As a a psychology and family studies major I tend to gravitate towards stories on mental health. There were two that caught my eye this week for very different reasons.
1. The first that I read was this story about a Cornish councillor regarding disability rights. He has been taken to task before for his views on disabled children which (and I quote) "should be put down because they cost too much money." After spreading such truly terrifying views, you'd think he would have been chased out of town by mobs wielding pitchforks but no. Apparently, he went on to be re-elected, then chose to use the same tactic again. This time when asked about health funding for the physically disabled, he said (again, I quote) "If they have a misshapen lamb, they get rid of it. They get rid of it. Bang!” This disgusting man is seemingly campaigning on the same platform the Nazis used to justify concentration camps. He absolutely has no business in politics or influencing public policy. I'm disgusted that he is able to spread such hateful views while keeping his position of power.
2. Secondly, while not nearly as horrifying, is a bit of a concern. I read about the new edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Version 5 (DSM-5) being released this week. This manual is the bible for mental health practitioners and is used to diagnose all matters of mental health in the United States (I learned today that the UK uses another manual). Anyway, the DSM gets updated periodically every few years. Some syndromes come out (a few years ago, homosexuality was listed as a psychological impairment but has since been removed) and others have been added. Most additions and subtractions are for the best. However, this year they are removing Asperger's Syndrome. If you exhibit the characteristics of this syndrome, you will now be diagnosed as "on the autism spectrum."
While I understand that Asperger's has commonalities with Autism, Asperger's is quite different as well. You can be quite high-functioning with Asperger's whereas there are quite varying degrees of Autism. The problem appears when these people need services. Because of the like diagnoses, they are eligible for the same exact services. This could mean that a high-functioning child with Asperger's could be placed in treatment or a classroom with low functioning Autistic child, which would hinder both equally. In some cases it would be like giving someone with appendicitis the same treatment as someone who just ate too much ice cream for dessert.
I can't even imagine being a parent of a disabled child and having to navigate through laws and regulations, and medical jargon and decisions or the everyday intricacies of life with a mental illness. Being forced to listen when ignorant politicians make heartless and terrifying remarks, is just cruel and unusual punishment. Then, adding into the mix the possibility of inadequate treatment and services due to an unclear diagnosis is enough to make anyone surrender.
But what people like this councillor don't understand is surrendering is not an option because these "deformed" children, as he calls them, are absolutely perfect in someone's eyes. These children are loved, and cared for and accepted by their families and loved ones. One can hope that as long as mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, grandparents and friends, and support groups, and care homes and non-profits exist, for the sole purpose of help, foul individuals like this councillor will not be given an audience in which to spread their vitriol.
If you're interested in learning more or getting involved, check out:
The National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities
Autism Speaks
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