
Monday, May 20, 2013


I've been seeing this book on just about every list and in every bookstore for the last few years.  It always attracted my attention because of the bright cover and the strange title, but I never picked it up.  That is of course, until a few weeks ago, when I heard they had based a play on it in Edinburgh.  From the review of the play, I learned it was written from the POV of a boy with autism. After hearing how fantastic the play was, I decided I must read the book.

I am overjoyed that I did.  I began reading it yesterday and finished it up this afternoon.  It is the absolute perfect example of someone living and dealing with autism.  The author, truly understands what's going on in their heads and explains it beautifully.  If you are working with autistic kids, or just know someone with autism, I highly recommend it.  We all tend to know the "symptoms" or the signs but we don't ever really understand why or what may propel them to act a certain way.  When explained by Christopher, the main character, it all makes perfect sense.  Autism will never be easy, but understanding a bit better, will always make things a bit less difficult.

An absolutely beautiful book!


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