Let's get this out of the way right now, I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I WANT TO BE WHEN I GROW UP. I think we might all know this already but I figured I should clue you in just in case. On that note, I decided to do something about that today.
I currently have a job that sounds perfect to a lot of people: I sit at my desk all day and do pretty much nothing but answer the occasional e-mail. Last year, I thought I solved this problem by getting a brand-spanking new job...not so much. Not working at all beats working for meanies any day. Alas, I made a few inquiries and was promised a great deal, so back to the ho-hum world of training development I went with great expectations. As you can probably see, that didn't work out so well and I'm back to doing exactly what I was doingbefore I left: Nothing!
After years of filling out applications and sending in resumes and getting nowhere, I thought a new proactive approach might be in order. It didn't hurt that I had a kick in the pants from some loved ones as well.
First up on the list is joining www.meetup.com. Have you heard of this? I was sent the link to try out (Thanks Aunt Mil!) and realized that it's actually a pretty cool concept. You enter your zip code and find groups to join in your area. From what I can see, it looks like a great networking opportunity. So I promptly signed up for not one but two job search/networking groups and 2 more not so serious groups to have a little fun. Who knows? I might just get a life afterall!
Second on my list is signing up for a job fair. I tried this once. Took a whole day off and everything. I walked into a room full of 2 companies...one of which sold mattresses. So you might say that my expectations for job fairs are not very high. But, this is a reputable company that runs tons of these each month so this one might be different. (One can hope...)
Last on my list, which hasn't been accomplished yet, is to sign up for LinkedIn. I've heard people talk about this site for years and from what I can tell it's Facebook for work. But, I'm open to trying it. A friend was telling me about some great features it has so it's worth a shot.
So there you have it, Operation Get Kristen her Dream Job (GKDJ for short) is under way. I'm hoping the MeetUp groups may also lead me into my next battle: Operation Get Kristen a Hubby, but we'll see how that goes : )
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