
Tuesday, March 31, 2015


A few weeks ago I attended a hacker trivia night at a bar with some friends.  It was super cool, and I was super useless.  Short of Facebook, Twitter and creating a good password, I know nothing of cyber.  However, tonight I attended a plain old everyday trivia, at a bar.  It was also super cool and this time around I was actually super useful.  Woohoo!

Things I learned:

~ Apparently, teaching Pre-K had its perks, like for instance being only 1 of 2 people on the team that actually knew Eric Carle was famous for writing The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

~ Google is quite useful even when you're not using it to look up answers.  One question asked about a monument that turned 126 years old today.  Thanks to Google's Doodle on the Eiffel Tower, my team got that one correct.

~ I know next to nothing about any sports team that isn't the Orioles or the Ravens.  Also, basketball is a lost cause - however, I was able to choose the Suns randomly but no one listened to me.  Apparently, they should have.

~ Instead of knowing useful things like how to read a map or how to do algebra, I instead fill my brain with useless trivia on things such as a Tesla or the Queen's favorite dog breed.

~ Also, when it comes to things I actually like, such as artwork, movies or travel, I'm unable to even hazard a guess.

~ Lastly, while we may have lost this week, I learned if I'd been there last week, we would have won. No one that was, knew what the inscription on Shakespeare's grave said (Curst be he that move my bones.) Dude!

Trivia is so much more fun when you actually know things!
Monday, March 30, 2015


The problem with cheap cable is that you're at the whim of every change in weather.  

Back tomorrow when I have more than an iPhone to tap this out on.  Fingers crossed...
Sunday, March 29, 2015

Scrappy Sunday

I'm not sure what synapses in my little brain fire to turn on the creativity, but which ever ones did this morning, I'm pretty happy with them.  I spent a good 3 hours today crafting away.  It turns out that when you stop stressing out about things being perfect, that's when you can really let the creative juices flow.  Now if I could just remember this everyday, my life would be a whole lot less stressful.  For now, it looks like I got my mojo back : )

Saturday, March 28, 2015


By now we've all heard of Indiana attempting to pass the Religious Freedom Act.  Those that support the act claim that it gives people freedom to practice their own religions without fear of discrimination.  While I'm all for giving people the freedom to be who they are, I'm not for the repercussions of this act - allowing those same people who are freely practicing their religions to turn away gay, transgendered and same-sex couples for freely living their lives. The Indiana lawmakers and residents that support this act make the claim that it's not discrimination. They believe that the gay community should be allowed to live their lives the way they choose but supporters don't believe that the "gay lifestyle" should be allowed to affect their everyday lives. To those people I'd really like you to answer two very important questions.

1. How is the gay community living their lives interfering with the way you live yours? 
2. And, how is turning someone who's gay or transgendered away from your establishment purely on the basis of their sexual orientation, not considered discrimination?

At the very least, it's good to see multiple large companies condemning Indiana's actions by welcoming all races, nationalities and sexual orientations.  But by trying to do good, companies like Angie's List; who is halting a multi-million dollar expansion to the state based on their disbelief in this act, may still hurt the people they're trying to protect in the long-run.  If major companies don't want to do business in the State of Indiana solely because of the passage of this discriminatory act, then millions are going to be out of work, due to the stupidity and closed-mindedness of a few politicians and their supporters.

Shame on you, Indiana!

Friday Five

1. This makes me smile.  I have no idea where I was back in December when this happened, but I'm so happy I got to see it now.  These guys and girls have got some moves - obviously they don't have 2 left feet like I do.  And BTW, I LOVE this song!

2. Here's to another fruitful year at the Used Book Sale - I suppose I'll now be needing another fruitful trip to Ikea for another bookshelf...

3.  I've said it before and I'll say it again, Dog Shaming will never not be fall on the floor hilarious!

4. While I love all things British, even I'm still a bit astounded by the pomp and circumstance King Richard III received 500 years after his death.  There are some state funerals that aren't this large or contain this many moving parts. For a King that was thought to be violent and devious, he certainly received a hero's goodbye.  But like the article said, you have to love the pure Enlglishness of it all.

5. After a long crazy week, getting a chance to meet the bestie for dinner than gab until midnight is the perfect start to the weekend!

Thursday, March 26, 2015


A few weeks ago Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk started a kick starter for a show about the convention circuit.  The show would be called Con Man and it would revolve around the mishaps of 2 actors that were on a prematurely cancelled but much loved sci-fi show about 10 years ago.  One character would move on to fame and fortune while the other would play the "best friend" role for the last 10 years of his career.  Does this sound familiar to anyone? It's pretty much the script of their real lives after Firefly was cancelled.  It promises to be awesome!

What was pretty unbelievable was that they set a fairly lofty goal - around $430K.  In about 24 hours, their goal was completely funded by every single person in the Sci-fi fandom (not really, but close).  And in 16 days, they managed to raise over $2.3 million.  That's ridiculous!  It looks pretty amazing, and honestly, I'm still mourning the loss of Firefly, so I'll take what I can get.  I was pretty excited about it.

That is until today.  

I've decided that while their plan is fantastic, this indie gogo is even more fantastic and much more deserving. (I'd embed it if I could, but I can't.  Definitely click on the link and watch the video - it's so worth it!)  First off, it's being created by Rob Benedict and Richard Speight, 2 fairly unknown actors unless you're a Supernatural fan.  And in that case, they're God and the Angel Gabriel - so you could say that they're kind of a big deal.  And their idea, while pretty much exactly the same (they even address this in their video) seems more real, and more believable rather than just being fan service. These guys attend every last convention they possibly can and they interact with the fans on a monthly basis.  They know this community inside and out.  If anyone's going to do it justice, they are.  

While I love Nathan Fillion, and I support any project that gets him more screen time, it's a little harder for me to support his project.  Honestly, the $435K could have been pocket change for him.  Rob & Rich have a much smaller goal and actually could put the funded money to good use.  

What warms my little geeky heart though, is the support they're getting. I mean in 12 hours, they're 50% to their goal, which is so deserved!  But every single one of the producers, fellow actors and anyone who's ever been on Supernatural has shown their support on Social Media for the project.  I'm also willing to bet, they've actually given money to the project as well.  Really?!  How often do you see a group of people care so much about each other, and seem to really mean it.  I'm so happy for them!

Go Rob & Rich!  I can't wait to see the series!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Lost & Found

Ok.  I will admit to having a bit of a weird crafter's breakdown yesterday.  It was a long boring day and I think my little neurons were a bit frazzled.  Boredom will do that to you. But today, that little breakdown may have been for naught.  I just may have gotten all those crafty neurons back - just in another format.  

And it's all because some people suck at Powerpoint...

First let me say that I'm in awe of graphic designers.  I think what they do is awesome, and I wish I could work InDesign or PhotoShop like they do.  However, sometimes, they go a bit overboard. (Mostly because the people giving them the information think they know best) I usually like to abide by the less is more rule.  Maybe others don't really abide by that. Maybe that's just my style - good to know I have a style though.  Anyway, thanks to some More is More design, I'm forced to work on a GIANT file filled with disjointed madness.  But I'm actually happy about this.  I get to show my ideas and show what I can do and it's so much more fun than sitting listening to someone blather on about cybersecurity for 4 hours.  

And thanks to Pinterest, I'll have lots of those ideas.  Here's the thing though.  I'm a little worried that they're going to go for the More is More (not that it's better - the parts of the whole are way better than mine, but the whole - not so much), but those graphic designers have just spent a month creating those slides, and I'm assuming they make way more than me...

But at least now it's a challenge : )
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Craft and Burn

I have a friend that pushes himself to be creative at least an hour a week.  He does all sorts of crafty, and writer-y things in one hour on Sunday. It's pretty impressive because I just tried to do an hour and I fizzled after 20 minutes.  What the heck?!  This winter, I was full of crafty ideas and had plans for lots of projects.  I was on a roll and crafting up a storm.  I still have some of those plans in my head, but I can't make myself do them.

I had one idea for this evening, after it appeared to crash and burn, I gave up.  I can't seem to like whatever I'm making or writing for that matter.  That leaves baking and cooking. Thank goodness for that.  At least I'm having some good luck with those projects.  Love Pinterest recipes!  

Of course, thanks to Pinterest, I have all sorts of craftiness too calling my name, but I just hate the way it's all turning out.  Why am I so picky? I can't even show them to other people. Chances are they'd like what they see, but I hate it, so they stay in the bin of junk crafts. Ugh! It's a vicious cycle - oh the life of a creative person : ) I see scrapbookers and bloggers create beautifully crafted projects each and everyday. They share ideas, and photos.  Every day they're creative and fantastic! 

Today?  I spent most of my time attending a cyber policy seminar.  How in the world did I wind up here?
Monday, March 23, 2015

Books to Fuel Wanderlust

With prime vacation season almost upon us, I start thinking about all of the wonderful places I could go or have been.  Because of this, I start reading all sorts of travel books - not those books that tell you the best restaurants in all the world, but the books that tell you how amazing travels were or how this country or that made them feel.  You know, the best kind. They are fabulous because they enhance the wanderlust or the itchy feet I already have and they make me want to get out in the world and see as much of it as I possibly can.

1. "In a Sunburned Country" by Bill Bryson:  Australia has always seemed like this dream destination just out of reach - it might have something to do with the fact it takes 17 hours to get there by plane.  But hearing Bryson confirm everything I've ever thought of the land down under, pushes me to risk the jet lag and see as much as the giant country as I can.

2. "Lunch in Paris" by Elizabeth Bard: Between the descriptions of her Paris to the recipes she shares, this is by far my most favorite book about the city of light (and I read a LOT of books about Paris.)

3. "Mediterranean Summer" by David Shellack: If you yearn for the open ocean and you happen to love to eat, this is the book for you.  I'm fairly certain I'd go stir crazy spending an entire summer in the galley of a mega sail boat, but I have to say, this author makes it sound downright appealing.  Between the sea breezes, all the best markets and all the best ports in the Mediterranean, I could almost smell the salty waves and taste the 5 course meals he was preparing.

4. "Holy Cow" by Sarah McDonald: I have this strange fascination with India.  On one hand, I'm not sure I'd do well there between the sand & dirt, the possibility of intestinal issues and just having to navigate the madness.  But on the other, there are parts of India that are breathtakingly beautiful, and getting a chance to learn more about their religions would be a chance I couldn't pass up.  Mostly, after reading this fabulous book, I came to the conclusion I usually do after reading about a place, I'd never turn down the opportunity if it was handed to me.

5. "The Spice Necklace" by Ann Vanderhoof: I knew nothing of the Spice Necklace Islands. After this beautiful book, they're most definitely on the bucket list.  Of course, I'll need to perfect my cooking first, so I can actually do something fantastic with all those exotic spices I could finally wrap my hands around.
Sunday, March 22, 2015

Seasonably Happy

I've been pretty condescending to the whole idea of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).  Even the acronym is stupid.  SAD, if you're unaware is a disorder that makes you unhappy in the dark dreary months of winter.  Duh!  I think we all feel that way, especially if you live in a state covered in cold white snow for the majority of the winter months. 

However, while I'm still not ready to accept it's a real thing, I am willing to accept that the whole spring fever thing might be real.  Even though it snowed on Friday (the official first day of spring) and even though it was darn freezing, I'm in full-on spring mode.  I'm organizing, and cleaning, and planning.  I have vacations in the works and craft projects brewing.  I'm super happy when I wake up to the sunshine and I'm ready to see it a bit more often.

I most definitely do not have SAD, mostly because I swear there's no way it's real, but I do attest to suffering from Spring Fever and I'm pretty sure the only cure, is summer : )
Saturday, March 21, 2015

Welcome Home!

Back to our regularly scheduled programming tomorrow... : )
Friday, March 20, 2015

Friday Five

1. Seriously though, how cute are these books?  I love me some food books and these can designs for three edible sounding books are too gorgeous for words.  I adore the design, the typography and pretty much everything about them.  Though, I have to admit, books in cans may make the whole book-shelf thing just a bit crowded.

2. This.  This makes me very happy.  How do so many musically talented people make up one cast?


3. I will be visiting San Antonio for work next month and I've been reading a lot -  mostly on Pinterest, let's be honest - about the city and what there is to see and do.  And I'm certain, I'll have a good time there.  But the thing I'm most excited about and the one thing I've been dreaming about are the puffy tacos.  It really doesn't take much to make me happy, as you can tell.  I've already started plotting the trip based on what restaurants serve the best puffy tacos.  It's a long list and I'll only be there over the weekend - I foresee being very stuffed : )

4. Google Cardboard: I know this sounds like a ridiculous thing I saw on the Onion, but it's a real invention by someone (I'm not even positive it's actually by Google) and it's awesome! It's a VR system so you can experience virtual reality with your phone and some cool apps. It's literally made out of cardboard, a metal ring and some lenses.  And it totally works!  I got to try it out this week and it's the coolest thing ever.  I was ready to drop the $20 right there until I learned it was for Android devices.  This was the first and only time I've ever coveted an Android phone.    The worst part about it is that you can sort of rig it up to work with an iPhone and there are apps available that will work with it on iTunes, but it has to be a new iPhone not the rinky-dink 4s I have.  So sad!

5. I feel that this post is getting geekier and geekier, but I don't care.  Nathan Fillion + Alan Tudyk + Kickstarter for a webseries = Awesome!  I cannot wait to see what these 2 goofballs come up with!  Seriously - how could it fail?!

Thursday, March 19, 2015


In the last year, a podcast has re-opened a murder case from years ago and may help to get a possibly innocent man out of jail and an HBO documentary may put a guilty man behind bars for a long ago murder.  I have to say, that's a sentence, I never really thought I'd type. We have lots and lots of law enforcement agencies in the US.  Why is it taking journalists to solve murders?

But what I'm most curious about, is how in the world does this work?  So the creators of Serial and The Jinx did their homework.  They researched and interviewed.  They put together clues and really developed their cases.  Once the case was finally complete, they had to know what they had.  They had to see that Adnan Sayed may have been innocent, and that Robert Durst may have been guilty.   

How could they have sat on that information in favor of entertainment?  Syed has been sitting in prison for years for a murder he may not have commited.  Durst has been living free with his millions of dollars while he may have been a murderer - multiple times over.  I get needing to tell the story, but maybe actually helping people would be the more honorable virtue.  
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Bucket List Confusion

There's a new trend that's been sweeping Pinterest for the last few months.  Apparently, pinners are taking actions or activities they'd like added to their bucket list and making sentimental little posters of them, then pinning them for all their Pinterest friends to see. At first it seemed like a good idea to me.  Having goals is always positive.  But then I started to read them.  It's sort of easy to see who may be doing the majority of the pinning of these "very important" life goals.

Some are completely attainable, in that, they could literally complete the action at that very moment.  For instance, send a message in a bottle or take a photo a day for a year.  I understand wanting to introduce creativity to your life, but why make it a huge goal when you most likely have paper, pen and bottle at your fingertips and you most likely own a smart phone with a fantastic camera that's glued to your hip?  Hello!  You can start your bucket list right this very moment.  It literally took you longer to create the poster and pin it to Pinterest than it would have taken you to write the letter in a bottle.

Some go in the opposite direction.  Basically they're impossible for some reason or another, like being against the laws of physics ("Be in 2 places at once.") or not being a real place ("Visit Tomorrowland.") Bloggers note: I'm assuming they mean the super natural setting of the new George Clooney movie but I could be mistaken.

Then they're are others that are so ridiculous that you wonder about the person that would include these items as a life goal:
Jump in a swimming pool of jello.
Put a piece of gum on the gum wall in Seattle.
Do paint balloon darting. (I have NO idea what this even means!)
Go through a drive-thru on a horse (What?)

Of course, you also have ones that are just a bit sad.  Those are the people I worry about.  I worry that one of their biggest goals in life is really having a walk-on closet, or building a gingerbread house.  I'm just not thinking they're thinking big enough.  Or the girls (it just has to be teen girls) can't really think in 50 years they'll care about having a wardrobe they actually like (why'd you buy the clothes in the first place if you didn't like them?) or making a rainbow rose.

But then again, all this focus on big ideas and big trips, is sometimes good for the ego. Sometimes, you hear about these amazing trips that people have taken and you start to wonder if you'll ever get to go to these places and have awesome adventures.  But then, you start seeing fabulous places pop up on Bucket Lists - fabulous places you've actually been (Shop in NYC.  See a Broadway Show. Visit Abbey Road. See the monuments in DC), and you start to realize how lucky you really are.

Of course there's always room for a few extra awesome goals to strive for in the future:

~See Australia, Germany, Austria, Italy, and New Zealand.

~Have my happily ever after complete with the perfect shabby chic wedding to Prince Charming and 2. 5 kids (with the picket fence and the puppy too - not really tied to the picket fence, most flats in Notting Hill don't have picket fences...)

~Dinner at the French Laundry, Franklin BBQ, and Momofuku.

~Master French and re-master Spanish, and learn Sign Language.

~Create the perfect job that mixes helping people, papercrafting, travel and entertainment. Quit my old boring job and do that instead : )

~Completely step out of my comfort zone and do GISHWHES

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Even though the Irish are notorious for loving a good party, I somehow don't see them dying any rivers green, drinking Irish carbombs or getting completely plastered while dressed as a leprechaun.  Which is why it's so confusing that people tend to do that here in the States every year about this time... 

But strange made-up traditions aside, it's fun to wear green and get in the spirit.  Afterall, everyone's a little Irish on St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Monday, March 16, 2015


Thanks to the fabulous Instagram account of Budget Traveler, I learned a new beautiful word today: Psithurism.  Apparently, its definition is "the sound of the wind through the trees."  How gorgeous is that?!  Who knew there was a word for the rustling of the leaves after a wind?  Not only is the sound beautiful, but the word is too.  It sort of flows off the tongue.  I know it sounds ridiculous but just say the word out loud, it's sort of addictive.

This new one, is even better than my last new nature-ific word: Petrichor, which is the smell of dust after the rain. Gorgeous! (Thank you Doctor Who!)

The English language may have some ridiculous rules and regulations, but you can't fault it for all its amazing words!
Sunday, March 15, 2015

Things you Learn

~ No matter how awesome JamBerry Nails appear to be, they are a major pain in the butt.  My nails may look cute but they took over an hour to look that way.  I could have painted them myself quicker.

~ Never, ever, go to Costco on a Sunday afternoon.  If you choose to enter that madness, you may be in there until the end of time.  30 minutes to buy plastic cups - 25 of those minutes were spent checking out.

~ Jeffrey Dean Morgan is just as dreamy now - might even be dreamier- as when he was playing Denny on Grey's Anatomy.  Of course, that was the same time he was playing John Winchester on Supernatural but seriously.  Denny was way dreamier than Papa Winchester. 

~ I missed all sorts of amazingness at VegasCon this weekend.  I've never ever wanted to visit Vegas before this weekend. 

~ Ham and Tomato is still a winning combination.  When you add Mac & Cheese into the mix, you have quite a yummy dinner. 
Saturday, March 14, 2015


There are some days that it's better to live in Maryland than others.  Today is not one of those days.  Apparently, this weekend is the one weekend of the year that everything cool is happening in the world of geek (and a little sport.)  And of course, all of these things, are happening in some of my favorite places!

South By Southwest (SXSW) has taken over Austin for he next week.
Red Nose Day is raising all sorts of money (millions of pounds!) all over England this weekend.
David Tennant is meanwhile, missing Red Nose Day, to make his first Wizard World appearance in the US in Raleigh, NC.
The Valspar Championship is going on in Florida with a 7 way tie for first place at some point today.
And lastly, every single person that's ever appeared on Supernatural (not really, but close) is hitting the casino floor in Vegas.

And then of course there's Maryland.  What's going on here, you ask? 

Nil. Squat. Zero.

Nothing... but rain and dreariness.  I really live in the wrong state (and country!)
Friday, March 13, 2015

Friday Five

1. I've always been a fan of Robert Downey Jr.  He just seems like he'd be a fun guy to have lunch with.  As it turns out, he really is as awesome as he seems!

2. I don't understand how this is flag desecration.  I know there are people out there with very strong opinions, but honestly, how can you disrespect 2 veterans who are just sharing their patriotism with their newborn?  Mostly I'm sharing this, to support the photographer and the couple.  Good for them for standing behind what is an adorable photo!

3. I'm hating that Haloti Ngata and Torrey Smith aren't coming back to play for the Ravens next season.  However, I have at least something to be happy about with the return of Justin Forsett.  He's really proven himself by taking up Ray Rice's position in the wake of the big scandal and playing really well.  He seems like a genuinely nice guy and I'm excited to see him continue to play for the Ravens - who knows?  Maybe he'll be my next jersey!

4. I have to agree with this entire list - except the weird hoodie travel pillow.  Who wants to look like you're going to mug the joint?

5. Cannot wait for the big European adventure this summer.  This is one destination that I'm super stoked to see.  How can you not love a town full of books and book-loving people?
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Geeky and I Know It

In a life full of loads of geeky things - seriously, though, I'm a bit of a nerd - I may have done the geekiest thing I've ever done this evening.  And this is from someone who's been to ComicCon.  I attended a Hacker Trivia evening at a bar.  Yep, you heard that right.  Here's the thing.  I'm not sure if you've noticed this or not, but I know NOTHING about computers. Oh yeah, I also don't drink...

There are days I can barely figure out Facebook.  However, I work with lots of computer nerds and apparently this is what they do for fun - drink and decipher code. At one point, the entire room laughed at one of the team names.  I still have NO idea why it was funny.  I've never been so confused.  Seeing as I work for a tech company, I thought the majority of questions would go over my head, but I'd at least figure out a few.  Yeah, no.  There wasn't a single question I could have even guessed an answer to.

But I have to admit, it was pretty fun.  The room was full of people who were super smart and super excited about all things computer-y.  And honestly, what's more fun than hanging with people that are enjoying something fully?!
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Springtime in Naptown

How does a Marylander know that it's officially spring?  The dogs and their owners suddenly appear in Naptown.  The sun shines off the water.  The boats bob just waiting for it to warm up a bit.  And most importantly evenings are spent sipping tea at the docks in anticipation of tights becoming sandals and hot tea becoming ice cream.  Love me some Annapolis!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

So Sad!

After last year's disappointing trade of Anquan Boldin, I was pretty much done with the Ravens.  I had no faith in them ever making it to the Super Bowl again, let alone the Playoffs. I had finally gotten over it, then the Ray Rice thing happened (I won't mention what the Ray Rice thing is, because you've most likely read about it a million times, and if you haven't, you've heard it mentioned in every single NFL story since the time it happened) and I lost what little faith I had regained.  They handled the situation terribly and should have canned him immediately.  Instead the fall out caused a huge uproar and the team lost serious focus.

But then they started winning, and actually hit the playoffs.  It was wonderful to see them do so well and overcome the rough patch they had seen in the beginning of the season. They all banded together as a team to get the job done.

But then the off season came, with its trades and sales.  That brings us to this week. Apparently, the Ravens have deemed this week "clean house of every good player we have to make room in the salary cap for other players that are not as good."  I'm not sure it has a great ring to it and I'm hoping it doesn't really catch on. If so, we might as well just start rooting for the Dead-skins, oops, I meant the Redskins.  

Seriously!?  Torrey Smith - Gone.  Haloti Ngata - Gone.  Jacoby Jones - Gone.  Pernell McPhee - Gone.  Owen Daniels - Gone. Yep, those are some seriously good players that we've now given to other teams.  How depressing is that?  What's even worse, I'm beginning to think it's me.  

I had 2 jerseys - Ed Reed and Todd Heap.  Ed Reed got let go and Todd Heap retired.  So I planned to buy a new one after the super bowl - Anquan Boldin.  Lucky for me I waited just long enough to see the poor guy get traded.  Then I was going to get me a Ray Rice - we all know how that played out.  But lucky again, I didn't waste my money.  This year?  It was going to be Torrey Smith.  Ugh!

I know we're told to Keep Calm and Trust in Ozzie (Newsome - the general manager) but it's becoming harder and harder to do that.  I'm hoping he has a plan, because right now, I'm not seeing it...
Monday, March 9, 2015


the evening off.  The beautiful weather we're finally having today contributed to a nasty headache.  But I'll take it for another month of weather like this!

Happy spring finally!
Sunday, March 8, 2015

Girl Power!

There are probably much better ways to celebrate International Women's Day; however constructing an Ikea cart and nailing Madeleines on the first time, all by myself was how I chose to spend mine.  So, you know...Girl Power!

I am woman, hear me roar! : )
Saturday, March 7, 2015

Somebody Stop Me

In my defense, there's really not much to do in Maryland in the winter...But yeah, if I even attempt to spend another day shopping, I really should be stopped, for my check book's sake.
Friday, March 6, 2015

Friday Five

1. Apparently it's GISHWHES time again, according to this awesome video posted today. I'm not sure where these crazy people come up with these ideas, but they make me laugh so I'm just hoping they continue to come up with them.

2. I loved seeing all of the world book day costumes from all over the world.  These kids and their parents created some of the cutest little costumes of their favorite book characters.  I'm not sure if this was an England only activity, because I don't remember ever doing this here in the states when I was in school.  But I'm so happy to see anyone celebrating reading and books.  In a world full of video games and technology, seeing kids dressed as Dorothy, or Harry Potter, is so exciting.  Here are a few, but there were hundreds more all over Twitter (including the kid dressed like Christian Grey - I'm not even going to attempt to understand the thought process behind that one...)

3. Heidi Swapp Color Shine: I've been seeing lots and lots of craft projects using these on Pinterest.  So when they went on sale the other day, I thought I'd give them a shot.  My second snow day this week, was the perfect chance to actually experiment with them. After some consideration, I can say, I think I'm going to like them.  They'll take some time to get used to the trigger.  The bright pink I tried, at one point, looked like blood spatter. But the gold was super cool.  Can't wait to try that one on black paper!

4. While I'm not totally on board with the picture on this shirt (I'm not crazy about wearing people's faces on my chest), it's hard to argue with the message and the story behind why he's created the shirt.  What's even more beautiful is that so many people have already bought the shirt, and shared their stories of overcoming depression.  It's fantastic that these issues are finally being addressed and talked about as opposed to being swept under a rug. Always Keep Fighting!

5. I've always been a tea-totaller but I don't think I've ever drank more tea than I have this winter.  It's the only thing that's keeping me warm and toasty during this ridiculously cold (Hello 5 degrees!) arctic patch we've had.  And thanks to Twinings Decaf English Breakfast (yum!), I'm not high on caffeine all day. 
Thursday, March 5, 2015

I am a Reader.

I love to read.

At any given time, there are at least 5 books waiting in the wings on my bookshelf.

The book is always better. (Most especially in the case of Harry Potter.  The only time this wasn't the case is Wicked.)

I will always read books instead of tablets.  Tablets are not my friend.

I have lists and lists of favorite books.

I buy books instead of borrowing books - I like the way they look on my shelves.

I browse bookstores like some girls browse department stores - for hours on end and many dollars spent.

A sure fire way to my heart is to quote one of my favorite authors or favorite books.

Boys who read are infinitely sexier than those who don't.

I keep having to replenish my bookshelf stash because I keep running out of space.

I am a reader. And today is basically my Super Bowl : )

Happy World Book Day!!!
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Pretty Please!

Dear Snow Gods,

I know I've been hating on the winter weather since about the first day of winter.  And I also know that I've been not so secretly hoping, praying, & wishing for spring to be here quicker than you can say snowman.  When everyone started talking about the big storm heading to Maryland tomorrow.  I got a teensy-tiny little bit excited.  But I wasn't going to get my hopes up.  Then EVERYthing started cancelling before today was through, and I allowed myself to get even more excited.  Because, here's the thing. I'm now completely counting on a snow day tomorrow.  I have plans.  I have crafts.  I have snacks.  I have lots of stuff on my DVR to watch.  

So basically, here's what I'm saying Snow Gods: Please make it happen! Currently it's about 40 degrees outside and pouring outside. So I'm getting a little worried.  Get those flakes falling; at least a few before I hit the hay, just so I can sleep soundly on the fact that I can sleep in : )

Someone in desperate need of a day off
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Photo Finish

This.  This right here is why I want to learn photography.  I'm sure you've seen this photo everywhere today, just as I have.  It's fairly unbelievable.  For the first 12 hours or so, I was convinced it was a serious case of Photoshop.  But apparently it's been examined and it's a true photo finish.  What's even more amazing is the photographer was able to capture this site in an everyday London park near his home, not on safari thousands of miles away or on the trip of a lifetime in some exotic locale.  

He's not even a trained nature photographer.  He was man out for a stroll with his wife in the park and somehow captured the snap of a lifetime.  Now I will admit, while the photo looks cute, it's not hard to guess what's actually happening.  Afterall, woodpeckers and weasels have never been the best of friends.  And if the little weasel had been a bit bigger, I'm sure this photo would have been a bit more morbid, to say the least.  But you have to admit, it's ridiculously cute, if you just ignore the facts of mother nature.

Now, you might think that the reason I want a picture like this, is because I want to get famous and share my photos all over social media and become the next Annie Leibovitz.  It's actually quite the opposite, I just want to learn to take great photos.  This was an everyday moment in one man's everyday life and just look at how beautiful it is! I want to learn to tell the story of the everyday because even that can sometimes be extraordinary.  

If nothing else, this absurd and ridiculous photo is just the thing I needed to push me to get snapping!
Monday, March 2, 2015

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

How can you not love Dr. Seuss?  He's always been my favorite children's book author.  His stories were always full of color, and life and were super happy.  Everything a kid's book should be.  I will admit, that while there are a few things I miss about being the classroom, the number one thing is celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday.  There's always some new crafty activity and some story to get kids excited about reading.  If anyone was going to make kids fall in love with reading, it was going to be Seuss  Especially this year, there's a new book coming out!  How exciting is that?!  I can't wait to make a home for that on my bookshelf.

But I digress...  

What's always been awesome with Dr. Seuss is the stories he could tell.  By using fun to say rhymes and crazy made up animal characters narrating the story, he made kids care about the environment or understand that everyone was unique in their own way.  Pretty much every message we need kids to learn today.  He was ahead of his time, and I'm so thankful that he was a part of my world.  I owe him my love of reading!  He also gave us grown ups something to aspire to: #travelgoals : )

While Travel Channel's tie-in may have been my most favorite today, and while I love me some Oh the Places You'll Go! (Any book that encourages you to get out in the world is fantastic with me), it's not my favorite Seussian exclamation.  That comes from Horton himself: 

Sunday, March 1, 2015


In keeping with the Project Life theme,  here are today's currentlys, mostly because I've done nothing than live like a hibernating slug today.


Reading: Twitter (This is embarrassing but I haven't read a single book all month)

Listening to: A lot of Taylor Swift (Blank Space and Shake it Off)

Watching: Scandal (Holy cow! It's been intense!)

Eating: A Thanksgiving dinner complete with dressing and cranberry sauce (Perfect elixir for a cold, snowy Sunday.)

Drinking: Hot Tea...Lots and Lots and LOTS of hot tea.

Loving: The fact that there are 19 days until Spring is here. It can't come quickly enough!

Hating: Snow, Ice, Freezing Rain, and any number of cold things that have fallen from the sky in the last 4 months.

Dreading: Nothing really, unless you count the fact that it's Sunday evening and I have to be at work in 11 hours...

Waiting for: Upcoming work trip.  I'm totally using this one for all its worth.  

Dreaming about: What else?  Travel.