
Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Anger & Sadness

I'm just so angry tonight. I'm literally afraid to put my phone down and go to bed just in case our President decides to do something else egregious. It's an awful feeling for sure, one that I'm sure a lot of the country shares this evening. We have got to be better than him and show him that we will not tolerate his rhetoric and hate.

Monday, August 14, 2017

How Did We Get Here?

In the wake of Saturday's awful terrorist attack, I'm finding the politics of the aftermath quite difficult to handle.  I'd like to first say that this incident was most definitely a terrorist attack perpetrated by white-nationalist neo-Nazis, and our President's inability to call it what it is was disgusting and telling of who he has aligned himself with.  And his "clarification" today did nothing.  His time for calling out the terrorists had passed.  Today was just damage control - read clearly from a teleprompter to save what little face he has left. 

My issue is with how this awful and heartbreaking attack is being handled online.  Well-meaning people are researching the photos of the march, and are calling out members by name.  In the internet world, it's known as doxxing.  While I feel anyone who aligns themselves with the white power movement is morally bankrupt, I stop short of finding doxxing a good form of retaliation, because then, where does it end?  We're horrified when good people like Felicia Day are doxxed online by misogynists who think she's "ruining gaming." But these same people that were horrified by this incident, are some of the ones that are releasing personal information of the white-power marchers.

I just feel that by releasing this information online, they're stooping to the same level of these hateful people. These white power marchers deserve the backlash that is coming to them.  They're hateful, and believe in an ideal system that is morally reprehensible and unforgivable.  But rising up and being the better people in the face of their hate, may be the more logical path to peace.  I'm not naive enough to think that love is the only answer to this horrifying ordeal, but a little love, patience and restraint never hurt.
Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Trivia Wednesday

~ I am apparently, an old soul.  I mean really?  Tell me something I don't know.

~ Even though Lacrosse is Maryland's state sport, neither Hopkins or UMD has the most national titles in the sport, contrary to what we may have thought.  It's Syracuse, just in case you were wondering.

~ At our new found trivia location, sometimes you have to order beer 2 at a time, if you want them during the game at all. Let's just say, service is not something this particular bar is known for.

~ However, it is amusing to watch the cooks in the open kitchen get yelled at by the expediter.  When the game is moving along slowly, this provides endless entertainment.

~ Oscar Romero was not the horror director that died a few weeks ago, but George Romero was.

~ Sometimes you can get an answer correct even if it's for the wrong reason.  Points are points.

~ When a question is asked on the USSR, "Back in the USSR" is the only acceptable song to play.  However, when the category is "It's a Kind of Magic", how did they not play Queen?

~ Chromophobia is a fear of colors.  How does one avoid all colors?  Black and white are actually colors, so in theory you'd be afraid of those too...

~ I disagree with a question on topiaries being under the category of art.  Topiaries are interesting but I'd really call them a talent, definitely not art.
Tuesday, August 8, 2017


For about 18 months, I was reading ferociously.  I was averaging about 6 books a month.  There were so many books sitting on my shelf that needed to be read, and gosh darnit I was going to read them all.  And I loved it.  I missed a lot of television and movies, just reading my evenings away. Then somewhere around May, it just stopped.  I'm not sure what happened exactly.  But in the time since I haven't finished a single book.  I've started about a dozen, and I've read maybe 25 pages of them all, and then just stopped for whatever reason. I still have tons of books on my shelf - even more since I still insist on purchasing them.  I just can't make myself pay attention to them long enough to finish them.

That is until this week, I've finally tucked into a book that I love so much that I'm dying to get home at the end of the day to read it. Not surprisingly, it's about 2 of my very favorite things - theatre and travel.  It's called "The Little Theatre by the Sea" by Rosanna Ley.  It's so darn good!  I'm hooked.  I saw it in every bookstore in England, and didn't want to buy it because it's fairly fat and I'm a terrible packer.  However, after about the fifth time I put it back on the shelf, I just said the heck with it, and decided to stuff it in my suitcase (after purchasing it first, obviously!).  

I'm so glad I did.  Of course even though it got me hooked on reading again, it's also gotten me hooked on wanting to travel again - and after England, I'm poor so I need to start saving up again.  Always a bummer - where are you winning lottery ticket?!  Anyway, if you're into reading, theatre design and travel to Sardinia, I highly recommend this book!  She has tons more travel-centric tomes as well, that I'm sure will be taking up room on my shelf sooner or later since I'm back into reading again!
Saturday, August 5, 2017

Balloon Day was a Bust

After the success of last year's Balloon Festival on the Eastern Shore, I've been anxiously waiting for this year's.  The weather was gorgeous today, and unlike last year it wasn't a balmy 352 degrees (I exaggerate, but you sit in the sun in August in Maryland for a few hours and see how you feel...)  The only problem was with the gorgeous weather, came a beautiful breeze. That lovely breeze was fabulous for us spectators, not so great for balloons.

Therefore, since the winds were so strong, no balloons went up.  And when the festival is called a balloon and wine festival, and you're someone who doesn't drink wine, and there'll be no balloons to look at, you leave, in favor of beating the traffic and having a yummy dinner somewhere.  So in other words, this Balloon Day was a bust.  One day, I hope to get to New Mexico and see their Balloon day.  I'm pretty sure they never have this ridiculousness to deal with...
Friday, August 4, 2017

Friday Five

1. I absolutely love these Scenery Bags!  They are so darn cute.  The idea is that just like Re-Sail bags are made from recycled sails, these are made from recycled backdrops from shows. How great is that!? I'm so pre-ordering one...  

2. The news that Indecent will be shown on BroadwayHD makes me so very happy!  I wanted to see this show before it closed, but I haven't had the chance.  Then they were given a bit of a reprieve, but it still didn't happen.  Now that it's being filmed, hopefully lots more people will have the chance to see this important work.

3. I was never a huge fan of Duck Tales, but now that David Tennant is voicing Scrooge McDuck, I might need to watch it. Also, these pictures just make me smile.  I just love him.

4. Okay, the model for this month's TimeOut NY is the cutest thing ever!

5. The late night hosts have been on fire this week, thanks to the ridiculousness of the White House.  But this monologue by James Corden is my absolute favorite!  (Excuse the bit off-color humor there at the end, but the first 3 minutes is amazing!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Trivia Wednesday

~ It's mildly irritating and kinda creepy when a drunk dude decides to make the empty seat at your table, his seat. It's even creepier when his drunk friends pull up 2 more chairs and join him, and they all start asking you what the answers are...Maybe we should stop looking so friendly.

~ Some crazy dude sat on top of a flagpole for 439 days to protest the price of gas. If he would have gone to work for those 439 days, he could have afforded gas - just saying.

~ Turns out the only mathematical principle I can recall with a good deal of accuracy is order of operations, which as it turns out came in handy for tonight's math question. I was so happy I answered it correctly, I wasn't even bothered by the fact that it was only the second question, meaning it was a soft ball question..,

~ The bone between your eyebrows is called a glabella, which sounds more like a music festival than it does a part of the body.

~ The definition of "watching" tennis is to have it on in the background while you're doing most anything else. You don't u derstand what's happening but it provides noise.

~ At our new place of trivia, ordering in a sassy fashion is the only way the staff will get your order correct. For instance, one person to,d the waitress this evening that rum and pickles make him sad, so please give him vodka and no pickles on his sandwich, as they've done before. Not sure why it works, but his order was perfect!

~ A 5 letter word ending in F that means a bundle of wheat is sheaf. I went to a pub called the WheatSheaf in England, I totally should have gotten that.

~ The max number of points you can receive in old school pacman is 3,333,360. My only question is why? Why is it such a weird number? Why isn't it 999,999?
Tuesday, August 1, 2017


Last night, I was up way past my bedtime at the Verizon Center in DC to see Queen + Adam Lambert.  And Oh my goodness, was it awesome!  It was sort of a last minute thing, as a friend had an extra ticket, and as this same friend says "I come from a place of yes" so I said yes. I'm a fan of Queen, but I'm by no means a die-hard fan.  I only know the singles that everyone knows.  However, that's ok because those are the songs they sang. 

Adam Lambert as their new front-man is amazing.  He went through 7 costume changes in about 2 hours, which is impressive enough.  But one of the costume changes required 5 inch platform heels which he succeeded in dancing around in.  Pretty talented!

What was even cooler was their inclusion of Freddie Mercury into their show.  While Brian May played one of his songs, they used old video of Freddie singing along and projected it on the big screens above his head. So it appeared as though they were dueting again.  Such a cool idea to remember a giant that had such an impact on the music world.

I gotta say, it was up there in the list of concerts I've seen.  I mean, any concert that starts with a giant robot (see above : ) has to be pretty awesome, right?