
Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Year's Resolutions...

     Like most people, I make New Year's Resolutions every year and usually abandon them by January 2nd! Case in point: Last year I resolved to take a picture every day in hopes of capturing every day life, not counting on a blizzard to pummel my area with 2 feet of snow about 2 weeks later.  After about 8 straight days of taking pictures of nothing but snow drifts, I got bored and gave up.  After a week of snow piles, there's just nothing pretty about it anymore!  That was about the extent of my 2010 resolutions, so this year I decided (I guess you could say, resolved) to make better resolutions and actually follow through on them. 

1. I resolve to eat better and maybe lose a little weight.  (I'm pretty sure everyone makes this one so I figured I'd join the crowd.)
     So far I'm doing ok with this one.  (Aside from that amazing brunch I made this past weekend that I must confess to, just in case Jen and Lisa are reading)  I'm focusing on portion control.  I can't bring myself to do a "diet" per se or eat Healthy Choice meals every day (I tried one and couldn't even stmach the stuff!) but I'm not eating as much as I usually do.  I'm also attempting to eat more fruit as a snack instead of sweets.

2. This is an ammendment to last year's one and only resolution: I resolve to take more pictures. (See what I did there, no pressure to take one every day, just to take "More".  Very vague and much easier to follow through on)
    So far this one is going pretty well too.  I've gotten pictures of an amazing sunrise over UMBC and pictures of a yummy lunch at Chef P's. I would never think of doing this on a regular basis because I never have my camera with me.  But with the pressure to take more pictures comes the constant carrying of the camera.  So I have it when I need it to take a boring picture of my Bruschetta Roll or an amazing picture of a friend's Chuck-E-Cheese surprise. (Love ya Jen!)

3.  I resolve to read more.
     This one has been REALLY easy to follow.  I'm an avid reader anyway but I don't tend to read much in the winter since there's just too much good TV to watch.  So I decided that I was going to read a little every day.  So far I've followed it to the Tee.  I've finished 2 books since New Year's Day and I'm about half way done a 3rd.

4.  I resolve to figure out what to do with this blog by taking this.
     Red Velvet Art Blog is an absolutely amazing place to browse, shop or just ogle at all the pretty stuff.  I want to take this e-course to try to figure out what she's done right to make this amazing name for herself!  I haven't bought it yet but I hope to in the next few weeks.  (maybe after I take my 3 AACC courses that I'm so looking forward to!)

5.  Lastly, I want to find a guy.
     Obviously I haven't succeeded in doing this yet but I resolve to try  (again...) I never really had any luck with it before but I've been told by many of my friends that I am (apparently) trying it again this year.  I've decided that I'm too shy for it, but we'll see..If anyone is interested in writing me an amazing profile, I'd be all about it! (Wink, Wink, Carrie, Nudge, Nudge : )  I can see this becoming my scary thing for the week, very soon...

So all in all, I seem to be doing pretty well this year. Here's to 2011!