
Sunday, June 30, 2013

NYC - What is it about you?

There's just nothing quite like New York.  You can complain about the pace, and the people and traffic and crowded streets.  But quite honestly, I think that's why I like it so much.  You couldn't pay me to drive up there however, the honking and the sirens and the cars all tyring to get everywhere, just sets the stage for this awesome city.  Yes, it's a pain the butt trying to walk through Midtown at pretty much any time of day, but you get to see so many different people.  And if you just listen you can hear dozens of different languages in a city block.  Add that energy and vibrancy to the restaurants, and theatre and shopping and people and you have one of the most chaotic and wonderful cities in the world.

There's just something about life in Manhattan.  I'm quite thankful that I'm close enough to get that shot of adrenaline every few months because without it, life would definitely be a little less exciting...

Saturday, June 29, 2013


Spent a completely perfect day in NYC: great company, yummy food, fantastic show, and perfect weather.  Seeing as the camera lessons aren't progressing as well as I'd hoped, the few pictures below are all that turned out.  But it's fitting that it's the ones that I most wanted to turn out.  The performance we saw of "Once" was utterly amazing.  Every member of the cast and crew had talent coming out the wazoo.  The ability to act, play very specific instruments, sing and dance all in the same scene was astounding from someone who can't do any of the above singularly let alone together.  Arthur Darvill and Joanna Christie in the leads were perfect from beginning to end; while their accompanying cast members were stellar.  I would most definitely see it again in a heartbeat and have already visited iTunes to see about downloading the beautiful music : )  I'm sure I'll have more to say tomorrow when I'm more coherent and less tired but couldn't wait to tell someone just awesome this show really was!

 Never stood at the stage door before.  I couldn't believe we were so close!  All the mains came out but alas, no Arthur Darvill (much to the chagrin of all the Doctor Who fans that were surrounding us!)

Thanks NYC and Stef for a fantastic time!
Friday, June 28, 2013

Friday Five: Summer Singing

I am a total fan of country music.  Pretty much 90% of the concerts I've been to have been country artists.  I listen to country radio every day.  And for the most part, country singers are the only musicians I recognize on sight alone.  However, I get a lot of flack from so called music snobs that country music is nothing but hill-billy songs about trucks and BBQ.  They so could not be more wrong! 

Aside from the many other redeeming qualities of country music, my absolute favorite is (for the most part) they have the overwhelming ability to write purely summer songs.  You may not hear these chart-toppers again until the following summer, but when it's hot outside and you're hanging by the pool, they're the perfect accompaniment.  These are my top 5 summery, beachy and all around fab songs.

1. "Where the Boat Leaves From" Zac Brown Band
2. "Summertime" Kenny Chesney
3. "Six Pack Summer" Phil Vassar
4. "Sunshine and Summertime" Faith Hill
5. "All Summer Long" Kid Rock

And of course, my favorite of them all "Barefoot Blue Jean Night" by Jake Owens but I added that a few weeks ago so I didn't want to repeat myself : ) 
And one last one that should go without saying since it's pretty much a summer fave of every country music fan: "Something Like That" Tim McGraw.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Home is Where the Heart Is

After listening to colleagues talk about their dream house today, or at least the dream house of the moment, I realized I have a very different idea than most people.  Their dream houses had hardwood floors, and granite counters with loads of bedrooms (for their own stuff, not children or relatives).  They were ideally in brand new neighborhoods with loads of upgrades and far away from their neighbors.  The houses were gargantuan and cost way more than they made in a year.

My dream house for the moment is a postage stamp size flat in a brownstone, on a tree-lined street in London.  Then moving into another brownstone not too far with plenty of room for family and friends and the (future) twins, of course. Mansions and giant farmhouses are beautiful and elaborate, but why spend the money if they're not in a fun place?  More importantly why spend all the money you have on a mortgage of a giant house, if you can't go out to dinner and enjoy your surroundings? 

Eating, traveling, enjoying time with family and loved ones are all infinitely more important than how big your space is, don't you think?
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Equality Now

Why is it that such non-action packed days are so exhausting?  There was barely a bit of work to do.  We celebrated a birthday so there was yummy lunching and cupcakes.  Dinner was cooked for me by my lovely chef of a father.  I came home and read for an hour then watched TV.  And now I'm staring at the computer screen with my eyelids drooping like I've been to an all night party.  When did I get so old?

On an entirely different topic, I needed to take a moment to congratulate the US Supreme Court for finally coming to their senses and repealing DOMA today as well as Prop 8 in California.  It's not perfect, but it's certainly a HUGE step in the right direction to Equality!  I read a great comment online today after the decision was announced.  The commenter was happy with the ruling but bothered by the fact that we actually had to vote for something as simple as equality. However, since we do, at least lawmakers are finally realizing the world won't stand for inequality or un-equal treatment.

Way to go SCOTUS!  Let's hope some more well-thought out decisions will soon be passing through your ranks!

PS: The Equality image above is just too perfect for words- Doctor Who and a great message? Sold!
Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Watching:  A lot of USA network (Royal Pains, Burn Notice, Necessary Roughness, Graceland) King & Maxwell, The Glades
Listening: RENT soundtrack, "Sigh No More" (Much Ado About Nothing), FUN, Tim McGraw, Paul McCartney
Eating: Mexican food (lots and lots of it!), Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Fruit Loops
Drinking: Iced Tea, Arnold Palmers (so much better than Iced Tea)
Reading: "Toujours Provence", "44 Scotland Street" series, "The Brothers of Baker Street" series
Needing: A trip to anywhere (preferably Europe, but I'm not picky) and to figure out this darn camera (so much harder than I thought it would be!)
Wanting:  A job in London that comes with a work permit and a housing stipend
Crafting: Birthday bunting for a girl I work with and attempting to conceptualize a gallery wall
Enjoying: Using the new camera, spending summer days in Annapolis, Banana Ice Cream
Looking forward to: A day at the beach with the mama and of course (I think it may go without saying) October 9; otherwise known as the day I leave for the European adventure
Loving: The crazy busy turn this summer has taken

Monday, June 24, 2013

Book Addict

There are some days when I can't get into a book to save my life. I open it, and look at the words on a page but can't comprehend a thing.  I'd be hard-pressed to recall what I'd read a few minutes later.  That's not to say the book was bad or poorly written by any means.  It's just a lack of concentration on my part because there are 30,000 other things going on in my head that are just a little more interesting at that particular moment.

Then there are days like today.  Days where all I want to do is read and I find myself quite grumpy that I can't curl up at my desk at work and dive right in.  Some books are just that good and some days are just that un-interesting.  I'm currently reading the follow up to "A Year in Provence", "Toujours Provence" which on paper doesn't seem to be a knock-out.  It was written over 20 years ago and the copy I currently have is that old, so it's a bit dark and dingy.  But after reading "A Year in Provence" in a few days, I just knew I had to pick up another by the brilliant Peter Mayle.

It's nothing earth-shattering or edge of your seat.  It's just short stories of his and his wife's quiet life in a (what is, I'm sure, based on the description) stunning home in France.  I'm not sure what grabs me about these books, aside from the obvious: France is a dream destination of mine.  But I lean more towards Paris, not really Provence when planning my voyage with my future lottery winnings (whenever that may be).  It could be the unimaginable meals and parties he has the opportunity to partake in.  I'm a sucker for a good food story!  Or it could just be the style in which he writes.  I'd kill to turn a phrase like he does.

Whatever it is, it's just fantastic and I'm quite happy to have one of those un-put-downable book kind of weeks.  They are infinitely more enjoyable!
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Lazy Sunday...

Spent doing a lot of this:
While playing around a bit with this:
which I haven't quite figured out yet, so it's a darn good thing I have this:
Happy Sunday!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Taking Steps

As a part of my birthday present from the bestie, she and I went to see "Taking Steps" by Allen Ayckbourn this evening performed by the Colonial Players of Annapolis.  We were both quite excited about it.  The play description classified it as a "straight up farce." The only experience I've had with a straight up farce was "Boeing Boeing" which ranks as one of the 5 best theatre performances I've ever seen.  So the bar was set pretty high.

After a quite long and arduous 2.5 hours, we were quite disappointed. Not only was it not on par with "Boeing Boeing" it wasn't even in the same league. And I'm not even sure why.

I don't want to say it was the cast because any one who is willing to go on stage and perform in front of actual people, is infinitely more talented than I am.  The survey seems to point to the actual play.  The writing just wasn't good which I also hate to say. There were a few zingers but all in all, there didn't seem to be a plot.  Most of all having a "farce" performed in the round with everyone in the same 10x10 square pretending to be on 3 separate floors of a mansion was too much of a stretch of imagination for my little brain.

All in all in was an enjoyable evening in Annapolis capped off with some Banana ice cream with a bit of boredom there in the middle.  The night could have been a lot worse, though I'm not sure the play could have been...
Friday, June 21, 2013

Friday Five

1. Clever shots that make you look not so clever...

2. Frrozen Hot Chocolate...Yum!
3. Politics & Prose at last!
4. One quality shot in the mix.  I'm going to need some serious practice with this darn thing!

5. Spending the day with the bestie...Priceless!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Happy Summer Solstice!

"Over hill, over dale,
Thorough bush, thorough brier,
Over park, over pale,
Thorough flood, thorough fire,
I do wander everywhere.
I am that merry wanderer of the night."
Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream"
May you wander all summer and appreciate the wonder and magic in the everyday!
Happy Midsummer!
Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Brain's a little fried after writing a post for Food Riot this evening so this will be a bit short.  But if you couldn't decipher the post title, it means that we are quite excited here about the opening of Monsters University.  My niece is a big fan since she's been playing with Mike and Sully dolls at my parents house for as long as she can remember.  So it was her idea to go see the movie together.  Quite honestly, I'd probably be there anyway seeing it, even if she wasn't with me.  I loved loved loved Monsters Inc.  It's in my top 2 favorite Pixar Movies (the other being Finding Nemo of course!)  So my sneaky, may not happen but I certainly hope to make it happen, goal is to whip these babies out on cookies.  Cookies are ultimately much more sneak-in-able than cupcakes, don't you think!?
And if I give these cookies a shot, I can avoid the whole having to ice the cookie except for the little bit to stick the marshmallows on.  If you hear nothing regarding my awesomeness on Saturday, please don't ask.  It will certainly mean that I lack a great deal of awesomeness and Operation Cool Cookies was a disaster...
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Pinterest Addict

Let me first start out by saying I never really wanted to start a Pinterest account.  I just didn't get it.  In my head it was basically a bunch of crap you'd find on the Internet all in the same place. But of course, someone talked me into it so I signed up (Which is, by chance, the same reason I started a facebook account...).  For the first few weeks, it wasn't really my thing.  I would pin a few things here and there but I could go days without looking at it and couldn't really decipher the appeal of seeing what everyone was looking at. 

Then it all changed.  Somewhere along the line, I discovered the great travel photos that appeared in the Travel section, and the ridiculousness of the Geek section. Then there was photography lessons and new recipes and fantastic ideas for crafting.  Basically I became an addict overnight.  I must say that for those around me, it must be annoying.  In the last few days I've found myself:
-Informing a colleague that wedding favors would be much cheaper and more heartfelt if she'd just make them instead of buying them.
-Asking whether a bag of granola was homemade, then was disappointed to find out that it was store bought, since apparently, (according to the great and powerful Oz aka Pinterest), granola is quite easy to make.
-Assuming that I was now a master photographer because I had read a few articles and wrongly assuming I could figure out how to shoot in manual mode all by my lonesome in a few moments.
-Adding way more sights and activities to the GBR itinerary than I will ever have time for.

Yes I will admit, rightfully so, that I do in deed have a problem.  But the way I see it, there are quite worse addictions to have than turning into a poor-man's Martha Stewart.  I may be annoying but at least I have cute accessories, yummy meals and clever photographs.
Monday, June 17, 2013

Summer-ific Me

Note to self: You look ridiculous doing this pose while others make it look whimsical....

Saw this on another blog and just had to try it too!

Summer Me:

1. Lives in flip-flops (most specifically Sanuks - the most comfortable shoes on the planet) and hates closed toed shoes.
2. Craves watermelon and cantaloupe, and peaches, and strawberries, and blueberries...pretty much any summer fruit you can think of!
3. Drinks only Iced Tea or Arnold Palmers.
4. Reads a ridiculous number of books.
5.  Gets antsy being inside but then complains about the heat outside.
6.  Daydreams of floating around in the pool for pretty much the entire summer.
7. Eats an awful lot of ice cream.
8. Tries quite hard to tan but only succeeds in turning into a lobster.
9. Can't get enough of summer television (Burn Notice, Royal Pains, Falling Skies, Suits, Covert Affairs, The Glades...honestly I could go on, it's kinda sad)
10.  Wishes it was summer all year round.

What does summer you do?
Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

This handsome fella is my dad.  He's by far one of my most favorite people in the world and though I may not say it enough, I love him more than he knows.  He's funny, kind, loving, always helpful and a heck of a chef.  I hope that he had the Father's day that he deserved, in other words the best one ever!

Happy Father's Day!  Love you bud!
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Go Phil!

I've talked before about how I'm a bit of a fan of golf, and have also mentioned how much I happen to like Phil Mickelson.  But I'm not sure I've ever said why.  Aside from being a spectacular golfer who can thrill fans and break their hearts in a matter of one round and aside from never doing what you think he's going to do and always playing how he wants to, he is, by far, what seems to be the absolute nicest and most down to earth player on tour.  He's an absolute gentleman who follows the unsaid rules of golf, as well as a devoted family man.  Don't believe me?  On Monday of this week (US Open week!) when he was supposed to be practicing in Merion PA, he flew home to California to watch his daughter speak at her 8th grade graduation then caught a flight back just in time for his Thursday tee time.  Somehow I just don't see Tiger doing something like that.  Kids could use more sports role models like Phil and less like Tiger.  A few of the players on tour could even learn a thing or two about decorum from him, if they'd just pay attention.

So, the fact that he's in winning position (he's been here before, 5x with no win...) makes it even sweeter!  I'm sure I speak for all of Lefty's many, many fans when I say, Go Phil, keep on doing what you're doing and bring this trophy home! 

Friday, June 14, 2013

Friday Five (plus a few more...): Flag Day Edition

Each year Ft. McHenry celebrates Flag day with fireworks and a parade of flags.  It's always a good time and I've been going for as long as I can remember.  Here are 5 (+3 more for good measure) of my favorite shots from this beautiful (if not a teensy bit chilly) evening.
Me and the Bestie

Grumpy Gus

Flag over Ft. McHenry



Natty Boh way over there : )

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Happy Flag day (tomorrow)!

I pledge allegiance to the flag,
of the United States of America,
And to the republic for which it stands,
one nation, under God, indivisible,
with liberty and justice for all.
As much as I go on about moving to England (something that is still at the top of my list of greatest desires) I feel quite humbled and quite honored to be an American.  With all the troubles, problems, and fears we're living with now, it's amazing to see the power of the American Spirit.  For all the terrorists or those wanting to spread evil, there are those that will put their life on the line for us or just quite simply comfort someone in a time of need.  That's why it's so important to celebrate flag day.  It gives us as Americans the chance to salute everything our Red, White and Blue stands for.
Happy Flag Day and God Bless America!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A Bit of a Backbone

One of my 30 for 30 this year was to grow a backbone.  I've been trying quite hard actually.  And I finally seem to be getting somewhere.  I haven't argued any cases for myself or told anyone exactly how I felt at exactly the time I was feeling it. But I was able to let someone know that I was frustrated and annoyed today without really having to raise my voice.  I think it may have done some good.  It most likely hasn't stopped this person, as she's quite dead-set on making my life better (to her standards of course) but she finally found out that I wasn't too happy with her tactics.

It's not much but it's a little win in my book!  Now doing this on a regular basis would be a much bigger win....and something that's most likely not going to happen any time soon.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Summer in the City

The residual grumps from the never-ending rain that has finally ended, still remain.  But after a beautifully sunny and gorgeous day, they should be blowing out soon.  I think (knock on wood) it's time to focus on all the fun things that will be occurring this summer and start checking these babies off the list!

1.  Bestie Shopping day in Georgetown complete with Frozen Hot Chocolate (and of course lunch, but who cares when there's Frozen Hot Chocolate!?) at Serendipity 3. - Part of my birthday gift that I'm so looking forward to!
2.  "Taking Steps" by the Colonial Players in Annapolis - Second part of my birthday gift.  I'm loving this exploring of Maryland theatres that I've somehow lucked into this year.  Nothing beats Broadway or the West End, but we really do have some great artists here.
3. Dr. Oliver Sacks at 6th&I Synagogue in DC - I'm in awe of this man.  He's done some of the most fascinating research into the mind and how it works.  "The Man who Mistook his Wife for a Hat" is one of my all-time favorite books.  Getting the chance to hear him speak is definitely a highlight!
4. "Once" with Arthur Darvill on Broadway complete with summer day in the city with a great friend.  - We already have reservations at a cool Cuban place and are working on finding some sweet treats to occupy our time.  What's better than spending a whole day in the city that never sleeps?!
5. OC day with the Mama - A summer tradition that never fails.  Boog's and Thrasher's for lunch, beach time, outlet time and of course Dumser's for dessert.  Yum!

And of course so much more fun once Fall hits (Officially under 4 months until the big trip - 3 months and 29 days to be exact...: )  I'm sure there'll be more to come but for now, let's get this fantastic summer started! Now do you see why I was so eager for the rain to leave?
Monday, June 10, 2013

Rain, Rain Go Away...

It really is a simple request: please, please, please stop raining!  Of course as I write this, it's raining for the third straight day so you can see why I might be a little huffy.  I'm not sure what the climate is doing but by this time of year, we're usually complaining about the ungodly heat.  But so far we haven't had that issue.  It's warm yes, but dry? Not on your life.

I must admit, in the heat of summer, I'm a bit of a fan of the summer showers.  I love having a day where it's just torrentially down-pouring.  Though, I like it better when I can spend that day curled up on the porch reading a great book.  However, these constant showers are just depressing.  It's almost hard to remember that the kids are just getting out of school.  There's usually the excitement and feeling of what will the summer bring in the air.  Instead this rain (no matter how much I'm sure the crops need it) is just making us all sluggish, grumpy and not nearly ready for the fun of outdoor picnics and pool parties.

So I beg of you, please, rain, please go away.  I promise you can come again another day, maybe just another day next month...or the month after.
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Snap Happy 2

Finally got a chance to play around with the new camera today.  As much as I'd like to fancy myself a photographer, I'd say I still need to practice a bit...however, some are kinda pretty : )

Just may be the cutest dog I've ever seen!

Love!  Love! Love!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Snap Happy Saturday

I really must be stopped...I can't be trusted in a bookstore

Friday, June 7, 2013

Friday Five

1. Once again, my favorite thing for the week was spending the evening with my favorite 4 year old.  The best Natalie-isms of today were her informing me that her grandparents "have already arrived on vacation" and after complete silence in the car while playing with the iPad, randomly yelling (while scaring me half to death) "Oh!  I am winning this game!."  Seriously?  What 4 year old says "arrived"?  How is she so darn cute!?

2. Best news I've read all week!  It's Mark Rylance, Stephen Fry AND Shakespeare, all rolled up into one awesome event!  How could it possibly go wrong!?

3. Etsy: I've ordered 2 fairly nifty items this week and I cannot wait to receive them.  I happen to love that we live in a world where Etsy exists.  There are so many cute things on this darn sight that it's slightly overwhelming.  But whenever you need an idea, or just something different, you will always find something perfect!

4. I think that this video has been out for a year, but I saw the real trailer earlier this evening at the movies and it made me think of this one.  As much as I want to see the actual movie, I think this little teaser may be even funnier than the first and second films put together.  Love these little yellow guys!
5. Another BuzzFeed Special but it's officially the only place I read about this story.  If it were up to me it would be written about in all the major newspapers.  This is a fantabulous (so cool I had to make up a word!) idea.  I'm in love with whomever finally realized that making Chemo a little more bearable for kids was a good thing.  Next stop: bringing it here!
Thursday, June 6, 2013

My New Toy

This is my new toy.  The Canon Rebel T3.  Ain't it pretty? ; )

With this super-cool, light-weight little baby I have high hopes of one day being paid to take pictures like this:

Though, until I master all the bells and whistles (way more buttons than my old stand-by point and shoot1) or install the drivers and all the other technological like stuff that comes with it AND I purchase Photoshop (which I'm sure comes in handy when selling amazing shots), I suppose I'll settle for shots like this:
Visually Interesting, though not nearly as impressive
Can't wait to get going and start learning - I have some very specific plans to get on with!