
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Bestie!  Now we're both very nearly old : )
Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday Five

1.  "Little Talks" by Of Men and Monsters: I'd had this song stuck in my head for a week before I figured out what the name was.  Love it!

2.  The Orioles AND Ravens are both playing really well right now. I'm not sure that's ever happened before!  How amazing would it be if we had a World Series AND Super Bowl winning team?  Go Birds!

3. London: Sure, I haven't been in 5 years but I've definitely been in a London state of mind for a while now.  I'll be needing a trip very, very soon.  Good thing I have a trip on a London bus coming up soon to hold me over : )

4. (Warning: TV junkie talking) All of the Fall shows started this week and most are outstanding!  Good to see Gibbs, the Pritchett-Dunphy's, and Finch & Reese back where they belong.

5. Burata: I cannot believe I've never tried this cheese before.  I LOVE fresh mozzarella but Burata is just so much softer and smoother and absolutely delicious!  I'm not sure I'll ever be able to go back to mozzarella...
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Ravens Relaxation

So tired after a surprisingly busy and long day with really not much to say. I am so happy to spend my evening relaxing and watching all the awesome TV returns and of course, the Ravens game. 

Bring on Friday and Go Ravens!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Love & Hate

As you know, I'm doing the photo a day challenge with Instagram.  It seems this month the photo subjects have gotten progressively more difficult.  Today's topic is Love/Hate and I have absolutely NO ideas as to what to snap a photo of.  So (try to follow the logic here), if I can take down what I love and hate I may be able to rustle up something to snap.  Or if I get REALLY desperate I can just take a pic of my screen with the blog posting on it. (clever, huh? :)
I LOVE bananas and HATE grapefruit.
I LOVE to read books and HATE to read electronically.
I LOVE comedies and HATE tear-jerkers.
I LOVE being outside but HATE sleeping outside.
I LOVE talking to people but HATE small talk (mostly because I'm rubbish at small talk!)
I LOVE yellow and HATE brown.
I LOVE the beach but HATE sand.
I LOVE Facebook but HATE Twitter.
I LOVE to learn but HATE not understanding something new.
I LOVE sci-fi and magic but HATE vampires and witches.
I LOVE cities and HATE the countryside.

Ok, so that's that then...but I still have no idea what to snap.  Guess my computer screen is making its big debut!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Embrace the Weird

As a part of this whole "figuring myself out before I hit 30" thing, I've decided to finally embrace the weird.  Everyone has little things that make them weird to another person.  These things are what make us unique.  So why are we all so afraid to let each other see them?  Weird can be fun and surprising!  I'm not saying my particular brand of weird is all that fun and surprising to everyone, but it just might be to some.  In the case it is fun and exciting to you, please let me know.  I'm pretty sure my friends and family just think I've gone slightly mad : )

~I like old fashioned radio shows.  Radio dramas and theatre can still be found on BBC radio and since we live in the 21st century, I can listen to them on the Internet.  They're kinda like seeing a play in your head.  Everyone who listens is getting a different experience.

~I get excited if the psychology in a show or a book is bang-on.  I was a Psych major so seeing these things done well, makes me happy.  In turn, I get really excited if I "diagnose" the patient before the fake psychiatrist/psychologist does.  (It's the little things in life...)

~I'm an Iced Tea connoisseur.  I judge restaurants by the quality of their iced tea.  Since I hate soda and water is just down-right boring, I always order Iced Tea-no lemon. I remember most restaurants that have "bad" tea and will never order it there again.  Mind you, it's never truly "bad" I just think it tastes funny, or like cough syrup or has a sprig of mint in it that makes it taste gross.

~I get most geeky fangirl-esque Sci-Fi references, but pretend I don't to protect my (not really at all) cool factor.

~I like to think of myself as a foodie but there are a LOT of foods I just hate!

~I secretly correct bad grammar in my head, and not so secretly correct typos that I see.  This is more of an affliction really - I'm not sure there's a cure!

There you have it then.  More about me than you probably ever wanted to know...
Monday, September 24, 2012

Itchy Feet

I have an extreme case of itchy feet, otherwise known as restlessness.  I want to go to far away places and see new things (and eat LOTS!).  But like the whole husband thing, I haven't the foggiest idea how (or with what funds of course...that one is a little more complicated).  I've never thought I'd want to live somewhere else, but now I'm not so sure.  I'm pretty sure I could do it too with the right circumstances (those being means and money of course).

I have visions of living and playing in the big city, finding a soul mate and  working for a cause I believe in, rather than just making someone money.  (I have this thing: I really want my job to mean something.  Problem is my current one, so does not!  I'm fairly sure if I fell off a cliff tomorrow, no one would realize at my office for at least a week, but I digress...)  Situations like that though don't exist in the real world.  I'd like to think they do but Marc Zuckerberg I'm not. 

So, what's a girl to do?
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Ravens vs. Hollywood

I realize that awards show are a ridiculous waste of time.  Afterall, it's 3 hours of Hollywood millionaires patting themselves on the back.  But even with all the self-grandizing, I kind of love them.  They are a fairly guilty pleasure of mine.  I'm able to skip the Oscars most years (I haven't seen a recent movie since The Kings Speech), and Grammys all years (my idea of good music hasn't been nominated in 30 years).  However, I'm usually hooked on the Emmys which just happen to be tonight.  Modern Family, Homeland, Sherlock, and a lot of stuff I don't watch of course, but they're fun and I can't stand not knowing what everyone else is talking about the next day.  This means that I'm currently sitting in front of my TV yelling (to no one but myself, mind you) Woohoo! when Julie Bowen, Eric Stonestreet and Julia Louis-Dreyfus won and yelling Are you kidding me!? when Jon Cryer won. 

But of course, I was at a crossroads because there is a Ravens game tonight as well - a huge rivalry game where we are seeking revenge on the Patriots.  Last season, we could have gone to the Super Bowl but because of some crappy calls and a horribly missed field goal....we didn't.  So what to do, what to do?  Thank God for commercial breaks and Go Ravens!
Saturday, September 22, 2012

A New Year and A New Season

I would like to wish a very very happy birthday to one of my most favorite people in the world: my mom!  Love you bud!  I am very lucky to have you.

Today is also the first day of Fall. You wouldn't know it based on the 80 degree temps we had today but so happy to see it again.  All in all a fabulously beautiful day to celebrate a fabulously beautiful person!
Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday Five

1. This because who doesn't still miss West Wing? Just me? Oh well, watch it anyway, it's fabulous!
2. All of the London love on Pinterest.  I;m beginning to think that Pinterest is sending me a message, one of course that I'd love to follow-through on : )

3. El Azteca in Clarksville MD: I've already visited twice in just one week of knowing about this place.  It's delicious!  I highly recommend the chimichangas or the Chili Verde.  Yum!

4. Vera Bradley Ribbons: This is their new line for Breast Cancer Awareness month.  I love the colors.  It's so girly.  Well...girlier than the other girly patterns.

5.These 2 quotes which were found (where else?) on Pinterest this week.  Eeyore and Joss Whedon are already 2 of my favorite people so that makes the quotes that much cooler.


This magnet can be found here on Etsy.
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Grubby Greetings

As an unspoken rule, we are all allowed to rag on our home states.  However, it's also unspoken that bad things will come to an outsider doing the same thing.  I'm not sure if we all abide by these rules, but I know for a fact that I do.  I've lived in MD all my life.  MD has some good things going for it: most of my family is here, there are friends here, Annapolis is beautiful.  But I've never been in love with it like I am with, say places like, London or New York or San Francisco.  It's small. It's cramped.  It doesn't have the energy of bigger cities.  There's no huge theatre district like Broadway or the West End. 

Though, you wouldn't know that based on my attitude regarding Maryland in the media.  I have a huge problem with the way we're portrayed.  Anthony Bourdain is one of my favorite humans, but he framed his "No Reservations" episode featuring Maryland (titled "The Rust Belt" mind you) as an episode of "The Wire" (an HBO show portraying the drug wars of Inner City Baltimore).  He even used one of the stars of the show, who was an ex-drug dealer, as his tour guide.  He only visited that section of town.  And for the most part, that's what these hosts show when they come to Maryland, which causes the general public to make sweeping generalizations about the entirety of the state. People in Podunk Iowa will watch these shows and vow never to visit for fear of being shot in the street.  And this ticks me off!

Every state (for the most part) has a neighborhood like our Inner City.  Yes it's rough but we have an amazing government and Police force that is working very hard to clean those issues up.  Not to mention Baltimore is only a very small part of Maryland.  There's Annapolis, which also known as the sailing capital of the East.  Or the Eastern Shore with farms out the wazoo.  Or how about Ocean City for good old fashioned (fairly ridiculous) fun.  Or even the Inner Harbor of Baltimore that just hosted thousands of sailors from around the world with hardly an incident.  Maryland is not just Baltimore.  People need to see this.  Do you hear me Bourdain!?

Why, you ask, do I bring this up today?  Well...I take all this time to defend my little neck of the woods and what do I get to show for it?  Baltimore is named the 3rd dirtiest city in the USA.  Really?!  How the heck am I supposed to defend that?  Work with me people!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Low Key but Fabulous Day

I am not always happy with my job.  At times it's terribly boring and incredibly dull however, if there is one thing I love about it, it is the fact that I can work from home.  Granted, I need to shuttle 2 laptops home with me to do it, but it's such a perk.  When there's hardly any work to be had, it's a great way to get personal stuff done or just be comfortable while you're working.  After a day on the sofa quote/unquote working, I had a fabulous evening with the momma.  We went to dinner then I was dragged to the Maryland Live casino to "spin a few rounds".  I'd like to go on record right now as not a fan of slots.  I had no reference point before for not liking them. Now that I do, I stick with my original protest.  But the casino was pretty (just opened and hadn't gotten to see it yet) and spending time with my mom is always an enjoyable way to spend an evening.  We finished out the night by renting "Arbitrage" with Richard Gere (he's so dreamy!) which was wonderful if not a little confusing. 

All things considered, a low-key but all together enjoyable Wednesday.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

What Do I Stand For?

A few days ago, I posted the song "Some Nights" by Fun as one of my new favorites.  If you haven't heard it yet, you really must.  The tune gets stuck in my head consistently and the message is pitch perfect.  As I was listening for about the 3rd time on my way in to work this morning the refrain popped out at me:

"Oh Lord, I'm still not sure what I stand for oh
What do I stand for? What do I stand for?
Most nights, I don't know anymore..."
I'm never one of those people that are absolutely sure of anything.  I think one thing, but it's very easy for that opinion to be swayed by a logical argument to the contrary.  Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely stubborn and will argue with most people but I can be swayed.  So if I'm this wishy-washy, what is it that I actually will or won't stand for? 

~I stand for care and concern for others.  I hate seeing others bullied, hurt or blamed.  The Golden Rule is big in my book.  Everyone deserves respect.  Hurtful words are never ok.

~I stand for equality.  No one should be told they are less because they are different.  The world would be a very boring place without these differences.  I will not stand for intolerance and hate.

~I stand for discovering new things.  Whether through travel, school, food, or reading, you are never too old to learn something new.  There are so many experiences out there just waiting for us to have them.  How fun is that?!

~I stand for creativity in all forms.  "Imagination is more important than knowledge, for while knowledge defines all we currently know and understand, imagination leads us to all we might yet discover and create!"  The world wouldn't be worth living in if we didn't have the elegance of a Shakespearean sonnet, the beauty of a Van Gogh painting, the spirit of an Andrew Lloyd Webber musical, the rhythm of the Beatles or a simple rainbow in a child's drawing.

~I stand for logic.  While I may not always be logical, I know an illogical argument when I hear one.  This is the major reason I won't debate politics, I know I'm not smart enough or calculating enough to not get flustered.  But when someone can make a brilliant point while being completely logical: it's an impressive thing!  And those people are the ones that deserve to be informing us, leading us and governing us.

~I stand for letting kids be kids.  They are our future after all, they deserve this time to play, and dance and create.  We don't need mini teenagers.  They'll be that age soon enough.

~Lastly, I stand for (and I have no other way of saying this that doesn't sound hokey) Love.   We all deserve that spark of magic in our lives.

That's that then. 
Monday, September 17, 2012

Fall has...fallen?

In the springtime we can say Spring has sprung however Fall has fallen just doesn't have the same ring to it.  Anyway, even though Autumn doesn't officially begin until Saturday, I think it's safe to say that it's finally here in Maryland.  The mornings are mild while the days hover around the 70s.  As someone who's always cold, summer is usually my favorite time of year.  But this year, it was so un-godly hot that I'm super excited to finally see the heat break a bit. 

Every year I dread summer ending, but once it does, I'm never sure why I did.  Temperatures don't drop dramatically.  There's no snow but it's not boiling either.  It  brings with it, Halloween spooks and goblins, pumpkin desserts galore, cooler temps and falling leaves, and of course dreams of Thanksgiving turkies and stuffing.  Fall is really the perfect season.  In with the cooler temperatures, comes a feeling of family and thanks that one only really feels in those first few really cool days of November before the storm of the Christmas season begins.  And with all that's going on in the world these days, who couldn't use some feelings of togetherness and hope?

So, welcome Autumn!  It's so very nice to see you again!
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday Letdown

After the blowout of a Ravens game that was last Sunday, all of us fans were ready for more of the same this week.  Unfortunately, it was not to be.  Our boys in purple wound up disappointing us by one point.  I always feel worse when the game is just so close.  We had it in the bag but the dumb (contrary to my earlier opinions on Philly, I really dislike their football team!) Eagles found a way to defeat us. 

However, the food (Yum Yum Yum!) and company was perfect so I guess it wasn't such a bad Sunday.
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Random Saturday Musings

Is it incredibly wonderful that I've finally found pants that fit, and were on sale or incredibly pathetic that I'm so happy about it?

Is it wrong that I'm ready to riot because Patricia Yeo was just kicked off Top Chef Masters? (I'm a little late I lnow but I had it DVR'ed)  I really want Chris to win but I totally thought she'd be in the final with him : (

I've discovered the BBC show "Blackpool" this week.   It can be found on Youtube if you're so inclined.  Picture this: CSI: Glee without the music budget.  All of the actors are talented singers and most have sung in other projects but they're forced to sing over/with the original singers of the songs (Ex. Elvis and Viva Las Vegas) in the middle of a murder investigation taking place in the UK's answer to Coney Island.  It's so out there that I needed to coin a new term to describe it: Crazytastic. That about sums it up.  It's so ridiculous that you can't look away and about half way through the series, you kind start to get it.

This blog is amazing!  I pretty much want to try every one of her recipes.  Yum!

And last but certainly not least, Happy 29th birthday to a wonderful friend!  She's joining the rest of us in the last year of our twenties...lucky her.
Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday Five: Pinterest Edition

As someone who is a little too particular for her own good sometimes, when I visit Pinterest, I must have a purpose.  Some people are content to just wander around, so to speak, and look at all the pretty things.  Not I.  I need to search in a specific category.  It's much easier to find things if you know what you're looking for.  Yes this sounds crazy but it's the way my crazy brain works.  Anyway, here are the top 5 areas I've been wandering this week.

1.  Geek: For no other reason than finding things like this, or this.  There are just too many people with far too much time on their hands making very clever things.

2. Books: I'm fairly certain that I am the ONLY person, in the world, who actually uses Pinterest to create a reading list.  If you open the categories, Books don't even have their own section.  They're forced to reside with TV and movies which is just kind of sad, don't you think?!  Pinning books is the perfect way for someone to choose a gift for you and it's a great way to see what still needs to be bought when you have that spare Amazon gift card lying around.

3. Hair styles:  This is a fairly new fascination of mine on Pinterest.  Hair is pretty much the bane of my existence.  But since being bald is usually frowned upon in fashion circles, I'm forced to keep my crazy mane.  Therefore, new ways of styling are always welcome.  Only problem is that they are usually far more complicated than advertised.

4. Home Stuff: I have incredibly too many nurseries pinned for someone with no children.  But one day I shall and their rooms will be gorgeous!

5. Christmas: 15 weeks until Christmas.  Seeing that I love all things Christmas, it was only a matter of time until I used Pinterest to fuel my addiction.  If you're ever bored, just search on snowmen.  OMG too many cute ideas!  I'll need a bigger home just to decorate for the holidays!
Thursday, September 13, 2012


Tonight~~I'm looking forward to Purple Friday tomorrow.  Although, it really should be Purple and Orange Friday seeing that the O's and the Ravens are in first place...together...for the first time...EVER. Woohoo!

Tonight~~I'm dreaming of far off places with absolutely no clue how to get there.

Tonight~~ I'm a little worried that I won't be seeing the Caps as planned seeing as though they're on the verge of a black out...Ugh!

Tonight~~I'm craving some dark chocolate peppermint ice cream from Cold Stone (of course that's what I'm always craving, since it's only out at Christmas time...)

Tonight~~I learned that there's only 15 weeks 'til Christmas.  Yay and Scary!

Tonight~~I'm not as scattered as I was.

Tonight~~I'm still chuckling over the totally geek-tastic invitation I received from a Young Politicos club in my county: The "You're Perfect, Debate Viewing Party" Seriously!?  Although I will so be going just to see what a raver a debate viewing party can be : )

Tonight~~I'm so ready for a beautiful weekend full of Happy Hours and dinners with friends!

Happy Friday eve!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012


All day long, I've felt a bit scattered, for lack of a better word.  I'm not sure if it's the change of the seasons or a change in temperature but I can't seem to shut my mind down.  There are tons of thoughts about tons of things, but none of them very interesting.  I can't focus on any of them.  There are a number of things I actually should be doing but I can't seem to find the energy.  Driving home all I could think of was getting my darn work clothes off and getting into my comfy PJs, to the point that I was literally fidgeting my way through traffic.

Has anyone else ever had a day like this or have I finally gone off the deep end? 
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Never Forget

On this day 11 years ago, America became a very different place.  In the aftermath, we became more hardened and more willing to fight.  But my hope is that with all the evil that Osama bin Laden brought to us on that terrible morning, he got what he never expected.  The US didn't back down.  We didn't bow down in the face of tragedy.  And most of all we didn't become like those that hurt us.  We became more loving,  more ready to help and more courageous.  First responders, Red cross workers and ordinary people became national heroes on that day.

While he took our loved ones, he was never able to take that courage.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Are You Ready For Some Football?!

Ravens home opener this evening. The weekend has already brought a Steelers loss and an almost win for Phil Mickelson and the Orioles. With all the greatness going on in sports, I'm feeling pretty pumped for a win. There's really not much more to say than:

Go get'em boys! Beat those Bengals!!
Sunday, September 9, 2012

This Post is a Paradox

I've written quite a few posts describing all the reasons why I think I was born in the wrong decade...maybe on the wrong continent.  I've always thought 60s London would be the perfect place for me.  I'm a hippie at heart and what's not to love about London?!  However, there are times I'm so happy to in the future.  There are so many things happening now that would never have been possible a half-century ago.

I've always been amazed by science and research, usually completely perplexed by the complexities, but amazed nonetheless.  While watching the StanduptoCancer telethon, I listened as a researcher explained how a new drug that uses the "primacy effect" to prime cancer cells to accept chemotherapy.  How amazing is that!?  Then this morning, I listened to another researcher explain the use of bio-implants to control certain mechanical machines,  while another researcher was using sound waves to make things levitate.  These same scientists went on to explain how they also think that time-travel and cloning are possible.  (Ethically probably not a great idea, but so super cool!)

So while, I'd love the chance to see the Beatles cross Abbey Road, I suppose being stuck here in the future isn't so bad as long as scientists keep making the strides that will allow me to actually see the Beatles cross Abbey Road one day : )
Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Bard and I

Despite being a bookworm, I don't tend to gravitate towards classics or heavy reads.  I was a good English student but I was never the one that could glean deep insights from Shakespeare or Hemingway.  I read them all for class (mostly because I was a goody two shoes).  I sorta "got" them.  I passed the test on them.  Then I forgot them.  However in the last few years, I've determined that to leep my book-worm cred, I should probably attempt to broaden my literary horizons.  This doesn't mean that I'm going to start War & Peace any time soon, but I will try to give a few more of Shakespeare's works another look.

This is what brought me to Much Ado About Nothing.  I've probably read, maybe 5 of the Bard's works in my school career, and actually liked one. (A Midsummer Night's Dream is on my Top 10 books list of all time)  My fear of these plays had everything to do with the language and absolutely nothing to do with their quality. The story lines are woven beautifully and the characters are complex.  However, my brain could never translate the language into US-ese.  I was able to get the general jist of what he was saying, but analyzing the actual words was completely beyond me.  So, imagine my surprise when I picked up my iPhone this evening (the only reason I'm doing this is because I can download his greatest works along with tons of other classics for free through iBooks: I'm not highbrow enough to actually fork out the cash for them-there are TOO many other books to buy!) and actually followed along with the comedy.  Beatrice and Benedick kept my attention and the story unraveled like a 60s madcap comedy of errors. 

The play is actually quite good and while I probably couldn't grab an A on any research paper on the subject, I caught some of the allusions and subtext.  A few lines even made some goings on at the annual MD Renaissance (is there any word harder to spell?!) Festival much clearer.  While I'm sure a trip to Stratford upon Avon and the Globe would actually help more in my understanding, I don't see that happening any time soon (unless you want to send me there-my 30th birthday is in just a few months...) 

My goal for my little project is to at least get through the comedies.  I know that I should also read Hamlet and MacBeth again as well if I really want to gain some insight but they're so depressing.  I hope to check in every few days/weeks and let you know how I'm doing on my race to become a more intellectual book-worm so if Shakespeare's not your thing, I apologize. I will let you know when I make it out of Medieveal England into something more exciting like turn of the century England (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is also available as a freebie on iBooks : )

Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday Five

1. Stand Up To Cancer: As I'm writing this I'm watching the telethon.  Such an amazing cause that, as someone who's lost loved ones to cancer, I fully support and am happy to see so many people joining in on. So visit to join the fight and Stand up to Cancer!

2. There's really not much to say, you have to watch.  It's really kind of hillarious!

3. Finally realizing that the crazy politicos on Facebook just aren't worth it.  Yeah sure, they're still annoying.  However, when I realized that they were ignoring facts they didn't like in favor of ones that supported their opinion (which, is a duh! I know), the rants became a little more palatable.

4. A fabulous night out with the momma.  Dinner, shopping and ice cream: perfect evening with a favorite person! Love ya bud!

5. "Some Nights" by Fun and "Home" by Phillip Phillips: Love these songs!  Not sure what the civil war has to do with the first song but I suppose it works in an artsy-esque way.
Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Dictionary of Me

As a reluctant editor, I have a crazy fascination with words.  I live for cool new turns of phrase.  I pick up on grammatical quirks in everyday speech (which is annoying to most people).  I have lengthy quotes decorating my bulletin board at work. I will read emails multiple times before sending to make sure the words make perfect sense and nothing can be misconstrued. (I've been told that sarcasm (my resting state) doesn't really play well in emails and I'm terrified that I'll insult someone trying to make a joke)  I quote book/TV characters.  Puns and sarcasm are my ideal forms of comedy.  I use 10 point words in everyday speech because they're just too good not to use.  All of this should be of no surprise to you, as I've written in detail about my love affair with the words of Stephen Fry AND Aaron Sorkin.

So as a result of these feelings, I've come to a conclusion: We all have our own little dictionary in our head.  There are "go to" words in every language, like "cool" or "great" to describe something good.  But then there are also words that people specifically gravitate towards.  Not necessarily catchphrases; more of a spoken quirk.  I may just be making a sweeping generalization here, but, at least for me, it's true.  The unfortunate thing about my personal language quirk is that for someone who relishes language as I do, my "go to" words are fairly ridiculous.

Exhibit A...

Awesome: Usually said sarcastically and under my breath (like everything else I say usually is)
Example: "It's raining outside and I don't have an umbrella...awesome."

Cool Beans: Give me a break, I taught 4 year olds, and it kinda stuck.
Example: "There's a sale at LOFT, Cool Beans!"

Super Cute: Used to describe something that is cuter than cute.  Great, because as a descriptor, it works for just about anything.
Example: "This craft I just found on Pinterest is super cute!"

I'm skeptical...: Ripped off from a friend but the best way to disagree with someone without really disagreeing with them.
Example: "You said that George Clooney is not crazy good-looking? I'm skeptical." 

Son of a Putney!: I'm not a big fan of cursing.  It goes back to the language thing. There are much more interesting ways to express yourself out there than 4 letter words (however this phrase is not one of them). It stems from a 1 season show and a fairly stupid joke that I found hillarious.  So now it's my curse word.  I say it when I'm annoyed.
Example: <I've just dropped something heavy on my toe> "Son of a Putney!"

Dude!/ What the heck?!: Used in place of "What?!" and as a statement of disbelief.
Example: "You had ice cream without me?!  Dude, WTH!?"

Smooth Move Dude: Add on to "Dude!".  Perfect way to tell someone they've just done something stupid that they know they've just done.
Example: <someone else drops something heavy on their toe> "Smooth Move Dude!"

See what I mean? My dictionary makes me sound like a 12 year old boy.  But I suppose it's mine and I'll stick with it for the time being. 

There are other words and phrases, of course, that I'd like to add in to the dull bit I have now, but I have a feeling people may look at me funny when I start using "Brilliant!" or "Lift" in everyday language (especially when I launch into the bad British accent...)
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Most Wanted

Have you ever really wanted something but had absolutely no idea how to get it for yourself?  This is the boat I'm in right now.   Every post I read on Facebook is about an engagement or new baby.  How does everyone instinctively know how to go about getting those things?  Bars aren't my thing.  I've never understood "flirting".  I'm all awkward and nervous trying to talk to new people. How is someone like me going to meet my nerdy dream guy?

When you look around at all the marriages between truly awful people, you'd think it wouldn't be that hard.  I'm not terrible.  I don't kick kittens and I love puppies.  I've been told I'm funny and sweet.  I sorta get football and hockey.  I cook and bake-ish.  So WTH is the problem here?!

My hope is to bump into an attractive, intelligent, caring professor between the ages of 30-40 with most of his original hair, who loves kids, in the bookstore.  In my head we are browsing the same section, and just bump into each other and fall head over heals immediately.  But so far the only thing the bookstore has gotten me is a full bookcase. 

In my heart, I know that one day my prince will come. But if it could happen sooner rather than later, I'd be much obliged, not to mention a little less grumpy...

Rant concluded : )
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

10 @ 10pm

I've been sitting here for an hour trying to decide what to write about.  So here's what happens when I've got nothing exciting to say.

@10pm on a random Tuesday night:

1. I'm still stuffed from the excellent (even if I do say so myself) burgers I made for dinner.
2. I'm currently watching Covert Affairs. (Go Auggie!)
3. I've just finished an episode of Doctor Who (apparently I drank the kool-aid...)
4. I'm anxious for a call regarding a new job (hope this is the dream one!)
5. I'm wishing my stupid dryer would just dry already!
6. I'm looking forward to a nice warm bed.
7. I'm searching Pinterest (apparently I've gone over to the dark side...)
8. I'm annoyed at the politicking going on on Facebook.  Ugh!
9. I'm being nosey about the flashing lights outside my window.
10. I'm finally finished this dreadful post...sometimes writing is like pulling teeth!
Monday, September 3, 2012

Philly Phan

So I'm officially in love with Philadelphia.  Even though it's so close I've never visited and now I'm not sure why.  After just a few hours, I was already planning my permanent move to a loft appartment in the middle of the city and finding a job at a local pre-school, and the art store below and probably a few more jobs too just to finance my new Philly life. 

I'm not sure if this is true of the whole city or just the area of town I stayed in, but it seems to be a really artsy crafty place.  We were staying at the Hyatt Bellevue in the middle of the Arts Institute campus and about a million other theatres and art spaces.  It was in this neighborhood that I came across my new most favorite place: Blick Art Materials.  It's like a crafty mecca.  The store front is above ground but when you walk through the door, you take a whole flight of stairs down before hitting the basement store area.  It was HUGE with aisles and aisles of every art supply known to man.   I could have spent a fortune but I decided to be good.  That just gives me a reason to go back.  From there we grabbed dinner at the Good Dog Bar.  After seeing it on TV, and then giving it a shot, I've come to attest that everything looks bigger on television.  This space was TINY, but a really cool little place.  And the food wasn't bad at all.

Unfortunately, because of the crappy weather, we didn't get to see much more of the city, or get a chance to try a Cheesesteak. So that means of course I will definitely be returning some time soon.

These shots are from the most amazingly beautiful Macy's you will ever see.  I have no idea what the building used to be but in the center of the store was a 5 storey open atrium with a pipe-organ and pipes that took up 2 floors.  Gorgeous!
City Hall
William Penn
Good Dog Bar 

 Bruce at Phillies Field

Sunday, September 2, 2012

31 Days, 31 Pictures

Today's post will have to be short, as I'm off to Philly to finally see the Boss.  Yay!  Hopefully, I will have some cool pics of my first time seeing Bruce and my first time in Philly: I'm sure there'll be much food to be had.  Yum!  I can already taste the cheesesteaks : )

So without further ado, here's August in a nutshell.  (These collages are just too fun!)

Saturday, September 1, 2012


62 days down, here's to 30 more!

September 1: Me, Now
September 2: Father (apparently I was a little early on this one: )
September 3: Far Away
September 4: In my Postbox
September 5: Bright
September 6: Every Day
September 7: Natural
September 8: At Night
September 9: Most Weekends
September 10: Black and White
September 11: Hero
September 12: Together
September 13: Table
September 14: Favorite
September 15: First Thing I See
September 16: Strange
September 17: Fridge
September 18: Price
September 19: Underneath
September 20: Man-Made
September 21: Sometimes (confused)
September 22: Up
September 23: Before Bed
September 24: 3 Things
September 25: Frame
September 26: Near
September 27: Love/Hate
September 28: A Good Thing
September 29: Errand
September 30: Me, Then