1. Even though, I'm still dealing with some terribly awful tech issues - some my fault, others not so much - I've been enjoying scrapbooking my England trip. I love the way it's turning out. I'm only half way through the trip, but now it's getting to the Cornwall fun, which is all beachy all the time, so that should be super fun to see come together!
2. I cannot wait to listen to this Podcast. I love Jonathan Groff and honestly, how could a musical podcast be anything but fabulous?!
3. I love those dreamy Supernatural boys, and I'm always hoping they'll get some recognition from the late night shows. Of course, it usually doesn't happen. However, this week is Comic Con and they finally (finally!) appeared on Conan. They were dreamy, and hilarious. Jensen's Birthday surprise keg for Jared, with an added Keg Stand on national television will be hard to beat.
4. Speaking of Comic Con - what about the new casting for the next Doctor. A woman and a woman as super-talented as Jodie Whitaker? Fabulous news! I'm so happy to see the show move forward. I loved Jodie on Broadchurch, and I think she'll be awesome as the Doctor. And I'm also so happy to see so many of the fans getting on board - we won't mention the jerks that are actually taking the time to complain to the BBC about it being a woman...
5. Last but not least, I'm going to New York tomorrow to see a show I know NOTHING about. Apparently it's called Puffs and it's about Harry Potter, other than that, I've got no idea. One of my friends is a big HP fan, and she's seen it - and loved it. Now she wants all of us to go see it too. I was a little taken aback when everyone was planning to wear HP gear, since I have none, but I side-stepped the themed outfit, and now I'm just super ready to see it!
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