
Thursday, March 30, 2017

The Strange got Stranger

Tonight I was locked into an old museum while people in steam punk gear showed me fake exhibits of artifacts from a different planet and others in creepy ghostish costumes wandered around and succeeded in creeping me the heck out by just existing near me.  This was my evening of being brace and open to new things....I lasted 45 minutes before I couldn't hold in the nervous laughter anymore and needed to escape before I exploded.

What I learned in this experience is that the new wave of interactive and immersive theatre is so not my thing, and that I'm most assuredly not a hipster so I'm not sure why I keep trying hipster things and expecting a different result. It's insanity on my part, I'm sure.

Tune into to BroadwayWorld this weekend for the whole story on my evening of the bizarre. I assure there's so much more to say....
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Scrappy Hack

As I'm still living without a computer, I've had to learn to do all sorts of things without it. For the most part, I'm doing ok. Though typing on my screen is becoming super annoying. Anyway, in my need to continue project life in my computer-lessness, I discovered a really cool trick, I thought I'd share.

I've been looking for apps to use in Project Life for a while now, but I couldn't quite find one I liked. The PL app is cool, but I don't really like their designs and there's no way to incorporate your own stuff into the app. And as I've said multiple times, I'm pretty obsessed with In A Creative Bubble so there's no living without her adorable designs in my album. Well, I've finally figured out and I'm really not sure why this took me so long to figure out...

First, email or drop box the jpgs of the journal cards to yourself. Then save them to your iPad or iPhone. Now that they're photos, you can use any app you have for adding text - like FontCandy+ - to journal on the go. Then save it down to your device and print. The best part is that the app always saves the original photo as is so you can reuse journal cards again and again.

It's fairly perfect for scrapping on the go, right? I can't wait to try it on my next trip!
Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Trivia Tuesday

~ A new trivia venue can really throw a whole night off. Of course making that trivia 30 minutes later than usual also throws everyone for a loop. Hope I'm able to drag myself out of bed in the morning...

~ A strong Scots accent - which I'm usually pretty good with - added to terrible acoustics makes deciphering category and team names next to impossible. 

~ Somewhere along the line we became a second round team - seeing as we bombed the first round, starting with the very first question.

~ The correct answer to how many light years is Polaris from the earth, is not "so many" as much as I'd like it to be.

~ Occident is a word that is used in reference to the Western World and is not just the British pronunciation of Accident.

~ The problem with guessing boy names that occur in the NATO alphabet is that sooner or later, they all sound probable. Then you're pretty much just naming boy names.

~ You're food should be right up, after we've already waited 25 minutes - is totally waiter speak for "Crap! I forgot to put that order in..."

~ Vinson Nassif is the tallest mountain in Antarctica which explains why the heck I've lived for 33 years and have never heard of it. Who knows what the heck happens in that frozen tundra?!

~ Unfortunately naming Track & Field as the event Carl Lewis earned his gold medals in is not enough to warrant points...

~ When the last 3 questions all revolve around alcohol, I can pretty much just stop listening.

~ Sone crazy lady set a world record for number of bridesmaids with 168. I don't even know 168 people.  And seriously how much extra time was added to that wedding with just women walking down the aisle?
Monday, March 27, 2017

Happy World Theatre Day!

I'd love to share all my thoughts and pictures of theatre on World Theatre Day, but because the gremlins have gotten to my computer, I'm being forced to work on an iPad which is not easy. I hope to be up and running again soon though so for now, I'd just like to say that I hope everyone finds something that makes them as happy and excited as Theatre does for me!
Sunday, March 26, 2017

Spring Cleaning

I feel like I say this every year, but I'm in a state of total spring cleaning mode right now. I literally have completely purged my closed and bureau of any and all unnecessary clothing. Anything that didn't fit or I no longer liked got chucked. On one hand, it's great to have a bit of a clean slate - less mess and more room for more. On the other hand, it's a sad state of affairs to see so much money sitting in a giant pile on my floor...

But I'm going to choose to think about it as a good thing.  I'm trying to dress up a little more these days and go a bit out of my comfort zone. I tend to wear the same seven outfits all the time. So by paring down the wardrobe, in theory I'll have the chance to see what I have and mix and match those pieces more.  In theory, I suppose.  That's what I'm hoping.

For now, it just feels good to be getting all sorts of spring things out because it means that warm weather is returning.  And let's be honest it's much more fun to get dressed in the summer - flip-flops, sandals, fun dresses, oh my! So many more options than boring sweaters and jeans!

Here's to spring fashion and more shopping!

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Trivia Saturday

~ Today was the last Semi-Finals as a Trivia team of the Greene Turtle - since, they're closing next week.  Unfortunately, that didn't make us play any better.  For comparison, last semi-finals we ended in 9th place.  This semi-finals we were about 20th...It was a bad day for us egg-heads.

~ When the first question is something ridiculous like what numbers are on what side of the dice, you know it's going to be a long game.

~ We finally got a New York Question and a Friends question!  And yet, they were both something that everyone else would know too.  Not fair! 

~ I work with a bunch of computer people.  I hear stuff I don't understand or remember every day.  However, the term "killer app" was an answer today and I can honestly say I've never, ever heard it before, nor do I understand exactly what the heck it is.  

~ A ridiculous half time question on soundtracks where you had to name 3 things for every answer, seemed fairly useless.  But yay for us, we're great at useless!  We got 29 out of the possible 30 points.  Always a plus.

~ Of course, after getting the 29 points it would have helped to get a whole section correct instead of losing 21 points... 

~ Like I said, it was not a great day for Team Buy Me a Drink First.  But now we're off on to a new adventure - Team Traveling Trivia.  We're going to see if we can find a new home that's even half as cool as our old one.  Wish us luck!
Friday, March 24, 2017

Friday Five

1. In my personal opinion, "Love, Actually" is by far the best movie ever made.  It has it all - heart, laughs, cute boys, London.  I mean really, everything you could ever want in a RomCom is in "Love, Actually."  So to say that I was excited about its "reboot" for Red Nose Day, was an understatement.  And after seeing its trailer, I'm beyond excited.  Of course, since I live in the States, I'm supposed to wait until May to see the full 10 minutes.  Ugh!  

2. I spend a lot of time these days talking about how great Seth Meyers is these days, but honestly.  He's killing it every night!  This bit from last night on the health care bill, and SNL is beyond hilarious.  

3. And speaking of the health care bill - my most favorite thing that happened this week, is that finally some people in the House came to their senses and weren't able to provide enough votes for Trump and Co. to pass their ridiculously dangerous health care bill so it was pulled.  That particular bill would have hurt millions of hard-working people.  The ACA may not be perfect, but it's helped a lot of people.  And maybe, just maybe if the current administration would spend more time on making it better than trying to overturn it, they might actually help Americans for a change rather than take important things, like access to healthcare, away from them.

4. This made me smile lots!  #TeamJess

5. "The Little Mermaid" was one of my faves when I was little.  It fell just below "The Lion King" and Aladdin." I'm not a huge Disney Nerd, but I do remember watching these 3 constantly.  So hearing they were making a live action version, I was a little skeptical.  I mean, I'm never a huge fan of just re-making old stuff.  I like new ideas and when the old stuff is so good, why try to best it?  This is probably why I'm not running a studio in LA, but anyway, that's not my point.  My point is, this week Alan Menken who is directing the movie - with Lin Manuel-Miranda providing the music - went to the press with his idea for Ursula.  His genius idea - Harvey Fierstein! An idea I geeked out about for a few hours, until Harvey took to the press to say - "Make it happen!  Your wish is my command!" which made me geek out even more.  Harvey Fierstein with the tentacles and the eels?  How could that not be anything but amazing??

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Blogger's Block

I have a bit of a case of writers block this week.  As it turns out I also have a bit of a case of readers block.  I blame work.  You see we have this insane deadline that's required me to read hundreds of pages of boring cyber stuff for the last 2 weeks straight, so much so that I've literally needed to walk away from my desk multiple times because my eyes were watering from looking at the screen for so long.  That is not fun, let me tell you.

Now I'm a pretty faithful reader and reading hundreds of pages is no difficult task for me.  I've plowed through books in a few hours.  However, when you've spent your entire day staring at a computer screen reading for typos and errors, the very last thing you want to do is come home and read something else.  That's just no good!  Any job that interferes with my most favorite past time is not a job for me!

But luckily, 1 more week left until the crazy deadline.  Everything will need to be finished by next Friday, which means I'll be back to my reading and writing self soon. Though, I fear my 4 books a month goal may be in jeopardy for March - 2 down, and I still have 2 to go.  Will I do it?  (That's like the most boring cliffhanger ever! : )
Wednesday, March 22, 2017

My Heart is in London

It's sad to see a city I love so much splashed all over the news today for something so awful. But in the true spirit of the Brits, there were everyday heroes that did what needed to be done to help others.  These policemen and ordinary people are the true heroes of the day, and they won't be forgotten.  Stay safe London!  Know the world is standing with you and sending our love to you this evening.
Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Trivia Tuesday

~ Team Buy Me A Drink First are total creatures of habit.  When the normal Trivia dude goes on vacation and we get a new person calling the questions, and that new person doesn't project the questions on the screen, asks some questions all at the same time, can't read the questions well, and generally takes FOREVER to finish the game, we get very, very annoyed! All of that being said, we couldn't leave because tonight was the last night for trivia at this bar.  It's apparently shutting down next week and we're very sad about that!  We plan to live a nomadic lifestyle over the next few weeks in our hopes to find a bar and a trivia dude that we like as much as the ones we're losing.

~ Shots that look like cereal milk and taste like chewing on a cinnamon stick are truly disgusting!

~ It is nearly impossible to remember 3 categories when the trivia dude says them only once.  What's even harder to do is to figure out whether or not you got points for a particular round when the guy giving the points just forgets to tell you...

~ A kumquat looks like a small orange - I feel way too many fruits look like small oranges, including small oranges. (Also, something else I just learned, orange is a very hard word to type...)

~ Whenever you think an answer to a question on College Hoops is going to be Duke, you'll be wrong.  Always go with some other team.  I'm pretty sure we've answered Duke for every College Hoops question and never answered correctly.

~ John Dunn wrote a poem about a flea.  Don't you think there are about a million better insects to write about?  I'm sure flea was easy to rhyme with things, but romantic-sounding it's not.

~ 1000 Kilograms is also known as a MegaGram or a Metric Ton.  I think Megagram sounds like some Transformers villain, so much that I would have thought that I had heard that before.  

~ Johnny B. Goode - a song I've heard about almost incessantly since Chuck Berry died last week - only made it to number 80 on the Billboard Top 100 list.  This is a song that went to the moon.  Shouldn't we have sent a song that was #1?

~ The most productive tomato plant in the world yielded 1154 pounds of tomatoes in one year.  If I had that plant, it would cover me for a summer! : )
Monday, March 20, 2017

Monday: A Play in Three Parts

Part One: Morning
Monday morning was rough, because well, Monday mornings are always rough, aren't they? I hit the snooze button on my alarm a few more times than I had meant to, and was therefore behind before I even started the day.  Then I got to my car and there was ice on my windshield - never mind that it was the first day of spring... - that needed to be defrosted and my darn tire light was on which means I eventually need to get air in the flipping tire that loses air if you just look at it funny.  And all of this was before 6:30 am...

Part Two: Mid-Day
By mid-day, the frustrations had escalated to me yelling at Microsoft Word because it wouldn't do what I wanted it to.  That was pretty much the low point.  From there, things started looking up. I heard about the FBI investigation that was breaking news all day.  That definitely made me at least a little optimistic.  I also learned that BroadwayWorld was looking for someone to cover the upcoming RENT tour at the Hippodrome, and since I was the quickest email in the bunch, I got the free tickets and the assignment to write about one of my all time favorite shows. The Monday "blahs"started to disappear at that point.

Part Three: Evening
By the late afternoon, I learned that not only would I get one ticket, but I would get 2 so I could take the bestie with me - something she'd been hinting at all day.  I also learned that Andrew Rannells would be performing at 54 Below in May which may or may not have prompted me to buy yet another ticket to see a show there.  I mean, how could I not?  I was getting free tickets to RENT - tickets that are currently going for $200. Who was I not to spend $40 on a ticket to see someone lovely?

Anyway, there you have my Monday.  It sure sounds page-turning exciting doesn't it?  Here's hoping Tuesday is much calmer and contains a few of the happy surprises that this Monday did...
Sunday, March 19, 2017

Came From Away Again

Yesterday was an exhausting but fabulous day spent in the city.  Now before you say - weren't you just there?! - I'd like to go on record as saying yesterday's trip had been planned for months before I decided to go rogue and buy Broadway Backwards tickets for last week.  So while both trips fell within days of each other, that wasn't the plan...

So this planned trip was planned so I could show off Come From Away to my travel friend, Jennifer.  She's always up for theater and we plan lots of trips to NY but she never saw Come From Away when it was here at Ford's.  So all of the love I've been sending it for the last six months, she didn't understand.  After seeing it last September, I've pretty much talked of nothing else.  I love everything about this show, and I'm so happy to say that it seems the critics and audiences do too.

This story of Gander New Foundland on September 11, 2001 is beautiful, and uplifting and just makes me happy every single time I talk about it.  At the time I said I liked it more than Hamilton, and that still holds true.  It's amazing and the cast is too!  So what was Jennifer's verdict, you ask.  While she didn't think it was better than Hamilton she agreed that it was something special.  I even caught her crying - something I did this time around, but not the first time.  Strange!  
The First Female American Captain in History - Beverly Bass

What was even cooler was Beverly Bass - the real life pilot portrayed in the show so masterfully by Jenn Collella, was in the audience yesterday, as well as the real Nick and Diane - a couple that met, and fell in love during that week in Gander and ultimately were married.  It's so fun to see the real people this show portrays fully embracing this production.  And it's also fun to see these people getting the credit and attention they deserve.  

After falling madly back in love with the tiny show that could - we headed to dinner and then decided to try to win tickets to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  You see, there's a contest on Twitter to upload pictures of yourself in front of the "factory" and each week they pick the best picture, and give that person tickets.  And as you can see, we're totally going to win with the sheer amazingness of our photos, right? ; )

Friday, March 17, 2017

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day from non-Irish me!  

Hope you get to spend your day celebrating, eating pizza (because it's Lent and you can't have meat on Fridays...) and watching Irish 
episodes of television shows with the bestie.

And I hope the leprechauns smile down on you and leave you with a wee bit of gold and magic!
Thursday, March 16, 2017

Save the NEA!

Since this morning, I've been thinking about the arts a lot and the national endowment of the arts.  You can probably guess why.  Because our ridiculously hard headed commander in chief has decided that the NEA is unworthy of money in his current budget - but weekend trips to Mar a Lago that cost $3 million a pop are worthy of this funding.  Funny how that works.  I'd rather not pay my taxes and use that money to go to London each month but it seems that's illegal for me...

Anyway, since hearing this news about the NEA budget, all I've been thinking about is one particular Toby Ziegler rant from West Wing.  It's fairly perfect!  Toby gets what PBS stands for in the lives of kids.  Not to mention what it means to adults.  PBS is completely free entertainment for kids and adults alike.  Why would you cut something that has taught most of the population how to count and spell and create?  

On top of PBS, the NEA does so much more than that.  It's providing an outlet for artists and creators to make beautiful things.  How is that not important in today's world where the state of things is less than beautiful?  I'm sure President Trump's precious hotels and residences wouldn't be quite as "gorgeous" (I'm putting that in quotes, because his affinity for gold things is definitely not in my taste...) without designers, and decorators. In other words, artists.

Sometimes, the arts is all kids and adults have as an outlet.  In turn, these people sharing their art with the world is their way of giving back, which makes the world a richer and more creative place.  Who in their right mind would want to live in a less imaginative world?  

I just don't understand.  I get needing to cut the budget.  It's a necessary evil.  But when our very own president isn't willing to cut down his spending on things he finds beautiful, why should we have to?
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Nice York City

New York City gets a bad rap.  When people talk about it, they speak of New Yorkers who are so self involved that they plow right over you in the street and are constantly angry at you for daring to ruin their day.  After the last few trips, I'd like to say that that is most definitely not the case.  Those are the not the New Yorkers I come in contact with.  It's most often the tourists that are self-involved and rude.

Over the last few days, 

~ A nice man at the coffee counter didn't charge me for my tea because he didn't have the tea I ordered.  So he gave me an Earl Grey for free.

~ Two lovely gentlemen chatted with me at Broadway Backwards all evening and gave me all the goods on BC/EFA events that I should attend.

~ A waitress at the restaurant was manning the bar full of neighborhood guys, chatting with every single one like they were old friends.  While also attending to the few of us at the tables and being just as kind.

~ Ushers at the St. James working during a blizzard, being super helpful and giving everyone better seats because they weren't sold out.

These are the New Yorkers that I see and the reason I love the city so much!  If all cities could be so open and inviting,  the world would be a much happier place!
Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Presently Laughing

When it comes to seeing Broadway shows, I'm more of a musical girl than a play girl.  I see plays, but most definitely not as often as I see musicals.  However, on a snow day when the cheapest ticket is a play and when that play stars Kevin Kline, you take the ticket and roll with it.  

Present Laughter written by Noel Coward is basically a British farce, which are generally the types of plays I manage to see.  Apparently, I have a type.  Kevin Kline plays an aging actor in London in 1939, whose life - including an ex-ish wife, a secretary, a one night stand, a butler, a maid, 2 friends and another woman - is sort of happening all around him.  He thinks he's in charge of the situation, when in fact it's the women that are solving the problems and making him think that he is.  In other words, it's the perfect character for Kevin Kline to play.

He was hilarious!  He just seemed frazzled and slightly full of himself the entire show - which is perfect to play a Hollywood actor that is a little confused much of the time. Kate Burton and Cobie Smulders were also very, very good as his ex-ish wife and new possible girlfriend.  Both were funny and played the hate for each other perfectly!

The part I loved best was the set decoration and costuming.  Everything totally sold 1939 London.  I would have loved to take a stroll around the apartment set - and then set up shop in it.  Gorgeous!

Present Laughter is only a limited run, so I'm super happy to say I had the chance.  It wasn't my favorite, but on a snow day - there's no better way to pass the hours than cheap Broadway!
Monday, March 13, 2017

Theatre People are Way Cooler than Ordinary People

The title of this post is the God's honest truth, I've decided. I've just returned from Broadway Backwards - a night I've been waiting for for a while now - and I'm just stunned at how inspirational and awesome that concert was.  I think I'm still a little high from it - which explains why I'm wide awake hours past my bedtime. 

The concept for Broadway Backwards is an easy one - Men sing Women's songs and vice versa, and all the money from the tickets goes to the LGBTQ center of NYC and Broadway Cares Equity Fights Aids.  However, when you put these amazing voices together, it becomes so much more than a concert.  It definitely becomes a movement.  The audience was made up of all types of people - young and old, gay and straight, and everyone was there to do some good and raise money and awareness for basic human rights.

I personally sat next to a gay couple that have seemingly been together forever.  Both introduced themselves to me immediately, and we chatted all evening.  They were kind and hilarious and made me feel at ease instantly.  You see going to shows by myself isn't a thing I'm super comfortable with just yet.  I usually sit awkwardly and stare at my phone until the show starts, but I didn't have to do that this evening, I had instant friends. (This is also why the unwritten subtitle to this post is "If Straight Guys were as Easy to Talk to as Gay Guys, I'd be Long Married by Now...")

Then of course, there were the entertainers, and oh my goodness did they entertain!  The big draw for me was Andrew Rannells who sang Wherever He Ain't which was amazing - as usual.  Another fabulous standout was Josh Groban making his first appearance at the event. He sang a song I recognized from Chess the musical - most songs that were sung tonight were not on my radar at all, so it was fun to recognize one or two.  Elizabeth Stanley - the woman I discovered last week in that amazing Inspiration video I posted for Women's Day - sang a fall-over funny song from "Cops: The Musical." Who knew that was a thing?!  Jay Armstrong Johnson and Andrew Keenan Bolger singing "Sixteen Going on Seventeen" was also super fun! Lastly, John Glover and Carolee Carmello tore everyone's hearts out with "Hello in there" and "Pity the Child." Those are just my favorites - but every single person was absolute perfection.  

Between the performers and the audience, you could definitely feel an energy that you don't get anywhere else.  We were all sort of connected in the moment and feeling the power of being creative and doing good.  And that right there is just so much better than any drug! Before the show began, my new friends and seatmates told me that once I saw the show, I would definitely return year after year.  And I'm not sure they've ever been so right about anything in their lives.  Such an awesome night!
Sunday, March 12, 2017

Dear Weather Gods,

Dear Weather Gods,

I'm usually all for the "let's give everyone a few snow days" talk that happens around the possibility of a huge winter storm.  I'm all about hunkering down in bed with Netflix, tea and a great book and blocking out the world for a few days while the mess stays outside.  But you see snow gods, I'm headed to New York tomorrow.  And this is a pretty exciting trip.  I'm finally getting to see Broadway Backwards which is a benefit for Broadway Cares.  It's a big deal and it's full of fabulous people that I can't wait to hear sing.  

So if you and your friends, the ice gods and the noreaster gods decide to drop the predicted 12 inches of snow on the East Coast, you could totally ruin my ability to get back home in a timely manner.  That's where we have a problem.  So if it's all the same to you, could you please just decide to start your spring-summer vacation a few days early, and hold the snow until next winter?  I'd gladly take a blizzard then.  Really, I don't mind.  Just let me enjoy my concert in peace.  

Your friend,

Kristen the Warm Weather and Sunshine Lover
Saturday, March 11, 2017

Rock and Roll is Here to Stay

Every year a local high school puts on a Rock and Roll Revival.  This show - which includes all types of music through history - is beyond anything I've ever seen at a high school level. Between the costumes, the choreography and the singing, I'm always blown away.  And this year was no different.  Of course this year there was an added bonus of a brand new venue.

You see, their school was recently rebuilt to be state of the art and ginormous!  I believe my school's auditorium could have fit in their's 4 times over.  They had padded seats, a mezzanine, and a walkway in the ceiling for lighting and tech.  To say it was high tech was an understatement.  And the fact that they just moved into the space in January, I think  made the production even more impressive.

In 2 months in a brand new space, they were able to put on a show with the same production quality that they've had for the last 20 years.  That's a testament to how hard these kids and teachers work.  And each year I'm happy to say I have the chance to see it!
Friday, March 10, 2017

Friday Five

1. I just love this statue that went up on Wall Street this week in honor of International Women's Day.  I only wish it was going to be there just a bit longer so I could see it in person, but I don't think I'd rock my visit as hard as this little girl is.  She's totally celebrating Women's Day the right way!  You go girl!

2. Since this summer will mark my 4th trip to London, we're hoping to branch out a bit and do some new things.  This article from Lonely Planet on Underground (literally!) sites to see is pretty awesome!  I'm hooked on the idea of seeing art in the tunnels.  Such a cool new way to experience a city I just love to pieces! 

3. By now, everyone and their brother has seen this video, but it's too darn adorable not to share!

4. I've pretty much gushed all I can about Come From Away on Broadway to anyone that will listen. And if that bothers you, I'm sorry.  You're in for some more.  Their cast album came out today on iTunes and I'm telling you it's just fantastic!  If you've seen the show or want to see the show, buy the album.  It will give you all the feels!

5. Blake on Madam Secretary is my favorite!  And this photo Erich Bergen shared to his Twitter this week of "Blake" acting like Kelly Anne Conway is hilarious!  

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Movie Times

On January 1, I pronounced that my word for the year would be Open.  I decided I wanted to be open to new experiences and not just say no to things.  I would try new things and see new sights.  So far I haven't done much of that.  I mean, I've taken a few trips to NYC by myself to see things that I really wanted to see so I suppose that's being a little open.  But for the most part, winter in Maryland has found me in a bit of a rut.

However, spring is so close we can taste it - it was about 65 and sunny today! - so things are starting to look up as far as new stuff goes.  Everyone knows nothing fun happens when it's cold.  Fun activities are planned for when it's warm and sunny.  At least that's what I'm telling myself anyway.

So that's why I recently found myself signing up to be a volunteer at the Annapolis Film Festival.  I'm actually quite excited about it even though there's nothing in this activity that sounds remotely like me.  I mean, if it was a theatre fest, that would make more sense.  But I don't see movies.  I have the attention span of a gnat when it comes to movies so I tend to stick to television.

But my thought is that this event will be chock-full of creative and crafty people.  And being around creative and crafty people is never a bad thing.  Also, I'm thinking that meeting these people may lead to other fun happenings that I can be open to trying, or at the very least, maybe Prince Charming is a movie buff...

Yay for new fun!
Wednesday, March 8, 2017

A Day without Me

I work around a lot of men.  Even though I do, I have to say things have never been as bad as stories I've heard of other women working in such a male dominated environment.  For the most part, the guys in my office are well-behaved.  However, they do like to brag about the amount of money they make which - which is always mentioned - trumps my salary by quite a lot. They don't know what I make, but they know they make more.

And of course there are crude jokes or constant rude language that is thrown around quite easily.  I'm pretty sure if their wives were in the room, this wouldn't be happening.  But that's about it.  It's sometimes hard but not unbearable.

But, I still decided to participate in A Day without Women today.  You may ask why, if my job isn't so bad.  Well I did it for 2 reasons. The first requires context.  Yesterday, a colleague of mine needed to spray paint a label onto a travel case.  The last time he did this, he did it in our small closed room and nearly killed everyone with the stench.  This time he went out into the hall and did it instead, thankfully.  Then 4 other guys - all separately - started complaining to me about the smell.  Why I would care when I had nothing to do with it, is an entirely different can of worms, but I'm used to those.  Anyway, later another colleague was holding our door open, which was letting in the smell.  To which the original colleague said "Don't hold the door open too long or Kristen will get bitchy about the smell." 

I have to admit, this is the very first time I've ever been called that word.  And I know for a fact that I didn't deserve it.  I hadn't complained once.  The boys were complaining not me.  The fact that that word was thrown out so cavalierly really made my blood boil.  I know that other women have had to deal with this hundreds of times over.  At no point does any woman deserve that moniker. It's hurtful and just plain mean.

The second and most important reason is for the other women in my life that I know are getting paid less than their male counterparts.  These women like my mom, and my boss, and my friends work their butts off everyday and are still paid at a lower scale.  That's most assuredly not right.  They deserve so much more for their time, energy and creativity!

That's why I called out.  I wanted to stand my ground and have my voice be heard.  I'm not naive enough to think it will do any good, but it still felt good to take a stand.

PS: I wanted to find some video or picture to share what this day meant to me, but they all seemed wrong.  However, I found this song (of course it's a Broadway song!) last week which makes me giggle. It may not be the most Girl Power song (please, keep in mind it was written in the 50s). Though this song is supposed to be funny,  it is a nice thought to think that women are inspirational and are behind some amazing things even when we don't realize it.  Happy International Women's Day!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Trivia Tuesday

~ While all the men on our team seemed to side with tomorrow's Day without Women, it was the ladies that disagreed on whether or not it was a good idea.  Apparently it's a hot button issue.  However, those women are all teachers, and therefore work with many other women and are paid on a scale that equals them to men's salaries.  I on the other hand are surrounded by men each day that like to talk about how much more they make than me, so I have a little different viewpoint on the whole thing...A rousing conversation was had by all.

~ Kim Kardashian has been married 3 times.  I was pretty sure Kanye was the only, but keeping up with the Kardashians has never really been my cup of tea.  (See what I did there? : )

~ West Point is known as the Fort Knox of Silver.  Wouldn't you assume then that Army uniforms had more silver medals on them instead of the gold?

~ Movie quotes will be added to the list of "Things we Know Nothing About."  Just one week, I'd like them to include Broadway quotes instead of movies.  Now that I could handle!

~ Rita Repulsa is the name of a bad guy on the Power Rangers.  I feel like that is by far the worst bad guy name ever!  You could say I'm repulsed by it... ; )

~ Tommy Lee Jones and Al Gore were roomates in college.  Why did we never know that?  That is by far the strangest pairing to imagine.  I'd really enjoy a sitcom version of their living situation.  It totally has potential!

~ Getting your usual chicken tenders in a cone - without french fries - just throws the whole evening off.  And apparently transferring the chicken tenders into the basket of the newly acquired french fries is "too much trouble" and the very definition of "First World Problems."

~ This evening our table was so far from the question asker we briefly brainstormed ways to make it easier to get the answers to him - Drone?  Text? This - in case you were wondering - is part B in the definition of First World Problems.

~ However, it turns out that long distances and missing French Fries must be the key to winning because we made it to second place overall and will be attending the semi-finals again!  Yay us!
Monday, March 6, 2017

Things That Make Me Go Hmmm...

It's only Monday.  I should not already be perplexed my as many things as I am.  And yet, here we are...

~ Trump tweeting that President Obama wire-tapped Trump Tower.  Either Trump actually thinks that all that's needed to get a wire tap is a Presidential signature, or he's lying to take our attention from something else. Neither is good.  In one instance, he's terribly unintelligent and in the other he's terribly evil.  I'm going to say I think they're both true...

~ The movie Get Out is being touted as the best movie of the year so far, and the best horror movie ever made.  I have an general idea of what it's about, but I'm completely confused as to the main idea.  However, it's a horror movie so I'm probably not going to be seeing it ever. What I really need is for someone I know to watch it for me, and either tell me what it's about or tell me it's not going to scare me so I can watch it.

~ Why, why, why would Ben Carson say that Africans brought to America on slave ships were "immigrants?"  I mean, I sort of get slipping up in conversation on trivial matters, but when you're giving a speech about race relations - that's not a trivial matter. Also, it's completely un-true. 

~ Who would be perfect to play Eliza Doolittle and Henry Higgins in the newly announced My Fair Lady?  My current thoughts are Phillipa Soo and Steven Pasquale.  Though, I'm also sort of leaning towards Kara Lindsay and Josh Groban.

~ Will the Baltimore Ravens pick up Torrey Smith again since he was dropped by the 49ers today?  I vote yes!

~ And lastly, and most importantly - how can the Republicans watch the footage of the Syrian refugees walking miles to escape the militants in their country and still sign a ban on giving these poor souls a better place to live?  It's heartless.
Sunday, March 5, 2017

Case of the Century

I was about 11 when the OJ Simpson trial happened.  I knew pretty much nothing of it at the time.  I had much better things to watch on television than a trial where I understood nothing of what was happening.  Of course, that didn't stop me from having an opinion on the outcome - like pretty much every other person on earth at that time.  I do remember it being a media frenzy.  I remember grownups talking about it 24/7 and I remember it being on the cover of every single magazine at the grocery story.

When it finally ended, I remember lots of people being angry about the outcome.  Pretty much every adult in my life at the time thought he was guilty, so I thought he was guilty. And when he was found not-guilty I just assumed that was something that happened sometimes, and went about my business.  Over the years, of course I've learned other details. But I still wouldn't call myself an expert on the case.

However, all of that changed this week when I started watching (late to the game again!) The People vs. OJ Simpson. This show, created by Ryan Murphy is just so, so good.  And educational too!  I'm learning so much more about the case than the little I knew at the time.  And what I find so fascinating is the amount of evidence the state had against OJ.  Like I said, I was too young to grasp everything that was happening in the court.  And I suppose, over the years I just assumed the state's case wasn't as strong as the defense's case, and that's why they lost. 

Nope! The State of California had what, in any other case, would have been called an air tight case.  They  presented mounds of evidence and witnesses.  They had a timeline and previous reports of violence against the victim committed by OJ.  And yet, the defense was able to squash just about everything with ridiculous rebuttals. Nothing stuck - they were like teflon.  It had to be fascinating - if not completely disheartening - to watch. 

Now, 20 years on it's still fascinating.  I try to think about what would happen if something like this had happened today.  Would the media circus be just as insane, or would it go barely noticed?  I'm not sure what scenario is more telling about the world we're living in today....
Saturday, March 4, 2017

What Saturdays Are Made For

Today was a busy Saturday.  I've currently just walked in my door at 11:05 pm and it's the first time I've set foot inside my house since 8:00 this morning.  I had breakfast with my parents, ran fun errands by myself, saw a movie with one friend and a show with another. I even had time in there to be a good girl and go to church.  That's the kind of Saturday I had.  In other words a lovely one.  This is exactly why God gave us Saturdays!
Friday, March 3, 2017

Friday Five

1. This is a weird one that I just realized I liked this week. I like reading cool books. I don't mean cool in regards to the story itself - though that's important, obviously.  I mean the book itself being cool.  Stay with me here.  I'm currently reading Lena Dunham's "Not That Kind of Girl."  And it's a very, very good book of essays, which it looks like from the outside. However, inside there are cutesy little doodles, and cartoons.  It's totally girly, but you'd never know it from the outside.  So I realized, cool design features like that makes some books even cooler.  Does that make any sense whatsoever?

2. After months of putting it off, I've finally watched the fourth and final episode of Gilmore Girls.  And though I'm still angry about the last 4 words of the series, I'm willing to give it a solid B+.  Lauren Graham was outstanding as expected, and the wedding was fabulous.  But I think it lasted just a wee-bit too long and like I said, the last 4 words made me irrationally angry.  Mostly because the last 4 words were technically only 3 words.  But also, the 3 words were not what I would have ended with.  But they do leave the door open for yet another Netflix run in the near future, so let's go ladies!  Get a move on!

3. I found this watercolor shop on Twitter earlier this week, because Jenny Colgan re-tweeted her.  It turns out that the artist was so taken by Neal the Puffin in Jenny's books, that she started painting him into her artwork.  I totally visited her shop to see the Neal paintings, but I fell just as head-over-heels with her paintings of the seaside towns of England.  So fun I'm having a hard time deciding which one to purchase.

4. Duck Tales were never my thing, but have I mentioned lately how much I adore David Tennant? : )

5. This is the face of a man who understands just how cool it is that he's getting to hang out on Sesame Street!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Just a Tiny Bit More Project Life

As I said last night, I had some issues getting good pictures of my spreads for Project Life.  It turns out that tonight was no better.  I have pictures, but they are most definitely not as lovely as I had hoped, so don't judge...

So this is it, so far.  I'm noticing now that I tend to repeat items and embellishments quite a bit, but they're super cute so I'm ok with it.  Some of my favorites are:

In a Creative Bubble Journal cards - I love her style and each time she releases new stock, I must buy at least one set of her super-duper adorable journal cards.
My Emoji journal cards from Studio Calico - I mean, who doesn't love a good emoji?
Hearts - I use heart stickers an embarrasing number of times...
Washi Tape - This stuff is addictive and it doesn't help that Hobby Lobby has it on sale almost every week
Font Candy+: This great app adds text and cool graphics to pictures right from my phone.
Zig Writer: My favorite pen for all my scrapbooking needs.  

 I love this one mostly because this so far has been my favorite thing I've done in 2017 so far.  

 But this layout is my favorite.  Not sure why, probably because it has lots of pink.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Thoughts on Project Life - Two Months Down

For the last 3 years or so, I've been willing myself to complete Project Life.  Every January 1st I have the best of intentions, and then every February 15th or so I let it fall by the wayside where it stays until the following January. It's a whole hellish cycle, that I'd really like to end.  Thankfully, it seems like 2017 is the year to end it.  I don't want to alarm anyone but it's officially March 1 and I'm still up to date on all things Project Life. That's not to say that a new cycle won't begin on March 15.  However, I still enjoy doing it, and I can't seem to stop looking at it, so I'm much more confident this year than most. 

So what's different this year?

First, I went simple.  This is where I screw up usually.  I devise all sorts of templates and plans.  I assume each week must have its own theme, or all pieces of memorabilia and all stories must match each other.  I've now learned that that's not the case.  Simple is your friend.  Whatever I like goes into the album.  Most of the cards I use are white with blank ink from In a Creative Bubble.  I try to jazz them up a bit with some colored ink, or washi tape, but sometimes they're just black and white.  And that's ok.  They still tell the story I want to tell and that's all that matters.  

Next, along the lines of simplicity is your friend is organizing monthly instead of weekly. Weekly is too intimidating.  I feel like you need pics and stories for every single day of every single week.  And honestly, there are days when nothing memorable happens and therefore I have nothing to add to the album.  By organizing monthly, I don't feel that pressure.  There's never a month that goes by when nothing happens.  Some months may be more chock full than others, but the important part is that they all have something in them.  Also, 12 title cards is so much easier to handle than 52 title cards.

Lastly, I don't have to rely too heavily on pictures all the time.  If I take pictures of something memorable, that's fun.  But if I read a book that has a great quote in it, then that gets added too because it's something I want to remember in the future.  Along with pics, in the last 2 months I've added trading cards, quotes, pictures from Seth Meyers Twitter, movie tickets, reviews of shows I've seen and a cancer ribbon.  It's all fun and it looks great! 

So that's where I am right now.  I'm still having fun and I still look forward to editing and printing so I can scrap.  I'm super excited by what I've created and I literally cannot stop looking at it.  Honestly, the reason I'm writing this all tonight - instead of tomorrow when I'll have pictures of the pages - is that I was just looking at it all again, and thinking about how much I love it.  Not perfect by any means but I've finally realized it doesn't have to be.