Everyone has that one thing that makes their hair stand on end; that makes a usually (semi) calm person freak out like a nutter. For me, that's the dentist. I positively, absolutely HATE going to the dentist. I can't watch anything having to do with the dentist on any show or movie. I can't listen to people talk about it. The very mention of it causes my heart to race and my stomach to flip.
All of this is to say, I have to go tomorrow to have a cavity filled and I'm completely terrified! I know it's crazy. I know it makes me sound like a big old ninny. But that's the thing, I can't switch it off. No one seems to get it. I'd very much not like to shake and tear up and get physically ill at the very sight of a DDS but I can't.
So it's off to bed now, in hopes of turning off the little man inside my head that's saying "run away now!". Wish me luck, though this will most likely be our last meeting - If the dentist doesn't kill me, the coronary I give myself may...
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