Earlier this week was the very first I heard about the Women's March in Washington DC. I loved the idea, but I knew there were be thousands of people, and I knew no one would want to come with me, and I wasn't really willing to enter that madness by myself. But I was marching with these strong women in spirit. Imagine my surprise then, when I woke up this morning to pictures of thousands of people all over the world in cities great and small marching for equality. It was gorgeous thing to see!
But then I went about my morning, keeping an eye on all the awesomeness happening in cities all around me. However, sometimes it pays off. Because I somehow happened upon a Women's March in downtown Annapolis, that was just starting when I arrived. It was a sign so I marched. And I was super inspired by everything I saw. Women, families, men, children, young and old all marching for the same causes. It was peaceful, and happy, and infectious! I'm extremely proud to be a girl today!
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