
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Wishful Wednesday

I read a Twitter post earlier today that named today Wishful Wednesday.  To celebrate Wishful Wednesday, you were supposed to tweet where in all of the world (or out of this world as the case may be) you would like to be at that very second.  Two particular places sprang to mind when I read it.  But I decided to do some research to see if I was the only one.  Four of the four co-workers I asked said some sort of beach: Hawaii, California, Brazil and any old beach.  Apparently sun, surf and sand are quite popular choices.

I, on the other hand, did not choose the beach and I suppose that makes me just bit odd. Two distinct places sprang to mind, but of course there were about a dozen after that as well. Here's the odd part, pretty much all of them had to do with food.  Is that wrong?  I may just have been hungry at that moment, but my happy places mostly have to do with eating so I guess you could call me a bit of a glutton.  But quite honestly, I really don't care.  There's really nothing better than spectacular food!

My (immediate) wish was to be:

~Sitting in Paris eating a Laduree macaron
~Sipping a nice cuppa with scones and clotted cream in London

Of course, I could also have said:

~Gelato in Rome
~Fresh pasta in Tuscany
~Lobster in Maine
~BBQ in North Carolina
...well you get the picture.  

Apparently, I have a problem...


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