A few weeks ago Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk started a kick starter for a show about the convention circuit. The show would be called Con Man and it would revolve around the mishaps of 2 actors that were on a prematurely cancelled but much loved sci-fi show about 10 years ago. One character would move on to fame and fortune while the other would play the "best friend" role for the last 10 years of his career. Does this sound familiar to anyone? It's pretty much the script of their real lives after Firefly was cancelled. It promises to be awesome!
What was pretty unbelievable was that they set a fairly lofty goal - around $430K. In about 24 hours, their goal was completely funded by every single person in the Sci-fi fandom (not really, but close). And in 16 days, they managed to raise over $2.3 million. That's ridiculous! It looks pretty amazing, and honestly, I'm still mourning the loss of Firefly, so I'll take what I can get. I was pretty excited about it.
That is until today.
I've decided that while their plan is fantastic, this indie gogo is even more fantastic and much more deserving. (I'd embed it if I could, but I can't. Definitely click on the link and watch the video - it's so worth it!) First off, it's being created by Rob Benedict and Richard Speight, 2 fairly unknown actors unless you're a Supernatural fan. And in that case, they're God and the Angel Gabriel - so you could say that they're kind of a big deal. And their idea, while pretty much exactly the same (they even address this in their video) seems more real, and more believable rather than just being fan service. These guys attend every last convention they possibly can and they interact with the fans on a monthly basis. They know this community inside and out. If anyone's going to do it justice, they are.
While I love Nathan Fillion, and I support any project that gets him more screen time, it's a little harder for me to support his project. Honestly, the $435K could have been pocket change for him. Rob & Rich have a much smaller goal and actually could put the funded money to good use.
What warms my little geeky heart though, is the support they're getting. I mean in 12 hours, they're 50% to their goal, which is so deserved! But every single one of the producers, fellow actors and anyone who's ever been on Supernatural has shown their support on Social Media for the project. I'm also willing to bet, they've actually given money to the project as well. Really?! How often do you see a group of people care so much about each other, and seem to really mean it. I'm so happy for them!
Go Rob & Rich! I can't wait to see the series!
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