
Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Hello Holidays!

For the last few weeks a cute comic has been going around Facebook.  It shows Cinderella's fairy godmother with the caption, "At midnight on Halloween, poof goes all the pumpkins, and then hello Christmas!"  I thought it was funny at first.  Until this morning when I read that the Starbucks Christmas cups arrived in stores this morning (they're super cute, by the way!)  Then this afternoon, I saw a Kia commercial using Transiberian Orchestra music, and a Petsmart ad that included puppies with Santa hats on them.

Honestly?  It's November 1!  How is that even possible?  It was literally Halloween yesterday.  How can a switch from Pumpkins to Mistletoe happen so quickly?  I'm a huge fan of Christmas, don't get me wrong.  And I'm actually starting all sorts of wonderful things early so I'm on the ball.  But I'm just not ready.  

Though, I'm seriously thinking about grabbing that Christmas book on my shelf that I just bought...So I suppose, Bring on the Holiday fun!  Because this world could actually really use some of Santa's magic right now!


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