
Saturday, May 3, 2014

Living in the Future

While I'm aware of just how cool it is to live in the future, I don't often find myself using the tech we have to its full capacity.  Basically my computer is for Facebooking and Pinteresting, and that's about it.  I don't even know what Vine or Reddit are.  They're just vague terms thrown around on BuzzFeed to make me feel like an old lady.  But after my foray into podcasts last week went so swimmingly, I thought I'd try out a webcast (which may or may not be a new thing in tech, I'm just happy I know that's what it's called).  And I have to say it was pretty darn amazing!

There's a Creation Sci-Fi Convention happening in Washington DC this weekend as we speak. As part of this convention, Misha Collins and lots of other Supernatural peeps were debuting 2 live-action shorts they created all benefiting Random Acts.  Using a service called StageIt, people all over the world could sign in, pay anything you want (this was all for charity, so I'm assuming lots of people were generous rather than paying nothing), and watch the premiere in real time.  Not only were people watching it together, but they were also interacting via comments.  Of course, at some point, these comments became a mob mentality with lots of people being mean to each other, but that's beside the point.  

Aside from the shorts being pretty darn hilarious, the cast and crew were delightful.  They seemed rather scattered and there were quite a few technical difficulties. But I can let it slide as this is apparently a new thing and they seemingly broke the internet (apparently LOTS of people like Misha Collins).  What really matters is that it worked, and rather than just 150 people in some ball room in DC seeing it, thousands of people all over the world were able to share the moment.  What a way to premiere a movie!   

An act of charity, super funny people, and a new movie all mixed with some serious technological advances?  Sometimes it's pretty cool to live in 2014!


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