~ Clarence Thomas is a Supreme Court Justice. Clarence the angel is not.
~ Even when I love a category, I may not be able to answer the question. So happy to finally get a Shakespeare question but so not happy to get a question on Julius Caesar...
~ Sometimes only knowing one of something helps. Jose Cuervo is the most sold Tequila in the world. It helped that Jose Cuervo was the only type of tequila we could name.
~ Our team really, really, really sucks at Geography. Turns out though the question-writers really, really, really like geography questions.
~ The way actresses like Paris Hilton, the Kardashians and Zooey Deschanel speak has a technical name - Vocal Fry. I'm 100% sure I've never heard that term until tonight. I wouldn't even say the actresses sound the same so that's going to require some serious research.
~ Stupid pharmaceutical ads that run during every single commercial break finally have a use - helping teams guess the answer to a question on the common name of Loratadine. (Claritin if you don't watch as much tv as I do)
~ Equating a question on a manx cat to Friends is not a smart idea. We were sure the ugly cat that Rachel loved in that one episode was a manx. Not so much... Also, the category of "Cats" is disappointing when a question on the musical is not asked.
~ I finally know what a scratch golfer is! And we got points for guessing it.
~ I won't be disowned by my mother since we were able to correctly answer a question on diamonds.
~ Things unrelated to trivia I learned:
~ Whether shots are pink, green or some mixture of them both, they will still be horrible.
~ One of my team-mates and her friends dressed up as the Addams Family one year for
Halloween then the 7 Deadly Sins the next, and incidentally Lust was sent home from
school for being inappropriate.
~ A teeny tiny ice cream sundae at the Green Turtle is only $.99.
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