
Monday, June 3, 2013

Creativity Is...

A few weeks ago I decided to sign up for this Creativity class on a whim, through Coursera.  As far as I know the darn thing doesn't start until September but all 5000 of us participants have been getting weekly email "assignments" to gear up for what seems slightly intense/over the top for an online free class.  But I suppose it's summer and I don't really have much else to do, so I'm game.  Tonight's "assignment" was to think up 5 words that described creativity and they would include them all in a word cloud this weekend.  After a bit of deliberation my words were:

1. Necessary - The world would be so boring without creatives in our lives!

2. Contagious - I don't know about you, but I feel a whole lot more creative after spending a few hours browsing Pinterest.

3. Un-teachable - Though I'm not sure this is a real word, I'm sticking by it.  I think it's next to impossible to teach someone how to be creative.  You can teach them how to do creative things like art projects or preparing a 4 course meal but you can't change their thought patterns.  They have to discover the hidden potential on their own.

4. Innate - Like I said, it's a thought process thing.  We're all creative in our own ways, it's just the expression of that creativity that differs.  Don't let anyone ever say that they're not creative.  They just haven't discovered how to be yet.

5. Awesome! - Seeing a beautifully performed scene in a television show, hearing a stirring new song on the radio, reading a well-crafted novel, viewing a gorgeous photo, and about thousands of other things we all do on a daily basis: what could be better!?  The world is actually a pretty boring place, it's all of us creating our own little pieces of it, that makes it so awe-inspiring!

PS: Since I couldn't find a single picture that spoke the word "creativity" to me, I improvised...hence the rainbow font : )


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