I was talking to a friend at work today about sports - actually we were debating the fact that he's a Steelers fan living in Baltimore which is so very, very wrong. But that's beside the point. Anyway, my major argument against the Steelers is the fact that Ben Rothlisberger is a terrible human being who likes to pick on people much smaller than he is. But his major argument against the Ravens was that they've had more arrests than any other team in the off-season, which I had to whole-heartedly agree with. Those boys need to get their act together. But mildly-terrible human beings that happen to be sports stars started us on a list of the few that exist today, luckily he agreed with me on the Tiger front or we'd have had some serious words.
To name a few, we agreed on Tiger, Kobe Bryant, and Ray Lewis. I agree they're great athletes but kids really shouldn't be looking up to them, but of course they are. In all the talk about sports, we really didn't bring up Soccer. Even with all the World Cup craziness happening, we couldn't name one player. But after seeing today's headlines, I suppose we should have.
A player for Uruguay actually bit another player - for the second time, without drawing a yellow card. How does this happen?! I mean he didn't beat up his girlfriend or cheat on anyone, but really, biting?! Gross!
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