
Thursday, December 10, 2015

Almost App-tastic: Get Unstuck!

While reading a few new blogs this week, I discovered a new app written up in one of the blogs called Unstuck.  I have to admit, I usually avoid all apps that aren't social media or photography,  but this one sounded intriguing.  It's basically a crystal ball - not really but it's easier to explain it like that - that helps you determine where you're stuck in life or in relationships or in other areas of your life.  You answer a few questions and out pops an answer - and, I was told, ways to help get unstuck.

Mostly drawn by the design itself, I gave it a try.  I answered all the questions honestly.  There were only a few and none were that difficult.  And as it turns out, it mapped my personality perfectly.  I can see pretty much every part of this particular personality type in myself.  It's not a fantastic trait that I'm happy about, but it was most definitely true.  But this app was going to help stop me from continuing down this path, right?

It was supposed to give me tips on how to be more decisive and make a decision.  However, their helpful tips were nothing more than good ideas.  They wanted me to give myself time limits for decisions and decide if the decision I needed to make was life or death.  Apparently, taking the jeopardy out of the decision, helps you decide quicker.  That's all well and good.  But if it's difficult for me to make a decision, telling me to logic my way out of it, isn't really going to help.  

So if you're looking for a great descriptor for how you are or if you want to confirm you are how you think you are, I would give it a try. If you're looking for ways to be more decisive, or ways to change your thinking - maybe try another app.  I hear Facebook is nice...


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