
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Not Sure What to Say

I'm fairly certain that I've got some form of writer's block...blogger's block?(Is that even a thing?)   I've been literally staring at my computer screen for 45 minutes and haven't thought of one single thing to say, which added to last night's lame post, is enough to make me batty. 

I suppose I can talk about how karma let me down this morning when I woke up to find I was not a multi-millionaire.  I had plans.  I was going to give lots away to family and friends.  I was going to pay off my house and give it to someone who needed a place to live.  There was a list of charities that would be reaping the rewards.  Those darn plans should have been enough to tip the lottery scales in my direction, don't you think?  But, alas, it was not meant to be. 

Or I can talk about the highlight of my day which shouldn't really be a highlight, but because I'm a bit of a nerd, it is: I pre-ordered my Hobbit opening day tickets.  RealD 3D baby!  I even started reading the book today to prepare.  I know that as a sci-fi/fantasy fan I should have read it a long time ago, but I thought it would be as difficult to read as Lord of the Rings.  Little did I know that because it was originally a children's book, it's much easier to make it through.  So far I'm loving it!

Of course, neither of these things add up to an eventful or thought-provoking post.  You'll just have to forgive me for living such a dull life right now.  Soon, there'll be fun holiday happenings to write about.  So I promise in the coming weeks, I'll try not be such an old lady. 


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