So after spending the entire day at a cyber conference, I've mad a few observations. First being, that even though I attended last year and "manned the booth" I some how got
worse at it this year. I'm not sure how this happened. Last year I had a whole shpeel about what we did and how good at it we are. Today more than once, I had to stop from talking because I was tripping up over all the cyber-y words.
Then there's the whole subject of social awkwardness. Honestly, I would say I'm pretty awkward around people. I'm shy and not a big fan of engaging people I don't know if they haven't spoken to me first. However, I ain't got nothing on some serious cyber heads I met today. I'm not sure they're used to talking to people that aren't inside a computer. So striking up a conversation when neither party knows exactly what to say makes things just a bit difficult.
My last observation is that sales people - not all of them mind you, and most definitely not the really good ones - are often quite, how should I put this as nicely as I can, jerk-y. They sort of run right over you with how important they are and how you'd be stupid not to partner with them/buy their product/sell them your first born. I understand you have to be confident to get the sale, but does that also mean you have to be a butt head while doing so?
Overall, there were some absolutely lovely people there - People I'd love to get hired at our company or to work with. And there were definitely some not so lovely people that I'm so happy I only have to see once a year. But overall, cyber conferences are just about as exciting as they sound - in other words, not much.
Oh and also, paying $30 for parking and $15 for a crappy grilled cheese, is really not my idea of a fun day.
Rant officially over : )
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