A few months ago, a close friend and a co-worker of mine told me they were getting together to do a live production of The Vagina Monologues. I was skeptical. The co-worker's kinda artsy and has always acted so it made sense for her to be wanting to do it. However, the close friend is nervous in front of crowds like me; hates being the center of attention and is generally not a fan of getting up and saying risque things.
But after seeing the production tonight, I have to say, I can't believe I was ever skeptical. The girls rocked it! It was well produced. The set, and the costumes and the space were perfect for the topic at hand. And the girls were positively awesome! They got up and owned every monologue they recited. They said all around blush-inducing things without blushing a bit and they were pretty much superheroes!
Honestly, driving into Baltimore City and looking for a parking spot for 45 minutes while worrying about having to walk back to that spot when the show was over in the dark, is not my cup of tea. And the V Monologues is also something that has never really set my non-feminist heart aflutter. But after sharing the show with friends tonight, I'm so happy I got to see it! I don't see myself reciting any of those monologues anytime soon, but I do wish I could have just a little of the moxie they have to jump into something so new with both feet.
You go girls!
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