I've had a crappy day. It was one of those Mondays that sucked even more than other Mondays. Things happened, people quit, meetings weren't attended, nerves were fried and I was stressed. Basically, your average terrible, horrible, no good very bad day.
I'm willing to bet, even though I'm wishing this day never happened, I'm pretty sure my day was 100 times better than this dude's...
How exactly does something like this happen? I mean, really? I'm curious. One minute, your friendly neighborhood luggage handler is loading up a plane, and the next moment, you decide it's really time to hit the road. Honestly, when was the last time a plane left on time, anyway? And more importantly, why didn't he start banging long before they made it to the friendly skies? Planes are loud! If they could hear him while they were flying, why couldn't they hear him when he was taxi-ing? Just curious.
I'm sure it'll be a long time before this guy can laugh about his terrible Monday, but at the very least it made me feel better!
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