
Sunday, March 26, 2017

Spring Cleaning

I feel like I say this every year, but I'm in a state of total spring cleaning mode right now. I literally have completely purged my closed and bureau of any and all unnecessary clothing. Anything that didn't fit or I no longer liked got chucked. On one hand, it's great to have a bit of a clean slate - less mess and more room for more. On the other hand, it's a sad state of affairs to see so much money sitting in a giant pile on my floor...

But I'm going to choose to think about it as a good thing.  I'm trying to dress up a little more these days and go a bit out of my comfort zone. I tend to wear the same seven outfits all the time. So by paring down the wardrobe, in theory I'll have the chance to see what I have and mix and match those pieces more.  In theory, I suppose.  That's what I'm hoping.

For now, it just feels good to be getting all sorts of spring things out because it means that warm weather is returning.  And let's be honest it's much more fun to get dressed in the summer - flip-flops, sandals, fun dresses, oh my! So many more options than boring sweaters and jeans!

Here's to spring fashion and more shopping!


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