
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Auld Lang Syne

I can't believe it's almost 2014 already.  It seems just like a few days ago I was saying that about the year 2013, that ugly year I turned that terrible horrible no good very bad number. But I suppose it wasn't all bad.  England was amazing, work was good, family and friends were fabulous and I'm sure it will only get better in the coming year.  Alas, no prince charming yet but maybe that will be solved by the below resolutions.

1. Stop biting my fingernails.  It's fairly impossible and I've been trying for 30 years but it's gosh darn time!

2. Give a shot.  We'll see.  It's goes against everything I believe in but I'll give it a go.

3. Be more creative in photography, scrapbooking, writing and crafting.  I've found a few photography challenges and the whole scrapbook everyday life thing is sounding more and more exciting.  

4. Travel more.  This budget idea I found on line is really quite helpful and making 2 trips (one back to the UK since it doesn't look like I'm moving there any time soon) downright plausible.  Also, a few day trips here and there certainly wouldn't hurt.  If anything, they'd provide something to write about, something to photograph and something to scrapbook.  I could knock out 2 resolutions in one!

5. Last but not least: Be more open to new ideas and say yes more often!

Happy 2014!
Monday, December 30, 2013

Adobe Newbie

After months and months (ok, probably about a year or so) of waffling back and forth on whether or not I was a Photoshop girl, I still haven't decided yet I suppose.  I'm so indecisive!  I got lucky and received Photoshop Elements 12 for Christmas (Thanks buds!) so I suppose it was sort of decided for me. And I spent the day researching all sorts of digital scrapbooking goodies on Project Life, Pinterest, and Etsy. Needless to say, I couldn't wait to get home to install the program and get started.  

Well the program is installed and...and...and...I haven't a clue what the heck I'm doing! I took a few classes on a few months ago on Adobe and remember thinking it was intense then, but I assumed I'd remember some tips and tricks so I could at least upload a picture or 2.  Yeah, not so much... The worst part about this is that I have all these nifty free downloads and templates to start playing with and I can't even figure those out.  

Thankfully, has anticipated these little intricacies of Adobe, and has provided a link to which not only has classes for Photoshop Elements but also nifty Scrapbooking courses for Wacom tablets - of which I have also no idea how to use. Thank God for technology!
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas Craft Roundup

Thanks to Pinterest (and an unfortunately un-social social life), I spent a lot of time on Christmas crafting.

Oatmeal Raisin Granola found here

My own corny creation

Polaroid Coasters found here

I whisk you a merry Kissmas found here

Clay Pot Nativity found here

Tea Light Snowheads found here and Clothespin Snowmen found here

DIY Doggie Treats found here

Jewelry Hanger from my own little head

Gift Card Snowglobe found here

Snowmen Notecards found here

The Sweetest Place on Earth

Christmas in Hershey Park is an annual occurrence of lights, chocolate and fun taking place in Hershey Pennsylvania (aka the Sweetest Place on Earth because of the all the chocolate of course).  While the crowds were cramped, crazy and chaotic, the lights and Christmas decorations were creative, twinkling and sweet (and as you'll see from the pictures below, quite difficult to photograph at night).  But of course, all the chocolates around helped to brighten the mood!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Happy Birthday Bud!

I'd like to wish the happiest of birthdays to the best dad a girl could ever ask for.  
I'm not sure what I would ever do without you.
I love you dearly and I hope you had an absolutely fantastic day which is exactly what you deserve!
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Over in a Blink

I just can't believe that after months of preparations; crafting, baking, buying and wrapping, and it's all over in a blink of an eye.  I look forward to Christmas, contrary to all the stressing, each year.  I love finding the perfect gift or baking delicious cookies to share.  The whole season is just a bit more magical and "sparkly" than the rest of the year.  This year was no different.  The holiday was spent with laughter and love with family and friends, gifts a plenty (a crock pot, slippers, jewels and books - oh my!), LOADS of delicious food and drink and of course gifts and crafts for loved ones and friends.  

And now it's over and it's back to reality.  Of course, there's one saving grace in all this, at least we get to stretch it out just a bit longer until after the new year.  Thank goodness!  I know this time of the year is chock full of things to do and there's hardly time to breathe, but I'd really quite like to share this hopeful, magical, sparkly feeling at least a few more times throughout the year, just maybe without the psycho preparation stress I take part in each December : )
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas Eve!

Twas the night before Christmas,
And all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring,
Not even a mouse...
Monday, December 23, 2013


I received my first presents of the Christmas season this evening from the bestie and she as usual spoiled me. Below you will see about the coolest gift ever!  It might be hard to tell what it is in the picture, but was I little too excited to worry about fancy photography.  This ornament is a TARDIS complete with its own brainy bespectacled, spiky haired snowhead!  How perfect for a Doctor Who and Snowhead fan like me?! Thanks bestie!  I love it!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

So This Happened...

I suppose I should be happy that we finally found some way to pull out at least one touchdown in the final quarter, seeing as the Ravens were scoreless up to that point.  The game was so bad that even Justin Tucker (the Legatron that scored a 61 yard field goal last week) missed a simple 40 yarder.  I, of course was more worried about next week's game as it's in Cincinnati and we have to play the Bengals who are on fire this season, but I suppose I should no longer take an easy-ish home game for granted any more.  

I'm off to lick my wounds and read what I'm sure will be some fairly scathing reviews of the World Champions' performance today...

Christmas in Charm City

I had hoped to bring you pictures and tales of the First Annual Baltimore Christmas Market this evening.  But the truth is, aside from the 70 degree temperatures on the first day of winter(!!), it really wasn't that memorable.  I had originally heard about it online, and from the website gallery, it looked quite big.  But when we arrived, there were only a few small stalls.  To get into the larger tent area where the food was, you had to pay $5 per person, so we did, thinking there was much more excitement to be had inside.  Alas, we were wrong again.  

There were lots of German nutcrackers, collectibles and ornaments, and judging by the prices, I can only assume they were imported directly from Germany.  But I only saw 2 stands with actual food (waffles and bratwurst) and that was it. I think it took us longer to walk from our car to the area on Light Street where the festival is being held than we spent browsing.  Oh well, it was worth a shot!

So, since we had time, we grabbed a yummy dinner in Little Italy, followed by a hellish evening in Target (NEVER go to Target the Saturday before Christmas - it's a nightmare!), then ice cream at Cold Stone (no dark chocolate peppermint this year - unacceptable!) and then some Reduced Shakespeare Company (don't judge).  Not the Christmas-y evening I had in mind, but nice nonetheless!
Friday, December 20, 2013

Friday Five

1.  Seeing as lately, there's been quite a few stiff penalties on NFL players for late hits, it was quite the surprise that Steeler Terrence Garvin didn't get a single fine for such a violent hit on the Bengals punter. Kevin Huber received a broken jaw and cracked vertebrae as a result of the hit yet his attacker received not even a penalty on the field.  But, rest assured, Huber's biggest fan has his back.  It's a terrible thing to even joke about, but this letter from a 7 year old Bengals fan is about the cutest thing I've read all year!

2. Only in England could something like this occur.  It's random, ridiculous, completely absurd and most importantly funny!  I'm not sure we have any radio show similar here in the states, but even if we did, something tells me, they'd never hold a Christmas Panto not to mention one that contains Zombie Claus...Quite honestly, the jokes are a bit British in that, I'm not sure even I get them all but they all seem to be having so much fun, it's hard not to laugh anyway!


3. I have to say, while I'm all for freedom of speech, I have to applaud A&E for suspending the lead dude (not even sure of the guy's name since Duck Dynasty really isn't set up as weekly viewing - Proud to say, I've never even seen it!) for homophobic comments he made to the press.  I do believe in free speech and I believe we should be able to say what we believe.  But I also believe if you're the face of a television show, that millions of people watch (for some reason that's unclear to me), you should be held to a higher standard.  A&E has certain legal and moral obligations, and if you're going to soak up the attention and limelight that they're providing, you should follow their rules and ideals.  I hate the excuses I'm seeing online: "they're from the South and should be able to speak their minds", or "they're old school, they speak off the cuff always."  That's not only disrespectful to the duck dynasty people, but it downplays everything they've said.  They're basically saying the dynasty people aren't responsible for any of their actions.  What he said was disrespectful and mean, and he should be held accountable for that.  

4. I love Etsy!!!  95% of my Christmas shopping was completed on the uber-site this year.  I can spend hours on the site and never tire of the crafty creative ideas.  Also, it's so much more meaningful knowing you're supporting a small business rather than a large conglomeration.  Your dollars actually mean something to the artisans that are selling their wares.  Not to mention, I've never had a fight with an Etsy seller which is more than I can say about a certain everything you've ever wanted online supplier...

5. My motto for 2014 : )

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Jolly Old Elves

Last night we talked about the grinches of the year, tonight are the jolly people that made 2013 such a nice place to live.  Though, it's quite hard to remember who exactly was jolly this year.  I suppose grumpy misadventures stand out more than kindness and love today, which is really quite sad.  But the wonderful thing is, even though they often don't get all the spotlight, those jolly elves do exist!

1. Justin Tucker and Torrey Smith: I have to say, I'm not sure there's a grinch in all of the Ravens organization.  They're all pretty down to earth, happy go lucky guys from what I can tell.  However, these 2 just signify what a sports figure should be.  They are always smiling and joking with fans and teammates alike.  More importantly, they get involved in the community and with kids who adore them for it.  I'm hoping Justin and his right foot, and Torrey and his million dollar hands stick around here in Baltimore for a very long time.

2. The cast of the Good Wife: The Good Wife does a majority of their filming in New York.  In the wake of Super Storm Sandy, they decided to help the community start to rebuild.  This year to celebrate their 100th episode, instead of throwing a huge party, they decided to get back out there with Habitat for Humanity, and rehab a few more houses.  What an awesome group of people!

3. Pope Francis: I have to say, I'm still a bit on the fence about him.  He seems to be doing some good things for the disadvantaged but he says things here and there that bring us back into the dark ages.  However, he really does seem to be doing a great deal of good.  He's already shunned an extravagant papal apartment, visited with the hoards of well-wishers in the Vatican, and more importantly, spoke out on human rights and the rights of the poor.  While I may not agree with everything he has to say all the time, he seems to be doing a world of good in shaking up the Catholic church, which is what we've needed for quite some time!

4.  The British Gentleman Society: This is my umbrella term for all those kind English blokes that are so popular right now (Tom Hiddleston, Benedict Cumberbatch, David Tennant, Mark Gatiss, Matt Smith, Martin Freeman, etc.)  They're in such high demand that I wouldn't blame them if they were snobby, and grumpy and mean to all their underlings and fans that want constant attention.  But that's  not the case at all.  You never hear a bad word spoken about them and they are never less than the perfect gentleman with people who adore them, the press, on set, etc. (Just take a look at Pinterest for evidence!) Stars such as Kanye, or Bieber could learn a bit from them regarding how to avoid looking like smug self-entitled rich boys in the public eye.

I know I've missed loads, but as I said earlier, it's always harder to remember the ones that stay happy and calm in the face of crisis, rather than the ones that fly off the handle!  
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Grinchy Guys & Gals

I read an article today about the top 50 grinchy and jolly sports personalities.  I'd say I only really knew about 20% of the names listed and of those 20% I pretty much agreed with most (except Rex Ryan being jolly - I just don't see it!)  Anyway, I thought it might be fun to expand their list a bit outside of the sports world seeing as though, I know nothing about sports other than the local teams.  Tonight I'll do the grinches since they seem to be much more memorable and tomorrow are the nice girls and guys, saving the best for last.

1.  Mike Tomlin: I know I'm supposed to be branching out of the sports world but I'm shocked he didn't make the original list.  I might just have a grudge against the guy because he's the Steelers head coach or it may have something to do with the fact he cheated and almost tripped one of the Ravens.  Either way, he always looks grumpy and just an all around not nice person.

2. Edward Snowden: The guy is portraying himself as a patriot for free speech however, he's going about it in completely the wrong way.  He never attempted to share information through the proper channels.  He went directly to the press and shared possibly harmful information with no thought towards the consequences.  I'm all for free speech and I'm behind the Guardian reporters, but Snowden knew who he was working for and took an oath. He could have harmed so many more people than he helped.

3. Vladamir Putin: What the Russian government is doing to persecute the LGBT community is shameful and he's the figure head of this movement. There are numerous other offenses as well, most of which I'm sure we'll never know about. 

4. Miley Cyrus & Justin Bieber:  Neither are particularly grumpy however, they're both entirely too cocky and self-involved for their own good.  I'm sure it's never occurred to them that the earth doesn't revolve around every small and embarassing thing they do at any particular moment of the day. And we'd actually rather not see instagrammed evidence of their exploits.

5. US Congress: If shutting down the entire US Government because of a disagreement with another party doesn't constitute the peak of grinchiness, I'm not sure what does.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Christmas Craftiness: Part II

I know I've been inundating you with the crafting posts these last few days but quite honestly, after I finish all the crafting I've somehow suckered myself in to (on top of staying up crazy late to watch Legatron aka Justin Tucker and the Ravens beat the Lions last night - Woohoo!), it's the only thing I have any energy at all to write about.  Today's projects are for my co-workers.  The first is admittedly a Pinterest find, all the way down to the cutesy attached note.  I made these last year in another office and they went over splendidly so I cheated and made them again, for a different group.  The second is for another co-worker who can't have all the sugar in candy so I whipped up some Oatmeal Raisin Granola.  As corny as that note is, I came up with it all by myself and I'm pretty darn proud of it, thank you very much : )

Monday, December 16, 2013

Christmas Craftiness

So each year, I spend weeks trying to decide what craft projects will be made as gifts and what will have to wait until the next holiday.  Pinterest is and always will be a perfect accompaniment for this craziness. However, Pinterest lies, I've learned.  I know there are blogs and tumblrs devoted to this fact but I usually have absolute faith in the pictures I'm seeing.  Yeah, not so much.  Below are the remnants of the easy peasy salt dough ornaments I read about here.  After seeing the messy, dried out snowheads, I baked for 4 long hours, I've decided that they had to paint theirs.  But that's not in the directions.  Needless to say, they hit the trash can quite quickly.

On the other hand, my Christmas cards which were not Pinterest finds, turned out quite cute even if I do say so myself. Gotta love that Cricut!  I really should be using that more often.  It made the whole process quite a bit simpler.
There are other Pinterest crafts in the works as well.  But they'll be shared after the holiday - Can't blab to the receivers of said gifts just yet : )
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Baking Bomb

As you can see from the below, the baking bomb has gone off here.  A very long day full of lots and lots of yummy cookies!  Always a great way to spend a Sunday.

Ginger Molasses 
Pecan Balls (ick!) 
Chocolate Chip with Pecans (ick!) 
Peanut Butter 
Pop-Pop's Sugar Cookies
My favorite cookie of the day, I called her Elizabeth I (she beheaded another cookie - heehee! : )

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Richard II

When I was in Stratford, I had the pleasure of seeing Richard II performed live with David Tennant in the starring role.  Because it was such a big show and sold out so quickly, the Royal Shakespeare Company chose to film it live for broadcast worldwide to give it an even larger audience for the very first time.  So even though I flew thousands of miles to see it, I chose to drive to Fairfax VA to see it again.  It was just as amazing and wonderful on the big screen as it was live in the theatre.

The British theatres seem to be doing this live for broadcast thing a great deal and I just can't say too many good things about it.  Not only does it give the opportunity to see live theatre to people who wouldn't ordinarily have the chance, but it also introduces those people to shows, ideas, and people they may have known nothing about previously.  It was clear in today's showing, that the big draw was David Tennant (and quite honestly that's why I was there) but the production was stunning and it seemed the audience thought so as well.  

I only hope that the RSC decides to follow suit of National Theatre (Manchester) and will begin broadcasting most of their productions world wide.  With the big Shakespeare anniversary coming up and RSC Creative Director Greg Doran planning all 36 of  Shakespeare's works over the next 6 years, I have a feeling these live productions will be the perfect draw for Shakespeare fans,  as well as the perfect drain on my wallet.  Now if we could just get the Broadway shows to do the same thing, I'd be in heaven!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Friday Five

1. The Hobbit - The Desolation of Smaug: So fantastic!  I've read a few reviews that say this one is better than the last.  I don't agree with them.  I thought the first movie was perfect. This one moved a bit too quickly for me and the hobbit didn't seem to have much to do.  But it was still wonderful!  And finally seeing Smaug in all his dragony glory was definitely cool.

2. Christmas Craft projects that turn out exactly how you had hoped they would.  I will admit a few Pinterest fails this holiday season, but for the most part they're turning out perfectly and I just can't wait to give them as gifts!

3. Holiday Traditions such as attending the new Peter Jackson movie on the day it opens with my dad, just as we have with all 3 Lord of the Rings movies and the first Hobbit.  I love sharing it with him!

4. To continue on with the Lord of the Rings theme, I fell in love with this segment on Sesame Street this week.  It's got the story a little jumbled, however, Cookie Monster and Gandalf Puppet are about the cutest things ever!   


5. In all the news stories about sports players behaving badly, the ones that actually are stand up citizens tend to get lost in the shuffle.  It's awesome to see this player getting the good recognition he deserves.  How sweet is he!?
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Makes Me Smile


I read an article today that outlined a game the Ravens played against the Detroit Lions 8 years ago.  In that game, there was a franchise record 21 penalties by our guys as well as 2 ejections.  One of the ejections was Terrell Suggs for "bumping a ref with 'malice' in his heart." He is not only still playing for the Ravens but he will be starting against the Lions this weekend when we finally get a chance for a rematch.  While this article made the Ravens out to be nothing more than thugs and troublemakers, it's hard to think of them like that, when you see the video above.  I can't help grinning from ear to ear each time I hear these guys belt out their own particular verse.  Too cute!  Gotta love those boys in purple!
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The List List

There are lots and lots of things to be happy about this time of year.  There's Christmas and everything wonderful that goes along with it and the promise of a brand new year coming around the bend.  I'm a big fan of Christmas in general, but there's another reason why I love this time of year and I have no idea why.  At the end of of each year, every website, magazine, store or television program creates lists.  These lists include the best of the year, worst of the year, most crazy of the year, and dozens of others "XYZ's" of the year. 

And for some reason, every single year, I find myself hoarding them, pouring over them and judging the choices in them.  They're fascinating!  They're often completely off base in their choices, in my opinion.  But that doesn't stop me.  It's fun to see what I'm missing out on or feel superior towards since I've read it/watched it/seen it.  

Some of my favorites include the "Best Books of the Year" found on Amazon (even though I'm in a bit of a lovers quarrel with them currently) which always adds books to my infinitely long reading list, and EW's Best of the Year.  Sadly this year, I disagreed with everything on that list.  I think it's because I have the Entertainment habits of an 80 year old and tend towards NCIS rather than Sons of Anarchy or Monsters Inc rather than Catching Fire, but I could be wrong.  

In any event, you just gotta love a good list.  Put them all together and you get a pretty good idea of what exactly the whole crazy year looked like.  
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Snow Day Christmas Crafting

As you can tell, it was quite the severe winter storm. Yet still the entire state of Maryland shut itself down and holed itself up inside.  That is of course, everyone except my company so I was forced to sit in a quiet office all day desperately trying to figure out what to do and dreaming of everything I had to do at home.  Luckily, all the dreaming did wonders for my productivity and I've been crafting since I walked in the door.  

Half of the crafting was for a Christmas present so I can't share until after Christmas but the other half are work Christmas cards which were a Pinterest find.  Couldn't resist a super cute snowman!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Crazy Game

If you saw any weather reports over the weekend, you should know that the East Coast got hit with the first winter weather of the year.  That means we here in MD, got some serious (contrary to my initial thoughts) snow - about 4-5 inches coming down all day yesterday. We're pretty used to the snow around here but somehow the Ravens had never played a home game in the snow.  I'm not sure if that's why their game against Minnesota was so special and so awesome or not but it certainly helped!

From the start it was going to be a doozy with snow plows cris-crossing the fields every few minutes to allow the officials and players to see the yardage lines and snow covering just about everything else in the stadium.  But no one predicted those last few minutes.  Ravens fans and players went from "Hooray!" to "Boo!" to "Hooray!" to "Boo!" to ultimately (thankfully) "Hooray!!!!!" in the last few seconds.  It was truly unbelievable to watch especially from a team who hasn't really done much this season since they won the Super Bowl.  

You can tell the players and team staff were just as excited about the turn of events as the fans were.  I have to say, it was one of the best games that I've ever watched, though I'm so glad I was watching it from the warmth of the living room instead of being frozen to the bone covered in snow at the stadium.  Word to the wise Ravens: As cool as it was, let's not do that again, I'm not sure our hearts can handle another 3 minutes like that! 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Winter Wonderland

Snow, lots and lots of Snow.  All on top of a crazy home Ravens game - I'm thinking the snow affected them a bit more than it affected me.  But we won and that's all that counts (I may have had a coronary in the last few moments but it's all good).  All this to say, I suppose I was way off on our winter weather prospects. Now if it could continue just a bit more over night to give me a day off tomorrow, I'd really appreciate it : )
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Happy Chilly Saturday!

Apparently, according to the weather peeps, starting at 8:00 am tomorrow we'll be in the very first Winter Weather Advisory of the year for a full 24 hours.  Now in most places that means a significant amount of snow falling but here, I'm guessing that'll mean about 3 flakes.  We only tend to get A LOT of snow when they don't call for any.  Now, while I find it slightly annoying that the snow is called for on the weekend (that's just rude!  if you're going to get snow, at least make it during the week so we can get a day off out of it.), I think I may be ready for it.  There's baking and crafting and wrapping to be done.  What better way to make me do it, than not being able to leave the house?

Stay warm and cozy! 

Friday Five

1. Christmas shopping with the bestie and actually getting things accomplished.  Yes I had coupons, and lists and objectives coming out the wazoo, but I managed to use all the coupons, check off 95% of the lists, and meet most of the objectives.  Aside from the rain, and the people and the cold and the lines, it was a great evening. 

2. Contrary to my stress levels at this particular moment, I'm actually in love with all the crazy craft projects I have planned as gifts.  I'm hoping they turn out as cute as they did on Pinterest and all the recipients love them as much as I do.

3. Coworkers who have ganged up on me and decided that it's time for me to join  While I'm terrified of what they might do left to their own devices, I'm actually liking the idea of not doing it all alone.  Socially inept me could use all the help I can get.

4. Having the Christmas tree up and finished.  I love, love, love sitting by the light of a Christmas tree in December.  There's something so calming and so wintery about it.  And, even if I do say so myself, the tree looks quite dashing this year : )

5. Christmas books: It kinda goes without saying, but I'm a bit of a reader and there's nothing better than getting a new stack of Christmas books to read in the month of December.  I've already knocked out "Christmas Bliss" by Mary Kay Andrews and started "Christmas at the Cupcake Cafe" by Jenny Colgan this week.  Next up is "Immoveable Feast - Christmas in Paris" hopefully followed  by the other 2 I have on my Christmas list.  Nothing puts me in the spirit more than curling up next to the tree light with a big cup of hot chocolate and a great book - that is of course if I ever have any time between the decorating, shopping, wrapping, baking and crafting...
Thursday, December 5, 2013

A Legendary Life

When Nelson Mandela was initially released from prison in 1990, I was 7 years old.  Though current events and world news wasn't really my thing at the time, I remember quite clearly seeing this man who had spent so many years in confinement, rise to power in the anti-apartheid movement even though I had no idea why he was jailed or even what apartheid was at the time.  (Quite honestly, I just learned this evening it was 1993 - I thought for sure I was much older, since I remember it so clearly) I also remember thinking how determined, resilient, and dedicated he must have been to gain the support and the hearts of a nation as someone who was effectively at the time, an ex-convict (to put it much too simply.)

Since that time, every word spoken about this great man has been given the appropriate reverence and respect that he deserved and earned over the course of an astonishing lifetime.  He made the world see that good work can be done peacefully, by continuing on the mission of another great man; Martin Luther King Jr.  I can't begin to explain the politics and issues of his country and its people, as I'm no expert on the matter at all.  However, I'm sure that the country of South Africa and the people that are still working for change today, owe a great debt to Nelson Mandela and would not be there today if it weren't for the work he did as an activist and president.  Just as I'm sure they're mourning the loss of such a great peaceful, proactive and loving leader this evening.  

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Light the Lights


No judging on the overabundance of super-cool snowheads - they're adorable.  Especially the creepy guy up front!  He's my favorite : )
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Invasion of the Snowheads

As much as I complain about all the craziness that goes along with Christmas, it truly is the most wonderful time of the year.  I love all the little things that go along with it like cookies, and baking, crafting, shopping, wrapping, tree decorating, and of course, Snowheads.  The snowheads began their invasion this evening, but haven't completely taken over just yet. But we're getting there : )

 Mini-Me Tree this year before ornamenting (that's for tomorrow night)
Most of my friends hate this guy (They say he's possessed, I say he's adorable!) 

 Baby Snowhead tree for the bedroom

Yep, you could say I'm a little obsessed : )