
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Trivia Tuesdays

~ Some nights are better than others - in this case, some nights pretty much suck.  When you only have 15 points after the first half, you know it's going to be rough...

~ My incessant need to watch the movie Rudy when I was younger, came in handy.  Which is good, seeing as that's the ONLY thing I got right all night.

~ Our team knows nothing about cars, the earth, Parks & Recreation, tourist attractions in Australia or former child stars - and that was just in the first half.  See what I mean about it being a rough evening?

~ Things we learned: Merv Griffin created the Jeopardy theme song.   Uluru is made of Sandstone. A diesel engine is somehow different than a regular engine.  And the earth's core is solid - we had a 50/50 shot here, care to take a guess which we chose?

~ When given a choice between 3 answers, narrow it down to 2 then choose the one no one thinks it is.  That will always be the right answer.

~ Hockey is an impossible topic, when you're from Maryland and the only hockey players you actually know are Wayne Gretsky and Alex Ovechkin.  Somehow adding "ski" on the end of guesses wasn't helpful in the least. 

~ We finally managed to get a spelling question right - luckily I deferred to my team mates, who attempted to defer to me.  Who knew I didn't know how to spell recede?

~ When never watching an episode of a hit television show - like, for instance, The Simpsons - you should probably not enter in a guess on the correct answer.  You're most likely going to be wrong.

~ And lastly, fight for answers even if it's a stupid question that you only know the answer to because you read a Facebook article.  Sometimes you'll be right and you'll have let the team enter a wrong answer after waging it all...

~ Usually I leave Trivia feeling smart - tonight, not so much.


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