
Friday, March 24, 2017

Friday Five

1. In my personal opinion, "Love, Actually" is by far the best movie ever made.  It has it all - heart, laughs, cute boys, London.  I mean really, everything you could ever want in a RomCom is in "Love, Actually."  So to say that I was excited about its "reboot" for Red Nose Day, was an understatement.  And after seeing its trailer, I'm beyond excited.  Of course, since I live in the States, I'm supposed to wait until May to see the full 10 minutes.  Ugh!  

2. I spend a lot of time these days talking about how great Seth Meyers is these days, but honestly.  He's killing it every night!  This bit from last night on the health care bill, and SNL is beyond hilarious.  

3. And speaking of the health care bill - my most favorite thing that happened this week, is that finally some people in the House came to their senses and weren't able to provide enough votes for Trump and Co. to pass their ridiculously dangerous health care bill so it was pulled.  That particular bill would have hurt millions of hard-working people.  The ACA may not be perfect, but it's helped a lot of people.  And maybe, just maybe if the current administration would spend more time on making it better than trying to overturn it, they might actually help Americans for a change rather than take important things, like access to healthcare, away from them.

4. This made me smile lots!  #TeamJess

5. "The Little Mermaid" was one of my faves when I was little.  It fell just below "The Lion King" and Aladdin." I'm not a huge Disney Nerd, but I do remember watching these 3 constantly.  So hearing they were making a live action version, I was a little skeptical.  I mean, I'm never a huge fan of just re-making old stuff.  I like new ideas and when the old stuff is so good, why try to best it?  This is probably why I'm not running a studio in LA, but anyway, that's not my point.  My point is, this week Alan Menken who is directing the movie - with Lin Manuel-Miranda providing the music - went to the press with his idea for Ursula.  His genius idea - Harvey Fierstein! An idea I geeked out about for a few hours, until Harvey took to the press to say - "Make it happen!  Your wish is my command!" which made me geek out even more.  Harvey Fierstein with the tentacles and the eels?  How could that not be anything but amazing??


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