
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Maryland Love

As much as I rag on Maryland and would very much like to get out and live somewhere more British, I have to say, that MD has some good qualities.  It most definitely is not what you see on television - which is to put it bluntly, an episode of The Wire.  There are some bad parts that do look like that, but it's so small compared to the rest of the state, that it's almost non-existent.  But normal quiet lives aren't what you hear about on the news.  Shootings, drug busts and corrupt politicians are infinitely more "sexy" than feel-good stories.

Which is why, I was so happy to see this story make the national news this week.  At first it was a local story on the cover of the local newspaper (my local newspaper for a change!), then it hit the Maryland papers, then MSN and then CNN and BuzzFeed (because we all know it's not really news until it appears on BuzzFeed...).  The story on the local high school, holding a bed side graduation for a senior whose mother was in hospice, was unbelievably touching to say the least.  The school went out of their way to make the day for the student and her parents and should be commended for helping the whole family through this difficult time. 

I love that acts of kindness and love are finally making the front page.  That's what needs to be there more often than some racist making racist comments or some star's sister attacking the star's husband.  These stories just show the worst of humanity.  If we start to celebrate the best, maybe others will strive to be a bit better!

For a change, I'm a proud Marylander!


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