
Thursday, October 13, 2016

Life Lately...

We've now entered that tricky part of the year between the end of summer and the start of the Christmas season when it's starting to get dark early, and there's just not much happening.  I hate that time of year.  I always find it quite difficult to get motivated to craft or work or even find a book I'm hooked on long enough to complete it.  It's a real pain!

However, I've been focused on a few things that have been swimming around my brain for the last week or so.  These are those things ("dun dun" a la Law & Order - I crack myself up!)

I've been reading Miranda Hart's biography.  Now I know I've just finished gushing over her show, but I'm on a bit of a Miranda Hart kick because honestly, she's the only person that states pretty much everything I'm feeling. Like I said before, she's a 6 foot British version of me.  She's awkward and sarcastic.  She finds utterly ridiculous things funny.  She never knew what to do with her life and she still feels like she doesn't.  She's not married and doesn't have kids even though she wants both.  Hearing her say these things makes me feel like I'm not so odd.

I've also been watching a fantastic show on the CW called No Tomorrow which is about a guy that thinks the apocalypse is coming in 8 months, so he's been fulfilling his bucket list. He meets a girl that's always played by the rules and gets her to start adventuring as well.  First off, I need a guy like this in my life (especially if he's as adorable as the dude in this show...).  Second off, I need more excitement in my life - which is really nothing new.  But it bears repeating.

Lastly, I've been reading a lot about book arts and letterpress.  I'm not sure I knew they were even a thing until a few years ago, but they seem like something I should know about.  As someone with as many books as I have, you'd think I would have put 2 and 2 together to come to making books, but as it turns out I'm a little slow on the uptake. I've now found 2 printers in the Baltimore area that offers classes on these awesome art forms.  Now I just need them to post their schedule for the winter when I'm really uninspired to do anything but curl up under the covers,  so I can get my butt into gear!

So there's life lately - a life spent mostly in my head these days.  


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