There's just nothing quite like New York. You can complain about the pace, and the people and traffic and crowded streets. But quite honestly, I think that's why I like it so much. You couldn't pay me to drive up there however, the honking and the sirens and the cars all tyring to get everywhere, just sets the stage for this awesome city. Yes, it's a pain the butt trying to walk through Midtown at pretty much any time of day, but you get to see so many different people. And if you just listen you can hear dozens of different languages in a city block. Add that energy and vibrancy to the restaurants, and theatre and shopping and people and you have one of the most chaotic and wonderful cities in the world.
There's just something about life in Manhattan. I'm quite thankful that I'm close enough to get that shot of adrenaline every few months because without it, life would definitely be a little less exciting...
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