
Monday, April 28, 2014

Not so Webby

I was reading an article earlier today about the winners of the Webby Awards.  Now I'm not so computer clueless that I didn't know these awards were a "thing".  I've been hearing them talked about for the last few years and sort of knew what they were about.  With the internet being what it is, and our enjoyment of awards in general, it was only a matter of time until the internet got their very own industry awards to brag about.  I get that.

I also completely understand what makes certain websites better than others.  I can see when a website is just not well designed.  And I've gotten very attached to other websites that just work perfectly for what I need it to do. Etsy and HuffPost are 2 that I'm quite fond of.  They let me shop and let me read the news with no extra fluff and no difficult buttons to figure out.  I also understand the difference between Apps that are helpful or creative and apps that are just useless or money-makers.

All of this I can fully get behind in today's techy age.  Where I start to lost the thread a bit, is the actual categories behind these awards.  I literally just scrolled for a good 10 minutes to peruse all the categories and all the companies that were nominated for these awards.  And, even though I'm not a computer person, and I have no real attachment to or understanding of technology marketing, I have to say I feel my questions are quite valid.

~ How did the Webby Artist of the Year, get chosen?  I feel by the very definition of this category, (i.e. - someone who's all over the media like the Grammy's Artist of the Year is) it should be someone that I at least semi-recognize, not some random group I've never even read about.

~ Wouldn't the Best User Experience be kind of the same thing as the Best Navigation/Structure?  GUIs being what they are, I would assume that if the site had the best navigation and structure, the user experience would be pretty great.

~ The same could be said for Aesthetic and Function vs. User Experience.  Doesn't a well-run website, need all of these things together to be the best?  And in that case, why isn't the same site winning all the categories?

~ While I'm all for giving back, why are their separate categories for Activism, and Charities/Non-Profits?  I'm thinking you could save some stage time and type, by just joining them under one umbrella, and including the mobile versions in the same package.

~ There are literally 2 categories, one for games and one for games-related.  What exactly is related to games that isn't a game?

~ About 15 different types of "channels" and "videos" are also nominated.  That just seems redundant to me.  Is there really joy in wining a category so limited as Online Film and Video, How-to - DIY?

~ Then when it all gets to be a little too much, you start to see repeats, lots and lots of repeats.  Because, as I've learned, not only do we need to know what the best is in all the categories for regular old computers, but we also need to know the best in Mobile devices.  Can't we just assume most companies have this whole Web Marketing thing down, and give them the award for their whole darn package?

Lastly and most perplexing of all, there's also a "Weird" category.  Can the Webby's themselves be nominated for this category? 

PS: I'm not really an impartial user, I have to say, the Webby's will most definitely not be winning any Webby's for their darn site - such a pain to use! You'd think they'd know better...


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