
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

"When black cats prowl and pumpkins gleam,
May luck be yours on Halloween."
- Author Unknown
Have a spooky and spectacular Halloween!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Super Storm Survival Kit

And with that, it seems that the super storm of the century has left as quickly (and fairly violently) as it came in.  It's terrible to see the damage that seaside towns took.  However, it seems our little area seemed to make it through pretty darn well.  We never lost power, had no flooding and no property damage.  Though,  since the entire Eastern seaboard shut down in preparation, it did mean that everyone was stuck inside for 48 hours while we rode out the storm.  I've realized that if you're going to get stuck, you really need the right supplies. 

First, you need good company.  I was lucky to not have to spend my 48 hours alone, in my 3rd floor home worrying if the roof might collapse.  I spent my days with my parents who always make for good company.  Then, you need good food.  It certainly didn't hurt that my good company contained a very good cook.  3 hot yummy meals a day with snacks, never hurt anyone.

Then, you need entertainment.  This would have been difficult if we had lost power (and subsequently cable) but luckily that never happened.  As I said a few weeks ago, I enjoy BBC radio shows.  Fairly geeky, I sue me!  My new BFF YouTube suggested I give "Double Income, No Kids Yet" a try.  It's a 3 series set of 30 minute shows centering around Dan and Lucy, a 30 something couple who don't want kids but are surrounded by friends who have all had them (sounds slightly familiar, without the not wanting kids bit).  It was fabulous!  I got so invested that I literally laughed out loud at parts (garnering strange looks from my company I'm sure) and teared up a bit at the end.  I strongly suggest a watch if you have some spare time.  But since it was a radio show, I needed something to do while listening (curse my ADD!) so of course Pinterest was my only other option.  It really is the king of lost time.  You can spend hours on it and never realize it and that I did.

Luckily, this was all we really needed to ride out Sandy.  It could have been a lot worse and we are feeling very thankful today. 

For me, Super Sandy was just a lovely few days to relax and realize how lucky I am before returning to the boring as heck grind tomorrow.
Monday, October 29, 2012

Storm Watch Day 2

Cold...Wet...Windy...Rainy...So, not so much a dud then.

My meteorological skills seem to be rivaled only by my math skills.

Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore....
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Storm Watch Day 1

So far every last school district in the state has closed.  Meanwhile, it's drizzling and the trees are still.  I'm still convinced it's going to be a dud, though it's hammering Ocean City pretty hard.  I had still planned to go to work tomorrow, but since the schools have closed, I may be able to wrangle a day off out of the deal, afterall.

Here's to hoping it stays as calm as it is now, and everyone stays safe and secure.
Saturday, October 27, 2012


If you've heard any news this week, you've for sure heard about the "storm of the century
 that's baring down on the East Coast.  This storm has been nicknamed by some clever newsman, since it's coming near Halloween and should be a combo of 2 opposite storms, Frankenstorm.  I usually freak out during these big weather events.  (I was slightly a basketcase during the earthquake last year...) However, I'm less than impressed by this storm.  They've already declared a state of emergency and I've been robo-called by BGE to inform me of the possible power outages that may occur.  But I just don't buy it.  I'm assuming it's going to pass right over.  Whenever they "know" it's going to happen, it seems to never happen.  It's when we're not prepared is when we really get it!  But that's just my personal, non-meteorological opinion.

My only hope is that it can rain enough (with no other damage at all) to close my office. That's all I really care about now, I just want a day off : )
Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday Five

1.  Although, I'm still feeling slightly guilty, and I'm bummed that the job isn't in London, I'm so happy that there's a light at the end of the dreary tunnel.  Work has been non-existent and when there is some, it's mind-numbingly dull.  So actually getting a chance to work somewhere that wants to use my brain, will be a great change of pace.

2. This recipe for Pumpkin Cheesecake Shooters.  These are so on the agenda for when I'm holed up this weekend, hiding from Frankenstorm.

3.  I fell upon an article on Arthur Eddington this week which has really piqued my curiosity about this fascinating man.  Like most of you, I'm sure, I'd never heard of him.  But I'm sure you've all heard of the man whose groundbreaking theory he helped to prove: Albert Einstein.  I don't begin to understand the physics of what Eddington and Einstein proved correct, but how they went about it is more interesting to me.  They, one German and one Brit, simply sent letters through the post answering each other's questions, during a time when their home countries had declared war on each other.  When you read the story, it seems very, very wrong, that when we were learning about Einstein's theory of relativity, Eddington's name was never brought up.

4. I have a HUGE problem with people that are outrageous just to be outrageous.  The only way these people can garner attention is by saying something so off-color, that the press is forced to listen.  In my personal opinion Ann Coulter is one of those people and she needs to stop getting this attention.  This article just goes to prove my point. How does a woman get to where she is without realizing that word is completely offensive on every level?  And because of his eloquent and well-thought out response to her ineloquent and ridiculous rant, John Franklin Stephens is my new hero.

5.  This is from a few weeks ago, but I completely forgot to write about it then.  How stinking cute is this idea?  I need someone to have a child STAT so I can make them one as a shower gift. 
Thursday, October 25, 2012

News From the World

As one could probably guess, I've been reading a great bit of British news lately. (trying to read up for when I finally arrive of course!)  Anyway, it's amazing the differences between a US based news site and one based in the UK.  I have to add the disclaimer, that while I do occasionally check out the Guardian, I'm mostly a HuffPost UK girl, so all of my assumptions are based on that site. 

My favorite difference is the types of headings they use.  In US online papers, you get the usual fare, Politics, World, Sports, Justice, etc.  In the UK, you get the usual, but you get fun stuff too: Comedy, Culture, Lifestyle, Students.  Getting a chance to see the different prizes and cultural events that are happening across the pond, is a lot more exciting than reading about another Romney/Obama debate.  Headlines are so much cooler, too.  The Brits are known for their sense of humor, and they actually seem to use that to their advantage in headline writing.  No perfect examples spring to mind, but they surely get away with a lot more than we do when it comes to things that are slightly cheeky. I can only guess that's because we don't really know what that word means : )

Of course, that's not to say that they're avoiding our news by any stretch.  There are so many of our big stories making the front page, that I often have to check that I'm actually on the UK site.  The election is one of those reasons.  I'm trying to avoid having to hear the pros and cons of all candidates, but each day there's another smiling pic of Obama or Romney shaking so and so's hand at some rally, most often the same one that's on the front page of all the US papers.  It's really rather annoying, but of course, it's to be expected.  What is surprising, to me anyway, is the lack of press the UK stories get on our sites. 

For the last few weeks, I've been following the truly horrible case of British celebrity Jimmy Savile.  He was one of the BBC's brightest stars for about 40 years, gained a knighthood and thousands of followers, and died in 2011.  But, recently, inquiries began to look at  allegations of sex abuse.  The story has progressively more horrifying over the last few weeks.  The BBC is now being investigated for covering up allegations, the background check for the knighthood is being closely looked at, and worst of all, Scotland Yard believes he abused upwards of 300 girls and women over his lifetime.  The story is probably one of the biggest of its kind ever, certainly.  However, even though this started to boil over around the beginning of October, it just hit CNN this week.  It's kind of terrible, that the US media can be so US-centric sometimes.  You kinda just want to yell: You know there are other countries out there, right?!

Though, my reading doesn't always get me all the news my entire country is talking about,  I have to say, I'd much rather read about who won the Booker Prize for Literature  than why swing states are so important to candidates.  Really, in all this pre-election chaos, wouldn't you?!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Learning is Fun!

As work has been pretty useless lately, I've decided to take advantage of that free subscription to I have.  The site is amazing if you haven't tried it out.  I decided to learn up on some social media stuff, since it's apparently, the future.  I know pretty much all there is to know about Facebook (although, there's a 3 hour course on Facebook so maybe I should brush up), but I never really gotten YouTube or Tumblr.  I'm happy to say I do now. You can do so many cool things with them, that I've never realized.  On top of those, I've gotten some cool new info on PowerPoint 2010, learned how to create a style guide and market a company on the web.  Then there's my queue which is pretty much filled to the brim with courses on Microsoft 2010, Adobe products, Moodle (not even sure about this product but it said it was used in classrooms so that'll be helpful : ), and about a dozen other social media-y type courses.

I'm not sure I'll get to use these new skills anytime soon, but when a big time charity finally hires me to do outreach or a school wants me to re-write their technology curriculum, I'll be ready!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012


So I've received the call that I've been dreading and wanting at the same time.  I was offered a job, which ordinarily is always a good thing.  The bad thing is that it's not in London.  Since I decided to work on moving, I've had this picture of the next few years in my head.  Idealized, probably, but it just seemed to fit.

However, with the state of my current company, and the pay raise this new company is offering, it would be daft for me not to accept the position.  Basically my bubble's just feeling a bit burst.  I'm trying to not get overly upset about it, because London has never been a sure thing but it's a bit difficult. (Nerdy detour: If you watch Doctor Who, it's like when Donna realizes the life she's been living is a dream, and it just pops out of existence.  Yes that's a totally geeky comparison but that's whats been going through my head all day. Nerd rant over.) 

But I think I've gotten some perspective on it. If I were to take a job, I wouldn't want to leave mere months after I got there because that's just rude.  But I've been assured by people far smarter than me, that this is what people do, so that's not worrying me too much anymore. And while the position isn't my idea of perfect,  it is a good job, with a good company and it has a fantastic salary. Now I've never wanted to be one of those people that take a job for money alone. I've got tons of ideas and ways to help people in my head and would really like to find a job doing that, regardless of money (as rose-colored glasses as that sounds).  But with this salary, I can afford to pay off credit cards and bills.  That means that when London does happen, I can go debt-free. 

So all in all, I guess I'm not so undecided anymore.  It throws a wrinkle into my plans, but it may just turn into a good thing, I hope....
Monday, October 22, 2012

Just Call me Tevye...

If you don't get the title of this post, you are obviously not a musical fan.  Tevye is the main character in "Fiddler on the Roof" which contains the song "Sunrise, Sunset".  And this is my long winded (and fairly nerdy) way of saying that I worked from sun up to sun down today literally.  It was still dark-ish when I got to work this morning and the sun was setting as I drove home again.  I never do that.  And might I say, it stinks!  However, the day wasn't a total washout.  I worked so long not because I was constantly "working", but because the darn stuff I was waiting for was coming from the West Coast so the time difference bit me in the butt. 

So while waiting for "work" I actually got to get my stuff done.  Everything I wanted to get done I did. Bills, notes printouts, course registration, you name it, I did it. It was great to finally check off everything on my To Do list!  I'm on a technology kick due in part to the whole revamping the British tech curriculum article I read. So added and checked off the list were the 3 1/2 courses I finished over the last few days.  Granted, they weren't ground breaking (Tumblr and YouTube: Don't judge, I've never really understood either!) but they were super informative.  I'm brimming with ideas on how to use them, ironically not in Education, but for charities. (Just hire me on, and I'll share my ideas - believe me, they're that good : )

Love days like this when I accomplish so much, if only I could get myself in gear all the time!
Sunday, October 21, 2012


If you are a football fan, you've most likely seen the score for today's Ravens game.  There's not much to say other than it was truly, horribly, epically ugly: 43-13.  I'm not sure I've ever seen a game with such a high-scoring opponent.  After a so-so year, plagued with injuries and quite a few not-so-pretty games, this darn team has got to get it together.

I love my Ravens but not if they keep playing like this!  The worse part was seeing the faces of Flacco, Suggs and Harbaugh.  It was almost like they were having a difficult time believing what was was the rest of Maryland surely.  In the end ESPN said it best in its headline after the game.

"Ravens Game a Mid Night Dreary" - ESPN
Saturday, October 20, 2012

International Steeplechase Race

I had the pleasure of attending the International Gold Steeplechase Race today in Marshall VA.  Before I got there, I had no idea what to expect or what steeplechase even was.  Visions of Ben Hur were playing in my head.  I was not expecting a Kentucky Derby-esque atmosphere.  There were funny hats, fancy dresses and lots of food and drink. 

The best part was the locale.  The race took place over 3 1/2 miles in the VA countryside that was absolutely gorgeous.  With the leaves and trees changing colors and temps in the 60s-70s, you couldn't have asked for a more pleasant place to spend a Saturday.  Watching the horses race (0ver little fences and water, contrary to my original thought) took a backseat to people watching.  Although, the Jack Russel Terriers that were racing were super cute and fairly enjoyable to see race, that is if you were quick enough to catch them: those little buggers run fast!  I wasn't originally looking forward to it (I hate being cold and a day in the VA countryside seemed like the perfect opportunity for me to freeze!) but I ended up having a fabulous time!  Also, in my head, this is what Londoners do on their weekends so, it's good practice : )
Announcer's Tower
 Course before horses
 When I started to take this picture there were definitely Jack Russels in my shot.  By the time I snapped, not so much.

Best picture my little rinky-dink camera could get
 Would be such a pretty pic without the darn speaker!

 Trying on funny hats is more amusing than it should be!

 My final decision, can't wait for winter to actually wear it.  By the time the sun came out, even I was roasting wearing it : )
Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday Five

As work has been non-existent this week, I've gotten the chance to read all kinds of interesting (at least to me, that is) things online.  Based on my readings, here are my five favorite (as my English teacher used to say) fun facts to know and tell.

1. On the cover of the Beatles "Help" album, John, Paul George and Ringo were supposed to spell out HELP in semaphore.  However, when the photographer saw it, he wasn't impressed so he changed their placement, which turned out to spell NUJV instead.  This of course started the first conspiracy theory because (most likely) crazy conspiracy theorists thought that NUJV stood for New Unknown John Vocalist.  Kinda cool, right?!

2. The UK is trying to re-write their technology curriculum for the entire country. They are giving scholarships to high-achieveing college students to take coursework created by Facebook and Microsoft.  (Why, you ask, is this interesting? Because this is totally the way I'm getting into the country : )

3. William Shakespeare had a son that passed away whose name was Hamnet, which is where the title for his most famous play, "Hamlet"came from.

4. Apparently, (I've not tried this yet so this could be a terrible idea) you can whip up brownie mix and bake it in a waffle iron.  It sounds absolutely delicious with some ice cream, but like I said, it could also burn down your house...

5. Contrary to what I've heard, it is possible to acquire jobs in England without being a Brit.  The NHS, the Dept. of Ed and some charities will hire you for specific positions.  It's not easy but not impossible either.  Woohoo!  The best thing I've learned is that schools will hire you as long as you are qualified in your home country.
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Less Than Thrilling Thursday

Right Now ~~ I'm watching Hamlet on YouTube (yes, I am a nerd).

Right Now ~~ I think I'm getting a cold...ugh!

Right Now ~~ I really must assemble my Christmas soon as I finish the design in my head.

Right Now ~~ I have almost nothing to say, as I'm fairly exhausted due to an utterly and completely boring day.  Hoping tomorrow will be a little more exciting...
Wednesday, October 17, 2012


I'm a bit of a dreamer, as we've already established.  On ridiculously useless days like today, I'm so happy for that fact.  Work has been slow to say the least (to say the most: I've been sitting at my desk watching YouTube videos for 3 days straight...)  Allowing myself to travel to London in my head is a great way to pass the time.  Some people (the bestie for sure, since she's not too thrilled with this idea) would say that I have an idealized picture of living in another country. 

But I honestly don't think that's the case. This free time and my little day-dreams have allowed me the time to really research neighborhoods, financials, ridiculous changes in pronunciation, etc. Of course it's also added about a billion must-do things to my list as well which just make me antsier to make this happen.

In my dreams I have a tiny (let's be honest here) flat in a safe neighborhood (if Notting Hill was reasonable, I definitely wouldn't turn that down...)  I have a job that actually means something to someone, meaning not watching YouTube all day and also not just making money for a big corporation.  I'm thinking teaching or charity work (Comic Relief/BBC Children in Need if I'm thinking big) which I can already hear you saying "neither make decent money."  This could be the small flaw in my plan, because I could really use the extra cash to travel to Scotland, Wales, Paris or buy tickets for the RSC or Hay-Fest.  Soon after, falling in love with a nice bloke and 2.5 kids. 

So that's the dream.  It's not so out there, right?  And I;m thinking it would really make this blog more interesting.  A quiet American girl moves to the big city on another continent; adventure and hilarity are sure to ensue.  If anything, you'd get to hear the perils of moving a lifetime's worth of stuff into 400 square feet - that's got to be at least 4 posts right there!

 I really don't think I'm asking for much.  So come on Fates, let's kick this plan into gear!  I could really use some intervention.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Debate Confession

A few weeks ago I received an invitation from a political group in the county for a debate watch tonight.  I RSVP'ed and thought that, while it was totally geeky, it just might be something that I could write about.  And, hey, it was a chance to meet some new people.  I seriously had every intention of attending...

Then, I completely chickened out.  Here's where I ran into trouble.  I'm fairly set in my beliefs especially politically.  But that's not to say I'm an expert.  I will openly admit to not knowing nearly as much as most people about politics and government.  My biggest fear was that I would say something ridiculous and have this room of fairly intelligent people think I was a moron.  OR have someone ask me my opinion on something that I knew nothing about. 

Why am I such a ninny?
Monday, October 15, 2012

Christmas Crafting

Well, I've finally kicked myself into shape enough to start my Christmas Crafting.   I actually tried to start a few weeks ago but didn't get very far.  Each year I have such a hard time deciding on what design to use on my cards.  A few years ago, I made 20 different kinds of cards - each individually catered to each person.  That was the year I drove myself mad.  The next year I wizened up and chose one design for everyone.  However, in this theory, since it is only one design, in my messed up brain, that one design MUST be perfect. So I scour blogs and pinterest, magazines and books, then create a half dozen before I decide on one.

Last year, I discovered the assembly line method and was ready to give myself a Nobel prize.  Why did it take me so long to figure this out?  I do all the cutting of everything I need then move on down the line.  I finished my cards in record time.  This year, I've finally gotten the rough idea in my head and all paper and cards have been cut.  But I'm still not entirely sure where I'm going next.  I have an idea in my head but execution may be an issue.

Until I wrote this post, I was feeling pretty good about my, not so much...

Now where do I go?  A sane person would just go to Hallmark : )

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Go Ravens!

After a disappointing Orioles game this past Friday, there were high hopes for today's Ravens game.  Luckily, though our boys didn't play as well as they could have (Except for Jacoby Jones: 108 yard touchdown! Woohoo!), we managed to pull out a win.  While we're still depressed by the loss to the Yanks, the win today certainly managed to buoy our spirits.  5-1 for the first time under Harbaugh - not much to say other than,

Go Ravens!!!
Saturday, October 13, 2012

No Sheet, Sherlock?

I've been reading a great deal of Sherlock Holmes lately; going back and forth between some of Doyle's short stories and "The Sherlockian" by Graham Moore (which is a fabulous book!).  I've always been a fan of mysteries and thought it was high time for me to jump on the master's band wagon.  Doyle's stories still hold up, which is no surprise since there seems to be an onslaught of pop-culture specials in the last year or so.  Between the BBC's "Sherlock" with Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman and "Elementary" with Johnny Lee Miller and Lucy Liu, we're getting more and more Holmes from both sides of the pond.

I, of course, knew pretty much everything everyone else knows about Sherlock already, even though I had never read any of the stories.  But I never realized, just how much authors rely on the structure and plotting of Doyle when writing new mysteries.  One of my favorite series is the Nero Wolfe Mysteries written by Rex Stout.  If you've never heard of this mystery series (which were written between 1934-1975), see if this sounds familiar. A cantankerous and brilliant detective, whose obsessions include orchids and beer solves crimes using his right-hand man Archie's legwork and sheer deduction in a brownstone in New York City, but is baffled and annoyed by those of the opposite sex.  Change some of the names and move his brown-stone to London, and you've got 40 odd new Sherlock stories.  There's something comforting by that.  We all know what we're getting into when we pick up a mystery, thanks to Doyle.  It's assumed that we'll spend pages upon pages wondering who the culprit is, only to be fooled again by some twist at the end.  That's what makes Sherlock and about a dozen other detectives like him, so endlessly entertaining: the thrill of the chase.

Now that I'm here, I, unlike Sherlock who always knows his next move, have no idea where I was going with this post.  I guess I've written all of this just to say that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was quite the genius and anyone who has ever spent days wrapped up in a Whodunit? should thank him for creating this maddening and fascinating detective.

PS: The title of this post was stolen from the BBC's "Sherlock" and I find it endlessly amusing!
Friday, October 12, 2012

Friday Five

1.  I was so prepared to say the best thing about this week was the O's winning this series against the darn Yanks.  Unfortunately, it wasn't to be.  But the birds sure knew how to give us a few great games and a fantastic season!  Way to go guys!  Can't wait to see what you have to show us next season.

2. How can I not think the gods are telling me to move when Pinterest keeps showing me things like this?

3. Speaking of moving, I mentioned earlier this week that the bestie was planning to send me reasons why I shouldn't move, when and where I wouldn't know, according to her.  So yesterday the first message came in: We chat each week over text during White Collar (it's our thing, don't judge, we comment mostly about how adorable Matt Bomer is), and not only is White Collar not shown in England, but even if it was, the time difference would totally throw our mojo off.  Anyway, I decided to send my reasons for moving after each of her reasons for not.  My first reason was a quote I heard this week: If your dreams don't scare you, they're not big enough."  Contrary to what I thought, she was less than impressed by my reasoning.

4. Having a crafty weekend planned, in my head anyway.  I have no real set plans and that feels pretty good for a change.

5. I haven't quite decided if this is a good thing or a sad thing.  My niece has finally mastered the "K" sound.  I used to be Aunt Tis which I thought was totally adorable.  But now that she can say the "K", I'm actually Aunt Kris.  It threw me for a loop the first time she said it.  Like I said, I'm not sure how I feel about it.  But getting to spend time with her is always fun anyway, regardless of how she says my name : )
Thursday, October 11, 2012


After a much longer lunch break than originally planned, mainly caused by a blown out tire on my way back to work, the good 'ol US has a leg up on London, in the struggle for my soul.

On London's side: If I were living in London, I wouldn't have had a tire to blow out.  I wouldn't even have a car.  I'd be taking the Tube everywhere (and mostly grumbling, that's what I do).  So I wouldn't have had to fork out a fortune to buy a new tire.


On Maryland's side: If something like this had happened in London, my amazing parents wouldn't have been able to jump to my rescue as quickly as they did today.  And for that I love them very much and am quite thankful to have them.

Today in the push and pull between them, Maryland wins!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Have you ever had one of those days?  You know the ones.  The ones that you have a mini breakdown for no particular reason at all.  Just a little breakdown because of a lot of little insignificant things.  Yep?  Ok, so you know the kind of day I've had. 

I've started to realize that in the grand scheme of things, at work, I'm fairly useless.  I proofread stuff. That's it.  A highly trained orangutan could do my job.  Ordinarily this realization would zap me down in the dumps.  But not today.  Well, for a few moments it did obviously, since I started with telling you about my mini breakdown.  But it also made me realize that I'm doing the right thing, in trying to find something new.  I could do a whole lot more.  I want to make a difference with what I do, and that's not happening here. 

So while I may feel completely and utterly useless today, I've decided to do something useful to feel better!  I'm acting for a change and that feels pretty good!
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Right Now

Right Now ~~I am stuffed and happy from a dinner of homemade chicken noodle soup on this gray and dreary day. (May just be my favorite thing I've made in a very long while.)

Right Now ~~I have the old-ish songs "Ooh La La" by the Faces and "500 Miles" by the Proclaimers stuck in a continuous loop in my head for some unknown reason.

Right Now~~I am totally inspired to action by this post. (Thanks Aunt M!) I really think I need to print it out to read each day.

Right Now~~I am super excited for the Orioles who are tied with the Yanks.  Go O's!

Right Now~~I am second-guessing my bangs choice.  If these gosh darn things fall in my eyes one more time, I'm going to scream!

Right Now~~I am trying to work up the nerve to use this quote on a particular person who is getting just a bit out of hand with their political rants: "The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don’t alter their views to fit the facts. They alter the facts to fit their views. Which can be uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering."

Right Now~~I am actually looking forward to a list I am to be receiving from the bestie.  She's decided to list reasons why I shouldn't move to London and send them to me one email at a time.  Those should make for some fun.

Right Now~~I am already ready for the weekend and it's only Tuesday...what's that say about my life?
Monday, October 8, 2012


I'm an English-y person by nature.  Give me a book to read or a poem to dissect and I'm a happy camper.  Give me a math problem and it still won't be solved next week.  My brain analyzes words really well, not so much numbers.  So because of this, it shouldn't be a surprise that I go for quotes and passages as much as I do.  Lately, it's become a bit of an addiction.  I have a Mary Engelbreit calendar on my desk and I think I've saved pages from about 6 months just based on the quotes alone.  I see them in stores, hear them in songs, read them in books, and mostly spot them on Pinterest.  As crazy as this sounds, my heart thinks they're the universe sending me messages. 

Here are a few of my favorites.  Maybe they'll inspire you as they've inspired me. (Some are paraphrased and most don't have their proper authors: I'm at home and the quotes are hanging on my "happy" board at work : )

"Don't be afraid that your life will end.  Be afraid that it will never start.": This one is used to justify moving to London.

"No one will ever know the strength of my love for you.  After all, you're the only one that knows what my heart sounds like from the inside.":  This one will most definitely be hanging on my future little one's wall.

"This year: Have. More. Fun.": Not sure I'm living up to this one, but maybe by next January 1, I will be.

"And though she be but little, she is fierce." - Shakespeare: Girl Power!

"Imagination is more important than knowledge, for while knowledge defines all we currently know and understand, imagination leads us to all we might yet discover and create!": Another justification for London-dreaming

"Anyone remotely interesting, is mad in some way or another."
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Birds of Baltimore

There's been quite a bit of excitement here in the Baltimore area this week.  We Ravens fans are usually fairly excited throughout the season.  And when we are doing fairly well, we tend to go a little overboard.  But what's really gotten us riled up this week is the fact that the Orioles played in their first playoff game in 15 years on Thursday and won. This means that we move on in the playoffs but more importantly we get to play the home!

With the Ravens AND Orioles due to play today, Baltimoreans were more than a little excited.  The Ravens game went off without a hitch.  They played sloppy but not as sloppy as Kansas City and came out on top of a crazy low scorer (9-3).  But unfortunately MD's goofy weather has gotten in the way of our Orioles' fun this evening.  The game was due to start at 6:15 but as of 8:30, it's still rain delayed.  It would seem the excitement will be holding off until tomorrow, I assume but who knows?

But that's ok.  We are still super proud of our Birds of Baltimore and we'll be riding the fun train as long as this lasts!
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Saturday Shopping

I had high hopes at the start of the day, to at least begin my Christmas shopping. Well...not so much.  It was a perfectly wonderful day but no luck on the Christmas front.  Do you realize that Christmas is about 11 weeks away?  Holy Moly!  I really need to get a move on!

I bought a Snowman, do you think that counts?
Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday Five

So I've been a bit off my rocker lately, with thoughts of moving.  We're not just talking moving to a new city or state.  I have this crazy idea to move across the pond to England, London specifically. For those that know me, it's a bit of a surprise to say the least. So to help you understand why a little better, here are my 5 reasons for wanting to go Brit.

1. It's an adventure and I need some adventure in my life.  The whole finding the love of my life and settling down is never going to happen if I stick to my same old routine.  As much as I'd like to think I'm going to bump into Mr. Perfect in the middle of the Fiction and Lit section of Barnes & Noble, I know it's most likely not happening.  Also, who couldn't live without a little more adventure in their life?

2. London, England is amazing destination adjacent.  I absolutely adore the city of London in itself.  But when living in Europe, trips to Paris, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Germany, etc. are weekend getaways.  People hop on a train to Paris like I visit Ocean City.  Just think how many adventures I could have in multiple countries.

3. In my head, London, is perfect for me.  No car needed.  Flats in adorable houses instead of high-rises.  The West-End which rivals Broadway.  Tea-totalling instead of coffee-chugging.  Shakespeare instead of Snooki.  The education and health care industries are some of the best in the world.  Easy access to the Tube.  And most of all the history of this amazing country gets me every time. So much has happened in all parts that one can't see everything on just a simple vacation!  I'd definitely need a year or so.  Throwing in the surrounding areas, I'd need more than a year!

4.  British people: Britons have always held the reputation of being quiet and un-assuming, polite, and able to laugh at themselves.  I always thought they had just been portrayed that way in films and television, but when I visited, everyone I met seemed to fit in these categories.  Not to toot my own horn, but I would say I do as well.  I really think I'd fit in over there.  Not to mention I'd love to start throwing words around like "nicked", "chuffed" and "blimey!" without getting strange looks.

5.  To prove I can.  If I moved to NYC, I know myself, I'd be home every weekend.  I've never been completely on my own before and while I would miss my family terribly (I'm picturing a small breakdown if this ever were to take shape...) I've never been completely alone I'd want to be able to prove I'm creating my own life for me, not for anyone else.
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Half Way There...

Today, I am officially half way to 3-0.  Ugh!  As such, I figured I'd check in to see how my list of 29 things I am supposed to do this year is going...especially considering I only remember a handful of what I put on this darn thing.

1. Visit at least 3 different bars.: Not a one yet...
2. Continue to eat anything I'm offered (My friends think this is a pain but I actually love having to try things...although, the beer tastings are getting old!)
3. Stop feeling so guilty all the time for things that I have no control over.: I've decided this one is impossible!
4. Get to a Ravens, Orioles and Caps game.: I had tickets to the Caps, then they decided to Lockout.  The O's are in the playoffs for the first time in over a decade and yet I still missed all the games.  However, my birthday is right around opening day so I might be able to make it happen.  And the darn Ravens are just so expensive!
5. Shop less. Save more.: Working on it...
6. Go on a date.: Nope : (
7. Get to the Food bookstore in Manhattan.: Headed here in November
8. Take my niece on a special girls day out, just the 2 of us.: Have done this multiple times but no where really special yet.  Although she thought the Teddy Bear picnic was pretty cool.
9. Partake in a Supper Club. (Had one planned for months with 2 girlfriends but we keep missing it...): Nope
10. Learn to let the things roll off my back that I can't control.: Getting better at this but I still get pretty aggravated about certain things.
11. Create things. (I really need to use my scrapbook powers for good not evil.): Having great fun doing this!
12. Go down the Ocean, hon.
13. Read more. (I do this a lot anyway, but I need to keep up with the slew of books I buy each year.)
14. Keep up with e-mails to family and friends.
15. Meet old co-workers for drinks at least every few months.
16. Cook more: At least one good meal and one dessert a week.: I was doing really well but I've really fallen off the wagon in the last few months.
17. Learn to crochet.: Got the single stitch down, but having a ridiculously embarassing time trying to figure out how to connect them - Does that count?
18. Take Web Design classes.
19. Go red again, only this time a little more noticeably.: This is embarassing - I've just realized I haven't even had a haircut let alone a dye job in over 18 months...I'm a terrible girl!
20. Invest in a great printer to scrapbook with.: Does making a list of the top 5 count?
21. Attend at least 2 concerts and Tailgate.: One down (Bruce Springsteen), One to go
22. Become a passenger more instead of always being the driver.: Working on it
23. Explore Maryland more.
24. Take a Yoga or Pilates class.: Still trying to find a good beginner one and mostly putting it off because...I'm not sure what to wear to a yoga class : )
25. Take a cooking class.: Haven't found a good one yet, although watching my dad the chef cook probably teaches me more than any class would anyway
26. Attend the Star Spangled Sailabration on a boat.
27. Stop biting my fingernails.: I had teeny-tiny nails for like a week in the summer then something happened and I fell off the wagon.  No willpower at all!
28. Visit a museum or 2.: I visited the Kinetic Sculpture Race for the American Visionary Arts Museum so I think that counts for 1...1 down 1 to go.
29. Try authentic Indian and Thai food.: Do you have any idea how difficult it is to get picky people to accompany you to new restaurants?

So long story short, I'm pathetic!  I really need to get my act together. 

It seems it will be a jam-packed 6 months...

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

"From Notting Hill, With Love...Actually"

I've just finished the most amazing book!  I've been dying to read it since it came out and finally broke down and bought it this weekend. 430 pages and 3 days later, I'm finished and wishing she'd write another one pronto!  As a chick and a fan of all things chick-flick, of course I'm in love with "Notting Hill" and "Love...Actually" ("Love...Actually" is actually in my top 5 movies of all time).  A book that joined both would have to be pretty spectacular and it so was.

It's a fairly simple love story but the best part was that I could almost hear myself in the main character, Scarlet.  She's obsessed with movies and the cinema and is looking for some of that magic in her life.  I'm not a big movie buff, but I often assume that life will turn out like it does in the movies and TV.  After she goes looking for those kinds of experiences by taking off to London, where much hilarity ensues and she realizes that love...actually is all around (heehee, see what I did there?!). 

It's one of those books that I'm hoping my friends and family will read.  After a quick read, I kinda hope they may not think I'm so out there anymore.  All in all, a fabulous read!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Just a Dreamer

I have a nasty habit of letting my brain take over sometimes.  I can get lost in a day dream at the drop of a hat.  Any cutesy antidote from a book or TV show can lead to a quiet yet happy commute.  I'm definitely what you might call a dreamer.  The problem with this is that I often think my friends and family have decided that this is a bad thing.  I am in the opposite camp. 

Yes dreams are often an escape from the hum-drum and letting them run your life could be dangerous.  There's a quote that keeps popping up on Pinterest, something about, Never letting dreams getting the way of reality.   But dreams can also be rays of sunshine and hope.  I'm currently not teaching Pre-K in an International school in London, married to a college professor with 2.5 children and a puppy.  But the dreamer in me knows that it could happen, one day...Dreaming about this fabulous life makes me work harder to create it. 

What exactly is wrong with that?
Monday, October 1, 2012


I had some issues with the September challenges.  The subjects were just a little too sbstract for my little mind to handle and my creativity was dwindling.  From the looks of this month, it'll be a bit easier in October.  Let's hope so anyway...
October 1: Somewhere I Stood (Tower of London admiring Tower Bridge) 
October 2: Lunchtime
October 3: This Happened Today
October 4: What I Read
October 5: Shadow
October 6: I'm Thankful For...
Ocotber 7: Light
October 8: Angle
October 9: Red
October 10: Emotion
October 11: Something Close Up
October 12: On the Table
October 13: Landscape
October 14: Makes Me Laugh
October 15: Dinner
Ocotber 16: Something I Wrote
October 17: Fruit
October 18: Made Me Smile Today
October 19: Letters
October 20: 4:00
October 21: Calm
October 22: In My Hometown
October 23: The View From Here
October 24: Weather
October 25: People
October 26: Something I'm Listening To
October 27: Morning
October 28: Looking Back
October 29: Moon
October 30: Clothes
October 31: Happy Halloween!