
Friday, May 31, 2013

Friday Five

1. Summer Nights: I know I said this last night too but there's just something about that summer feeling in the air.  Plans start forming in your head and sooner or later your spending whole evenings by the water or going out for late evening ice cream.  I adore the summer time, even the heat.  Just not so much the ungodly hot steering wheel in my car...

2. "Barefoot Blue Jean Night" by Jake Owen: Keeping in the summer theme, this, is by far, one of my all-time favorite summer songs.  There's always Zac Brown and Kenny Chesney, but this song just has that summer mood to it. I will no doubt have it stuck in my head for the rest of the warm months, but I'm ok with it.  Love this song!
3. Google Maps: I  have spent an inordinate amount of time using Google Maps lately.  I have to admit I was skeptical of the whole shabang at first.  I saw no point in mapping anything, mostly because I can't read a map to save my life.  And then, you have to deal with what you're going to map.  You can look at your house, or the houses of people you know, but then again you have personal knowledge of what those houses look like already so what exactly is the up side of seeing them on the computer screen?  I've since come around.  Mostly for vacation planning.  It's fantastic to determine how far things are from hotels and restaurants or sites.  I'm still just as terrible with directions but at least I get to see sneak peeks of the amazing things I'll soon be visiting...

4. This super cool stamp from Simon Says Stamp.  I have been looking for stamp like this for months and this one happens to fit the bill.  It's been designed by one of my favorite bloggers too which is an added bonus.  The only downside is that I've been looking at it for a specific purpose but due to the size, it won't fit my specific purpose : (  Of course, now Plans B-Z are ambling through my little brain so I'm thinking this stamp is so being purchased this weekend...

5. I saw this article this week during my daily trolling of the Brit Papers (Sometimes I think that the only reason I read them is for the highly superior headlines: "Vatican confirms, "atheists are still going to Hell""; "Kinky Vampires Fail to Excite" - Those are just my 2 favorite from this week...) Anyway, it's concerning a new practice they're trying in the UK for kids and adolescents with Autism called Relaxed Theatre.  Theatres are catering performances to families who are dealing with issues because of their child's behavior or certain fears and eccentricities.  I happen to think it's a fantastic idea and would like to know why no one thought of it sooner!  I haven't a clue how one goes about implementing something like this but it would be awesome to try it here in the states!
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Summer Evening

Seeing as it's after Memorial Day, it should come as no surprise that it's feeling summery here in Maryland.  But the weather was touch and go there for a while.  After 2 days of above 80 temperatures, I'm prepared to call Summer 2013 in progress.  The best part of these summer evenings, is spending time in a yummy restaurant with outdoor seating, chatting and laughing with a fabulous bestie, enjoying a delicious meal with some FroYo thrown in for good measure for dessert.

Summer, oh how I've missed you!
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Shades of Grey

After a short conversation today on the virtues of math, I think I finally came to conclusion as to why math hates me.  A math major friend decided to argue that the reason mathematics was so fantastic was that it was absolute.  There's only ever one answer to a problem and each problem is only black or white.  That totally explains my issue with it in a nutshell!

The world is full of shades of grey.  Reading Shakespeare or a comic book, you can take something slightly different away than everyone else who has ever read it.  Depending on your mood when you read it, you may even come away with very different opinions from the last time you read it.  The same goes for the world as a whole.  It would be a very, very boring place if every action had only one possible reaction, or every choice had just a single outcome.

 The inability to solve a math problem may have caused issues for me in school but now, I'm finally happy with it.  If that inability opened my eyes to the wonder of devouring a great book in an afternoon, or appreciating varying opinions on a particular subject, then so be it.  The way I see it, you can never really appreciate the full beauty of the world and your surroundings until you start to appreciate the shades of grey around you.  Afterall, grey is the new black...
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Further Travel Planning Progress

Travel Planning has been running along swimmingly in the last few weeks.  Airfare has still not been acquired however, we've gotten the hotels worked out and pretty much have narrowed down what to see. Now to decide when to see it.

First up, in London we will be staying at the Park International in Kensington.  It's just a short walk from Kensington and Earl's Court Stations(and there's a TARDIS, ok not a TARDIS but a police box that you can pretend is a TARDIS just outside Earl's Court, so you know, perfect proximity!) and about a 20 minute walk to Harrod's.  Tube and Shopping close, what more can you ask for?
Then it's on to Edinburgh Scotland via sleeper bus.  I think it just may be Edinburgh that I'm most excited about.  Aside from the glorious photo-taking opportunities available and the chance to purchase some genuine Scottish Wool accessories, it's the chance to actually live in the heart of the Royal Mile for just a few days.  We've decided to stay in a Serviced Flat on the famed Royal Mile.  Haven't quite figured out exactly what building we're staying in yet, and there's a fairly good chance we're staying above a Burger joint, but who cares?  Certainly not me, when I get to wake up to this 2 mornings in a row.

Lastly, it's on to Stratford upon Avon where we'll be staying at the Legacy Falcon Hotel.  Very Shakespeare-y don't you think?  Kind of goes with the itinerary but quite honestly what else are you going to do in this sleepy little town but indulge in a bit of the Bard (And a bit of the Doctor as well since David Tennant will be playing Richard II...)?
Of course we have most of the fun stuff planned out as well, but we're still firming up details on those.  All I know, is that it's getting slightly close not that I'm counting or anything...
Monday, May 27, 2013

Happy Memorial Day!

My hope is that the men and women we are praising on Memorial Day know how much they mean to us the whole year through.  Their duty, service and sacrifice should be honored and respected each day. 

Thank you again to all that serve and who have served!

Happy Memorial Day!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Thank You to All Who Serve!

 "The legacy of heroes is the memory of a great name and the inheritance of a great example."
Benjamin Disraeli
 Thank you to all who have served and are currently serving.  We will never forget your dedication and sacrifice! 

A Night at the Theatre

The bestie and I went to see "Clybourne Park" this evening at Centerstage in Baltimore.  She had read the play and was hoping to catch it on Broadway, but I on the other hand, not so much.  I had absolutely no idea what to expect so I was not looking forward to it as much as she was.  However, I was pleasantly surprised.  The writing is superb and completely real and it was easy to see how it won the Tony for best play last year.  Fantastic play kudos to the cast!  Can't wait to get back to Centerstage to see another one. (Seriously, how can you not love a theatre that covers its walls with clever quotes like the one below? : )
Friday, May 24, 2013

Friday Five

1. Reconnecting with an old friend.  Wonderful evening after way too long!

2. 36 Reasons to love London: I'm sure there are about 136 reasons that I love London, but some of these are quite sweet, especially in the wake of everything that's happened this week.

3. I hadn't heard anything about this but leave it to BuzzFeed to break the story.  It'll restore your faith in humanity for sure.  What a selfless, and completely beautiful thing to do for a little girl.

4. While I'm quite into scrapbooking (so much so that I already have a plan for my non-existent photos of my future trip...) I adore every one of these ideas.  They are so creative but some are so simple, I'm kicking myself for not thinking of them myself.  Can't wait to have some really cool pictures to start crafting with!

5. These two absolutely perfect quotes.

This one should be added as an amendment to yesterday's post.  What an inspiration Harvey Milk was!  If only the Boy Scouts would listen to what he had to say...
And this one mostly because I can never look away from a cool new travel quote. 
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Dear Boy Scouts of America,

First let me say that ordinarily I'm a big admirer of your organization as a whole and your commitment to giving boys discipline, camaraderie and life skills. I know tons of boys that have learned a great deal from your programs and have nothing but fabulous things to say about being a scout. However, I must say, today, I'm just disappointed in you.

This vote that's been dominating the press in the last few weeks should never have happened. Who someone is on their own time isn't a topic to be voted for or against. Whether you allow homosexuals to lead groups or allow them to become scouts will sound just as ridiculous a few years from now as not allowing someone to use a water-fountain because of the color of their skin. You are telling every gay leader or member, that they are less than their peers and what makes them unique won't be tolerated.

I'd like to give you points for agreeing to allow homosexuals into your troops but I'm not sure I can. Like I said, you're still singling them out by voting on them in the first place.  But my biggest issue is that those very same adolescents who are struggling with coming out of the closet, will need role-models during this difficult time. Those gay troop leaders that you've just ostracized from your entire organization could be nothing but an inspiration for them.

The Boy Scouts have strived to provide the skills and values that will be needed for future men of character. Aren't kindness, acceptance, and openness included in these values?


A Disappointed Citizen
Wednesday, May 22, 2013


It would seem the cable company gods have cursed me this evening with a phone that makes me sound like a robot and Internet that's been trying to open the same web page for 10 minutes. All of which makes me want to scream! More tomorrow I promise-as long as I'm not still on hold trying to get this ridiculousness fixed!
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Facebook Love

I'm often heard grumbling about the collapse of civilization as we know it, thanks in no small part to Facebook.  This may be a slight exaggeration but it's quite true that many mindless feuds have been waged on the social media site.  People argue about politics, and lost loves.  They grumble about terrible pictures of themselves or post thousands in bad taste.  They plot relationship trajectories based on posts and end or begin friendships with the click of a mouse.  What was once mindless entertainment, is now a stressful exercise in restraint.

However, sometimes Facebook deserves some love; like today for example (as if you didn't know this already based on the title of this blog post.. ; ).  In the last few days I've seen Facebook do some amazing things.  Most importantly, it's shown just how many good, honest and generous people are out there evidenced by the outpouring of support for those in Oklahoma.  The immediate links to Red Cross or news outlets were just the beginning.  I've been seeing well-wishes and prayers, and links to donation sites all day.  All of this on top of the law enforcement and rescue teams that are using crowd sourcing to find missing loved ones. 

Then there's the superficial aspect.  The ability to bond with friends you don't often speak to or having the courage to talk to someone new via chat when you ordinarily wouldn't have had the nerve to chat in person.  Most of all, the ability to continue the same crazy inside jokes, stupid comments and sarcasm you left at the office at the end of the day, into the evening.  Facebook may cause spats and arguments but sometimes it makes friendships stronger and even more enjoyable!
Monday, May 20, 2013


I've been seeing this book on just about every list and in every bookstore for the last few years.  It always attracted my attention because of the bright cover and the strange title, but I never picked it up.  That is of course, until a few weeks ago, when I heard they had based a play on it in Edinburgh.  From the review of the play, I learned it was written from the POV of a boy with autism. After hearing how fantastic the play was, I decided I must read the book.

I am overjoyed that I did.  I began reading it yesterday and finished it up this afternoon.  It is the absolute perfect example of someone living and dealing with autism.  The author, truly understands what's going on in their heads and explains it beautifully.  If you are working with autistic kids, or just know someone with autism, I highly recommend it.  We all tend to know the "symptoms" or the signs but we don't ever really understand why or what may propel them to act a certain way.  When explained by Christopher, the main character, it all makes perfect sense.  Autism will never be easy, but understanding a bit better, will always make things a bit less difficult.

An absolutely beautiful book!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sunday Shopping

The Reston Town Center in Reston VA, just may be my new most favorite place to shop in about the whole world (well the greater MD/VA area anyway...).  Anthropologie, Sephora, Ann Taylor, Francesca's, LouLou, and about a dozen restaurants, on top of the Arts and Crafts show.  What's not to love!?

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Saturday Six

1. This pin mostly because the comments sum up exactly how I feel after watching the finale an hour to go.  Crazy-finales are usually ok but seriously?!  We now have to wait until November to figure out what the heck just happened.  My head hurts just thinking about it...

2. Annapolis in the summer.  Yesterday we got a sneak peak at the summer to come; in the sense that it was finally warm and sunny enough to hang out side, which it seems, hundreds of people chose to do in downtown Nap-town. It was a beautiful evening, with great company and fantastic weather.  Of course it was kinda crummy again today but now that we've had a taste, I'm sure there'll be many more beautiful Nap-town nights to come.

3. Embroidery: I know this makes me sound like a little old lady BUT I'm kind of loving it. It's so much easier than crochet and you can create any pattern you like with just a few quick stitches.  I have a totally geeky and quite awesome project in my head right now but I'm some serious need of some very specific fabric. Whenever I find it, I promise to share though, don't get too excited, I'm a bit of a nerd and it's pretty geeky.

4. UK Press: Most people I know read the US press. That makes perfect sense to me.  But for the really big stories, that everyone really needs to know, the UK Press covers them quite well so I'm still in the know.  I'm just feeding my addiction for all things Brit.  Every once in a while, though, I get a story that re-affirms why I read the UK papers and how much cooler their papers are than ours.  This particular headline is one of those stories.  Why is this even news?  Because it's fabulous, that's why! : )

5.  Olivia Colman: I must admit, I wouldn't have had a clue as to who she even was, if I hadn't watched Broadchurch, but now that I have, I find her fascinating!  She's a brilliant actress and seems to be one of the most fun people to be around in the whole world.  If you don't believe me, watch her acceptance speech for one of the two BAFTAs she received last weekend.  After this speech, she earned a seat at the fantasy dinner party list. (Oh and I would kill for that dress she's wearing!)
6. Farmer's Market: There's a tiny one right down the street from my office that is open every summer, all summer.  It just opened this week which in my book means that it's officially summer!
Friday, May 17, 2013

Friday Pass

It's about 11:20 here and I'm just getting home so I'm a little bit sleepy.  I plan on using my pass this evening and writing a Saturday 6 tomorrow instead.  Rest assured, it was a fabulous evening and I could probably knuckle down and knock out my 5 post but I'm floating on air at the moment and can't really get my brain to work intelligently.

Good night for now and Talk to you in the AM!  I'll just be here smiling from ear to ear : )
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Trip Planning is Under Way

The planning for the European Adventure is under way.  The itinerary has gone through quite a few iterations since I first began in January.  Edinburgh had come off the list but has since been added back in.  Hay-on-Wye was on the list then not, then on again, only to be scrapped (regrettably the drive is just too long).  Dorset, Oxford and Land's End were added in but have been scrapped as well.  For the time being, it would seem that it's London, Edinburgh, and Stratford-upon-Avon. 

Now that that's worked out, I'm realizing the absolute best part of trip planning: what to see, eat, and do while we're there.  And I'm here to share a secret, the coolest tool to use when planning these fun things is Pinterest.  Ok, this may not be such a surprise, but I'm having a blast pinning all kinds of fun places and restaurants and parks.  Seeing all this wonder, gets me even more revved up for the trip.  Some of my favorites are below.  If you click here, you can see them all.  But since this is an activity I partake in quite a bit, I'm warning you, there are quite a few pins.
RSC Theatre where I'll be seeing Richard II!

Graffiti on Abbey Road - I've always been in love with this song, though finding particular graffiti in a city covered in the stuff may be slightly difficult...

Churchill Arms in Notting Hill - Not even sure what the menu is but I'm in awe of the flower boxes.  Of course I'm sure they won't be as beautiful come October...

Heart of Midlothian outside of St. Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh.  I'm not sure what the story is but it's a beautiful little Easter egg in the "heart" of the city.

I must be honest, I'm a little too excited about these mini libraries.  I may or may not have been planning exactly what book I'm taking with me to trade in and what the message inside said book will be...

Royal Mile in Edinburgh - Our hotel is right on this gorgeous strip!
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Pinterest Win

A few weeks ago I mentioned that I was working on a necklace holder sort of like this.  After compiling all the necessary parts and pieces and a few false starts (mostly that I'm a girl and I don't do power tools...), it's finally finished!  I absolutely adore it!  The knobs came from Anthropologie and I'm seriously going to need to devise about a hundred other uses for their multitude of drawer pulls.  One is prettier than the next. Anyway, the wood was stained using tea and vinegar; yet another Pinterest win.  It now matches my other gray furniture which is just icing on the cake. 

I love it when a plan comes together! : )  (P.S.: Please ignore the terrible picture quality of my cell phone snaps - I haven't gotten around to getting a big girl camera yet...)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Take Care & Be Aware

As a a psychology and family studies major I tend to gravitate towards stories on mental health.  There were two that caught my eye this week for very different reasons.

1. The first that I read was this story about a Cornish councillor regarding disability rights.  He has been taken to task before for his views on disabled children which (and I quote) "should be put down because they cost too much money."  After spreading such truly terrifying views, you'd think he would have been chased out of town by mobs wielding pitchforks but no.  Apparently, he went on to be re-elected, then chose to use the same tactic again.  This time when asked about health funding for the physically disabled, he said (again, I quote) "If they have a misshapen lamb, they get rid of it. They get rid of it. Bang!” This disgusting man is seemingly campaigning on the same platform the Nazis used to justify concentration camps.  He absolutely has no business in politics or influencing public policy.  I'm disgusted that he is able to spread such hateful views while keeping his position of power. 

2.  Secondly, while not nearly as horrifying, is a bit of a concern.  I read about the new edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Version 5 (DSM-5) being released this week.  This manual is the bible for mental health practitioners and is used to diagnose all matters of mental health in the United States (I learned today that the UK uses another manual). Anyway, the DSM gets updated periodically every few years.  Some syndromes come out (a few years ago, homosexuality was listed as a psychological impairment but has since been removed) and others have been added.  Most additions and subtractions are for the best.  However, this year they are removing Asperger's Syndrome.  If you exhibit the characteristics of this syndrome, you will now be diagnosed as "on the autism spectrum." 

While I understand that Asperger's has commonalities with Autism, Asperger's is quite different as well.  You can be quite high-functioning with Asperger's whereas there are quite varying degrees of Autism.  The problem appears when these people need services.  Because of the like diagnoses, they are eligible for the same exact services.  This could mean that a high-functioning child with Asperger's could be placed in treatment or a classroom with low functioning Autistic child, which would hinder both equally.   In some cases it would be like giving someone with appendicitis the same treatment as someone who just ate too much ice cream for dessert.

I can't even imagine being a parent of a disabled child and having to navigate through laws and regulations, and medical jargon and decisions or the everyday intricacies of life with a mental illness.  Being forced to listen when ignorant politicians make heartless and terrifying remarks, is just cruel and unusual punishment.  Then, adding  into the mix the possibility of inadequate treatment and services due to an unclear diagnosis is enough to make anyone surrender. 

But what people like this councillor don't understand is surrendering is not an option because these "deformed" children, as he calls them, are absolutely perfect in someone's eyes.  These children are loved, and cared for and accepted by their families and loved ones.  One can hope that as long as mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, grandparents and friends, and support groups, and care homes and non-profits exist, for the sole purpose of help, foul individuals like this councillor will not be given an audience in which to spread their vitriol.

If you're interested in learning more or getting involved, check out:
The National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities
Autism Speaks
Monday, May 13, 2013

Inspiration for a Yucky Day

Some days just suck.  You know your problems are quite small when in comparison to others' but still there are days when you just can't get past them.  I'm hoping to be back to my optimistic happy mood tomorrow but right now I'm just choosing to wallow because really, some days just suck!
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

This is my mom.  Though I may be slightly biased, she is the best mom in the whole wide world!  She's funny.  She's sweet. She's kind.  She's giving.  She's loving.  And most of all she's mine.  I couldn't be happier to be blessed with such an outstanding role model and friend.  Love her to pieces!  Happy Mother's day bud!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Simple Saturday

Some people dream of mansions and fast cars.  While others dream of trips to Bora Bora or streamlined yachts.  While I on the other hand, (of course this can happen in England as well) dream of giving my future (hopefully not too far future) little ones a big, crazy, loud, hectic, home-spun, old fashioned birthday party like the one I attended today.  There were hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill, eating at a picnic table, homemade cupcakes for dessert, face painting and games for the kids. 

Most often these days parents choose to have birthday parties that are ginormous with laser tag or ball pits.  I suppose since I enjoy all the little touches, I love parties where you just know the host has been crafting and baking, cooking and creating for days.  That's my idea of a great party!  Now little ones, (well, of course husband first!) hurry up and get here!  My Pinterest boards are overflowing with ideas for your birthday : )
Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday Five

It's been a pretty dark and dreary week here in Maryland.  Today was the first day all week when it's actually stopped raining and the sun came out.  So a great deal of time was spent on the internet.  And since I'm a nerd, I tended to look at nerdy you will see : )

1. Found this on Pinterest the other night and have laughed out loud every single time I've looked at it.  I really don't know why but I find it endlessly amusing!

2.  Best argument I've seen so far in my personal war against E-readers! 

3. So maybe quite possibly, if I bring a notebook and a packed suitcase with me to work each day, the travel writer position will drop from the heavens?

4. The Caps are in the playoffs!  The Caps are in the playoffs!  I'm waiting to see what OT brings but I'm hopeful that by the time I finish this post, they will have pulled out a win over the Rangers!
5. The only positive of a new Star Trek movie coming out is the fact that it gives the new baddie (Benedict Cumberbatch!) ample time to hit the interview circuit.  I have to admit that not only is he dashing, he seems quite clever and quite funny as well.  Some guys really do have it all don't they? (that is except for the unfortunate hair he's been sporting in said interviews...)

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Baker's Battle

All things considered, I'm not such a fan of cooking in general.  I like the outcome but the practice in general, I have to be in the mood for.  That particular mood definitely did not strike after a long day, which is never a good indication of how the evening will go. 

For some unknown reason, I volunteered to make salsa and taco dip for the Diez de Mayo party at work tomorrow.  And since I've stupidly proven myself handy as a baker, I was told to bring a baked good as well. So off to the store I went, well, actually, two times off to the store I went.  See what I mean?  Nothing in this little tale is foreshadowing a productive evening.

But, even when things appear bleak, they turn out not so bleak.  The salsa, which I thought for sure I'd missed an ingredient of, turned out perfect.  The taco dip which I was convinced I'd spend hours cutting and chopping and never having something to place it in safely, was done within minutes and fit perfectly in a container I'd forgotten I had (which even had a lid!)  And the mini coconut pies which were cobbled together from a recipe I love, that I thought would cause all kinds of pain and suffering, baked up perfectly and are quite delicious even if I do say so myself.  When all was said and done, I even had time to watch the last episode of a series I was dying to see.  All in all it was quite a productive evening.

However, I'm sure getting all of these dishes to work tomorrow, in one piece while not breaking anything may be an entirely different story...
Wednesday, May 8, 2013


I've been staring at the big white space called my computer screen for the last hour procrastinating up a storm in the writing of this post.  Not because anything bad has happened but because I honestly have nothing of substance to say.  I was on a good streak there for a bit.  I haven't flaked out and for the most part there have been fairly coherent thought-out posts going up each night. 

That is until I hit a wall in interesting-ness this evening...I'm taking a wordless Wednesday and will be back to regularly scheduled programming tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Once (Upon a Musical)

There are certain shows and musicals, that I simply must see as soon as I see a trailer - Wicked, The Producers, Jesus Christ Superstar. (Currently Macbeth with Alan Cumming falls into this category but gosh darn Cumming has to insist on only one show per day so matinees are out, ugh!  I'm sure playing every character in a major Shakespearean tragedy must take a lot out of you but really?!  Doesn't he care that I'd like to see it!? : )  Anyway, then there are other shows that I must be persuaded into - RENT majorly falls into this category. 

Before seeing RENT for the first time on Broadway, I was a bit annoyed that I was spending money to see such a depressing show (it was a friend's 21st birthday present so I really had no choice).  But after seeing it,  I finally "got" it!  I wouldn't go so far as to say it's "uplifting" like this particular friend describes it but it's certainly awesome in every sense of the word.  What Jonathan Larson accomplished with the score and the music and the story is something truly amazing.  I adored the show so much that I've seen it 2 additional times on Broadway, and I never cease to get goosebumps at all the same parts and of course there are tears as well.  So with this in mind, I find myself in this camp again, feeling hopeful for another RENT-like smash hit in my book. 

 I've been hearing nothing but good things about Once since it opened last year.  Everyone who attends raves about how beautiful and new the music and the characters are.  But it really wasn't appealing to me.  In the last few weeks though, it's been in the news for some new casting changes and I've actually listened to a bit of the music.  I've most definitely changed my tune.  So much so that the tickets have been acquired and I'm quite excited about it!  It will be my first show since quite possibly Mary Poppins which was most definitely a dud in my book (this coming from the girl who adores the Mary Poppins movie!  The fact that the musical sucked was utterly heartbreaking!)  I'm hearing fabulous things about the new Brits who have taken the lead. And if nothing else, I'm sure it will be a fantastic day in the city that I love sharing some yummy Cuban food with a great friend!  Once is just the icing on the cake!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Embroidery 101

As part of my pursuit of craftiness for this year, I vowed to decipher embroidery.  Crochet is on that list too but I fear that particular skill may never be decoded.  After 6 months of attempting crochet, I've mastered exactly one stitch.  Said stitch only works to a point.  Once it's time to turn around, I've been outplayed.  However, after an hour on the computer this evening and some new embroidery floss in pretty colors, I've seemingly mastered 4 stitches.  I'm not much of a mathematician but the stats seem to show that embroidery is way more time-efficient.

There are some super cute things on Etsy embroidered and I'd like to make it to that point.  But what I really want is a super adorable granny square blanket.  Somehow I just don't think embroidery is going to get me there...But on the upside yay for learning how to sew!  I'm a little closer to being the Suzy Homemaker that I've never been : )
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Kinetic Sculpture Race 2013

Another fabulous day here at the Kinetic Sculpture Race for the American Visionary Arts Museum.  Last year was my first year going and I had an absolute blast seeing all the creativity and physics that went into the design of these floats.  This year thanks to a bit of traffic, and not a great viewpoint, I wasn't able to see a great deal, much less manage photos with my puny camera but it was just as fun. 

It was strange to think on the same weekend last year I was in shorts, sweating to death due to the 95 degree heat.  Today I was in jeans, long-sleeves and a jacket due to the 60 degree weather.  Nonetheless, the race is always fantastic especially when you factor in running commentary from my 4 year old niece!
Friday, May 3, 2013

Friday Five

1.  Gorgeous!  You can follow the artist here. I think I love all the quotes she's used but this one's my favorite!
2. Fabulous to see Maryland getting some good press for a change.
3. I've always had a thing for Wil Wheaton.  Aside from seemingly having a career completely determined by what he's in love with, he also seems to be a pretty great guy.  This video has been making the rounds this week but I think I have to echo everyone else's comments: This is awesome!
4. Embroidery hoops decorate almost every room in my house so I'm not sure how in the world I didn't think of this first.  I'll definitely need to be taking a trip to AC Moore this weekend.  So cute!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Neat Net Finds

Every once in a while I realize just how cool it is to live in the future where there's internet and interactive theatre and live productions being seen by millions of people all over the world.  Today was one of those days.  Two totally awesome, fairly amazing, clever and creative ideas popped up in my newsfeed that I just had to share.

First up:  Midsummer Night's Dreaming with the RSC.  This is a thing that's actually happening and I'm entirely too excited  about it for my own good.  It's my favorite work by Shakespeare being performed for a new generation with interactive "stuff" (for lack of better term since I'm not entirely sure I have my brain wrapped around it quite yet) thrown in for good measure.  You can join the group on Google+ (yet another thing I haven't gotten my head wrapped around yet) and participate in chats leading up to the big premiere, as well as additional content and surprises.  I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to hear the casting announcements.  But it's the RSC so whoever they get, is bound to fantastic!

Then (also across the pond in where else but England!?) is Hugh Laurie live at Abbey Road.  He'll be playing a special session from his new album at Abbey Road and if you're not lucky enough to be there, you can listen to it live online!  I personally think that all concerts should be done like this but then again, I'm sure it's not so profitable.  Oh, well, it's pretty spectacular while it lasts!
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Happy May Day!

Spring is nature's way of saying "Let's Party!"
~Robin Williams