go into effect: Watch out! I'll be a woman on a mission!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Status Update
I, like most people, am hooked to Facebook pretty much all day. I have it on my phone and it's usually the first site I check out when I get to work. I would classify myself as a Facebook stalker. I hardly every write status updates and I barely upload pics. I just like to troll and see what everyone else is doing...usually getting silently annoyed that so and so had another kid or what's her face got a brand new awesome job. In my Facebook stalking, I've been noticing some very disturbing trends. In my opinion, Facebook is supposed to be a fun way to keep in touch with old friends and new, not air all your dirty laundry for everyone to see. The following "Facebook-ees" are on my list this week. For these people, there should be a Facebook manual. Zuckerberg: Get on that! : )
1. The Rabble-Rouser: This person updates their status solely to air all of their political thoughts and whims for all to see. They're just looking for a debate. Has anyone tried to debate an important topic like abortion or gay marriage over status updates? Does it sound logical that an important discussion could be had sharing information in this matter? No! If you feel that strongly about it, take action! And if you really have to vent, don't get so annoyed when your friends disagree with you: Opinions go both ways.
2. The Venter: These people share everything...and I do mean EVERYthing with their facebook friends. Their posts are interminably long and contain information that you could have lived your whole life not knowing. (My Facebook attention span is super short, so if there's a "Read More" icon underneath a post, I usually skip over it: Is that wrong?) Say all you want about Twitter, but some Facebook-ees could really benefit from the 140 character limit.
3. The Photographer: Whereas venters share stories, photographers share photos of EVERYthing they've ever done. (I feel I need to quantify this one. I honestly love seeing photos on Facebook, even more than posts. Babies, animals, concerts: I'll peruse them all!) I'm floored by the sheer number of photos of alcohol laced evenings and bad behavior some people post. This blows my mind! Some have literally thousands of this evidence. When the whole world is saying that employers are looking before they're hiring, why do they insist on sharing exhibit A?
4. The love-birds: As a total chick, I'm as big a fan of lovey-dovey as the next girl. But why oh why do you have to do this on Facebook? I've seen shared accounts that bare messages back and forth initialed so the other person knows that the other person wrote it (Confused yet?). They should know that actual communication through talking and sharing is much more romantic, not to mention much less annoying to the rest of us singletons.
5. The Salesman: With Tastefully Simple, AVON, Mary Kay, Pampered Chef, Thirty-One and all the other home-based companies flourishing, it was only a matter of time until these salesman cashed in on the social-networking craze. I support your desire to make some extra cash, but really, do you have to share about it numerous times a day? Has your product really changed so much since an hour ago?
Ok, after re-reading this post, it kinda sounds like the mopey Kristen is back, but I promise she's not. I've been thinking about these peeps for a while, but after hearing some other people who have the same complaints, I finally decided to put pen to paper (or finger to keyboard as it were). So, remember, practice safe Facebooking, and don't be "that" girl.
1. The Rabble-Rouser: This person updates their status solely to air all of their political thoughts and whims for all to see. They're just looking for a debate. Has anyone tried to debate an important topic like abortion or gay marriage over status updates? Does it sound logical that an important discussion could be had sharing information in this matter? No! If you feel that strongly about it, take action! And if you really have to vent, don't get so annoyed when your friends disagree with you: Opinions go both ways.
2. The Venter: These people share everything...and I do mean EVERYthing with their facebook friends. Their posts are interminably long and contain information that you could have lived your whole life not knowing. (My Facebook attention span is super short, so if there's a "Read More" icon underneath a post, I usually skip over it: Is that wrong?) Say all you want about Twitter, but some Facebook-ees could really benefit from the 140 character limit.
3. The Photographer: Whereas venters share stories, photographers share photos of EVERYthing they've ever done. (I feel I need to quantify this one. I honestly love seeing photos on Facebook, even more than posts. Babies, animals, concerts: I'll peruse them all!) I'm floored by the sheer number of photos of alcohol laced evenings and bad behavior some people post. This blows my mind! Some have literally thousands of this evidence. When the whole world is saying that employers are looking before they're hiring, why do they insist on sharing exhibit A?
4. The love-birds: As a total chick, I'm as big a fan of lovey-dovey as the next girl. But why oh why do you have to do this on Facebook? I've seen shared accounts that bare messages back and forth initialed so the other person knows that the other person wrote it (Confused yet?). They should know that actual communication through talking and sharing is much more romantic, not to mention much less annoying to the rest of us singletons.
5. The Salesman: With Tastefully Simple, AVON, Mary Kay, Pampered Chef, Thirty-One and all the other home-based companies flourishing, it was only a matter of time until these salesman cashed in on the social-networking craze. I support your desire to make some extra cash, but really, do you have to share about it numerous times a day? Has your product really changed so much since an hour ago?
Ok, after re-reading this post, it kinda sounds like the mopey Kristen is back, but I promise she's not. I've been thinking about these peeps for a while, but after hearing some other people who have the same complaints, I finally decided to put pen to paper (or finger to keyboard as it were). So, remember, practice safe Facebooking, and don't be "that" girl.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Upon further review of the last few weeks of posts, I've realized I've been a bit mopey lately. I've complained and railed against quite a few things so my hope is to counteract my negative with a bit of positive. I'm trying to focus on all the amazing things in my life to be thankful for (I'm pretty sure this is the meditation talking but we'll see...)
I'm thankful for~~an amazing family that loves me for me and who supports all of my crazy ideas (no matter how many I come up with!) I'd be nowhere without them.
I'm thankful for~~great friends that make me laugh and make me think and make me a better person.
I'm thankful for~~ a goddaugther who can melt my heart with one single "Hey..Hey...Aunt Tis?"
I'm thankful for~~the roof over my head and food on my table. There are plenty in the world tonight that don't have these simple necessities.
I'm thankful for~~creativity in all shapes and colors. I talk about Pinterest a lot but it's a perfect presentation of what a little creativity can do. So many ideas making the world just a little more interesting.
I'm thankful for~~technology that lets me communicate with people all over the world or all over the country in the blink of an eye.
And mostly I'm thankful that I'm me surrounded by people that love me, in a place that I call home, finally figuring out who I want to be.
I'm thankful for~~an amazing family that loves me for me and who supports all of my crazy ideas (no matter how many I come up with!) I'd be nowhere without them.
I'm thankful for~~great friends that make me laugh and make me think and make me a better person.
I'm thankful for~~ a goddaugther who can melt my heart with one single "Hey..Hey...Aunt Tis?"
I'm thankful for~~the roof over my head and food on my table. There are plenty in the world tonight that don't have these simple necessities.
I'm thankful for~~creativity in all shapes and colors. I talk about Pinterest a lot but it's a perfect presentation of what a little creativity can do. So many ideas making the world just a little more interesting.
I'm thankful for~~technology that lets me communicate with people all over the world or all over the country in the blink of an eye.
And mostly I'm thankful that I'm me surrounded by people that love me, in a place that I call home, finally figuring out who I want to be.
Monday, August 6, 2012
What's Next
Confession time: I'm kind of a space nerd. I've never been to space camp and never really had any allusions of actually heading into space (after NASA saw my math test scores, I'm sure they would never let me in the door) but like most people I think the whole concept of space and spacey-stuff is just really awesome (to be scientific about it ) I'm usually all about the news stories of shuttles taking off, or the possibility of water on some distant planet. So imagine my surprise when I sat down at my handy-dandy laptop this morning, pulled up CNN, and found a front page story on a Mars landing that I knew nothing about. How did this happen?
I literally heard NOTHING about it until this morning. This should have been on my radar (sonar?) at least. But alas, I had to hear what went down last night from fellow space-geeks on twitter, facebook and CNN. From what I can tell, the Mars rover, Curiosity, landed flawlessly on Mars early this morning. After landing, it sent pictures back to NASA over millions of miles of space. Its first job will be to explore the Gale crater, where it landed, and then to raise its high-resolution antennae to beam back even better pictures over the great expanse. Not only was NASA able to pull off this multi-billion dollar feat of science and technology, but they were also able to beam (the most spacey word I know ) images out to the masses from the Mars reconnaissance orbiter of the rover on Mars. So let's get this straight. They landed a rover much bigger than a bread box, millions of miles away, then were able to pilot an orbiter that was also much bigger than a bread box to snap pictures all at the same time most of the world was asleep. How flipping cool is that?!
What makes it even cooler is the fact that since we live in the 21st century, we get to hear about it all from tons of different sources. The rover itself has a twitter handle. A guy working at NASA has become an internet sensation because the media caught a snapshot of his mohawk in mission control. Nerds have been geeking out all day on Facebook and twitter. And currently, if you google "Mars rover Curiosity", you'll receive 587 million hits. Of course, the internet has also taken it upon itself, to give us geeks a few giggles along the way.
Obviously, I wasn't doing this but it's super cute anyway (courtesy of Geek and Sundry)
I really want Oreo to actually sell these cookies, because they are fairly amazing!
I literally heard NOTHING about it until this morning. This should have been on my radar (sonar?) at least. But alas, I had to hear what went down last night from fellow space-geeks on twitter, facebook and CNN. From what I can tell, the Mars rover, Curiosity, landed flawlessly on Mars early this morning. After landing, it sent pictures back to NASA over millions of miles of space. Its first job will be to explore the Gale crater, where it landed, and then to raise its high-resolution antennae to beam back even better pictures over the great expanse. Not only was NASA able to pull off this multi-billion dollar feat of science and technology, but they were also able to beam (the most spacey word I know ) images out to the masses from the Mars reconnaissance orbiter of the rover on Mars. So let's get this straight. They landed a rover much bigger than a bread box, millions of miles away, then were able to pilot an orbiter that was also much bigger than a bread box to snap pictures all at the same time most of the world was asleep. How flipping cool is that?!
What makes it even cooler is the fact that since we live in the 21st century, we get to hear about it all from tons of different sources. The rover itself has a twitter handle. A guy working at NASA has become an internet sensation because the media caught a snapshot of his mohawk in mission control. Nerds have been geeking out all day on Facebook and twitter. And currently, if you google "Mars rover Curiosity", you'll receive 587 million hits. Of course, the internet has also taken it upon itself, to give us geeks a few giggles along the way.
Obviously, I wasn't doing this but it's super cute anyway (courtesy of Geek and Sundry)
I really want Oreo to actually sell these cookies, because they are fairly amazing!
So that's my story. I have no cool stories of exactly where I was when it happened. I have no fun facts to know and tell (other than what I learned above from CNN). But I do have a pretty real fascination with this story. I can only hope that in the coming days that there will be bigger and better photos coming from Curiosity. Maybe, just maybe, the scientists of NASA will find something amazing up there that will help us down here. That's the whole point of exploration isn't it?
Since we can do it, we have the duty to do it. We'll never know what we may find until we try.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
I had the chance to have a delightful brunch at Teavolve this morning. Apparently, they are a franchise cafe and restaurant specializing in all things Tea, as well as some yummy food. There are plenty of tea-based drinks like lattes and mimosas. Now, while I'm a fan of tea, I'm not a fan of fancy-schmancy tea. I look good 'ol Lipton. So the iced tea was ok, not really my favorite. The breakfast panini had eggs, bacon, cheese and aioli on ciabatta and was good and fresh. What surprised me was the spinach and artichoke dip. I hate spinach. I hate artichoke. But I loved the dip on toasted pita. Delicious!
A great brunch, with good friends and a fantastic hair day to boot? All in all, a pretty nice Sunday.
A great brunch, with good friends and a fantastic hair day to boot? All in all, a pretty nice Sunday.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Saturday Summer Fun
Today was a fun (HOT) summer day spent shopping in Silver Spring (at the Container Store: Yay!), trying a new Tex-Mex place (Yummy!) and capped off by Christmas crafting. While shopping, we came across the Discovery Channel building which was getting ready for Shark Week. I'm not such a fan of sharks- they eat people- but this is too cool! I only got one side of the building, but his fins are coming out the sides, his dorsal out the top and head out the front. Too cute!
Then I came home to begin the Christmas crafting. I make all my Christmas cards, so I like to get a jump on, at least the design, so I can whip them all out in an afternoon then not worry about them until I have write and address them. I cranked out 3 tonight based on 3 I found on Pinterest last night, but I'm not sure any of them are up to snuff...
Friday, August 3, 2012
Friday Five
1. Michael Phelps: A Maryland boy, practically a fish in the water and now the most decorated Olympian ever! He says he's done after London, but I have a sinking suspicion he'll be swimming in Rio (fingers crossed). Go Michael!
2. Trolling for Christmas ideas: I LOVE Christmas, and I must admit that I start dreaming of a white Christmas about this time every year. With card making, calendar-creating and shopping to do, starting early is necessary. Pinterest is making this task fairly simple this year. I've already found 3 super cute ideas and I just started browsing!
3. All the stories of good sportsmanship from our Americans coming out of London. I've heard stories of throwing games, paying off judges and angry rants but none of those are coming out of the USA camp. With all the possible cheating and bad sportsmanship that has been going on, it's good to know that our girls and guys have been doing the US proud. Go Team USA!!
4. The 2013 IKEA catalog: You already know how I feel about IKEA. But I also get pretty excited about the catalog coming in the mail. It's pretty much the same as the Toys R'Us Christmas catalog coming when you were little. There's a lot of circling, corner flipping and hoping & wishing. Is there anything better than IKEA!?
5. A too cute quote from my niece: Her pre-school is having an Olympics week so each day they are learning how to play sports and make crafty things. On Wednesday, they made gold medals which she called her "golden medal". So yesterday when we were talking about the Olympics, I asked her if she would go to the Olympics one day and get a gold medal (she's quite the accomplished gymnast : ) To which she replied, and I quote "I don't need a golden medal...I already have one". Too adorable!
2. Trolling for Christmas ideas: I LOVE Christmas, and I must admit that I start dreaming of a white Christmas about this time every year. With card making, calendar-creating and shopping to do, starting early is necessary. Pinterest is making this task fairly simple this year. I've already found 3 super cute ideas and I just started browsing!
3. All the stories of good sportsmanship from our Americans coming out of London. I've heard stories of throwing games, paying off judges and angry rants but none of those are coming out of the USA camp. With all the possible cheating and bad sportsmanship that has been going on, it's good to know that our girls and guys have been doing the US proud. Go Team USA!!
4. The 2013 IKEA catalog: You already know how I feel about IKEA. But I also get pretty excited about the catalog coming in the mail. It's pretty much the same as the Toys R'Us Christmas catalog coming when you were little. There's a lot of circling, corner flipping and hoping & wishing. Is there anything better than IKEA!?
5. A too cute quote from my niece: Her pre-school is having an Olympics week so each day they are learning how to play sports and make crafty things. On Wednesday, they made gold medals which she called her "golden medal". So yesterday when we were talking about the Olympics, I asked her if she would go to the Olympics one day and get a gold medal (she's quite the accomplished gymnast : ) To which she replied, and I quote "I don't need a golden medal...I already have one". Too adorable!
Thursday, August 2, 2012
On my mind this week in no particular order...
-If I ever tried to play water polo (a la the Olympians) I would surely drown! How in the world do these guys tread water so long? I'm exhausted just watching them. (Of course, I'm exhausted just watching most Olympians compete...)
-When will this Chic-Fil-A controversy end? Everyone is taking sides and expressing those sides on Facebook, which is making my facebook stalking incredibly frustrating! Facebook is for fun not pontificating. Whatever side you fall down on, why do you feel it important to flaunt that side with everyone you know? Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, I know this. But how can I make this any clearer?: You sharing that opinion is not making me change mine...
- Christmas is coming in a little more than 4 months. Pinterest browsing and paper crafting really needs to start soon...Ugh! My goal for a "handmade" Christmas really needs to be accomplished this year. If I start early enough, it may just come true this year...
- Hanging out with a 3 year old and hearing about her day and how much she loves Joe Flacco (Go Ravens!) is just so much more fun than hanging with some adults.
- I'm sort of fed up with NBC's Olympic coverage. I know it's difficult to air footage from a country that's 5 hours ahead of us. But how, oh how, do I keep spoiling it for myself? I have checked CNN at the worst times. I've looked up when Brian Williams says to look away. And I've checked the Olympics app too many times in the past week. All, I realize, are totally my fault. But there has to be a better way of doing this. I'm for just having them in the Eastern time zone every time. Although I'm not thinking the IOC will go for that. Bring on Rio 2016! They're only an hour ahead of us.
- I need a new wardrobe. (Ok, so this one is not so much pondering as wishing...)
-If I ever tried to play water polo (a la the Olympians) I would surely drown! How in the world do these guys tread water so long? I'm exhausted just watching them. (Of course, I'm exhausted just watching most Olympians compete...)
-When will this Chic-Fil-A controversy end? Everyone is taking sides and expressing those sides on Facebook, which is making my facebook stalking incredibly frustrating! Facebook is for fun not pontificating. Whatever side you fall down on, why do you feel it important to flaunt that side with everyone you know? Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, I know this. But how can I make this any clearer?: You sharing that opinion is not making me change mine...
- Christmas is coming in a little more than 4 months. Pinterest browsing and paper crafting really needs to start soon...Ugh! My goal for a "handmade" Christmas really needs to be accomplished this year. If I start early enough, it may just come true this year...
- Hanging out with a 3 year old and hearing about her day and how much she loves Joe Flacco (Go Ravens!) is just so much more fun than hanging with some adults.
- I'm sort of fed up with NBC's Olympic coverage. I know it's difficult to air footage from a country that's 5 hours ahead of us. But how, oh how, do I keep spoiling it for myself? I have checked CNN at the worst times. I've looked up when Brian Williams says to look away. And I've checked the Olympics app too many times in the past week. All, I realize, are totally my fault. But there has to be a better way of doing this. I'm for just having them in the Eastern time zone every time. Although I'm not thinking the IOC will go for that. Bring on Rio 2016! They're only an hour ahead of us.
- I need a new wardrobe. (Ok, so this one is not so much pondering as wishing...)
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
#photoadayaugust starts today and I'm super excited and slightly worried. It seems that August's topics are a little more difficult than July. But I'm still loving it. I really need to figure out what to do with these pics because (even if I do say so myself) they are too fun!
August 1: Outside
August 2: One
August 3: Coin
August 4: Somewhere I Sat
August 5: Logo
August 6: Writing
August 7: 8:00 am
August 8: Glasses
August 9: Messy
August 10: Ring
August 11: Purple
August 12: Spoon
August 13: Simple
August 14: Arrow
August 15: Ready
August 16: Food
August 17: Faces
August 18: Inside
August 19: Hole
August 20: Today
August 21: Cool
August 22: Home
August 23: Pair
August 24: Path
August 25: Fresh
August 26: Dream
August 27: Tap
August 28: Clock
August 29: Down
August 30: Card
August 31: Hidden
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