
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Rant and Rave of the Day


Cell phone companies are a pain in my rear end.  Not only have I been dealing with a crappy phone for months, but now I've had to "chat" with at least 7 different reps with none of them actually solving the problem.  I'm fairly certain that their end goal is a giant game of "Not it."  They're assuming you'll get so annoyed and so beaten down that you'll give up.  Somewhere around the 5th chat, I was pretty much there.  I could feel my voice rising and my blood pressure doing the same.  Yet, I trudged on and what do I have to show for it?  The same darn phone working in pretty much the same darn way.  All that being said...


Can I just say how wonderful it is to work with tech geeks in a cubicle environment?  The cubicle thing means everyone can hear what you're saying so even if you don't ask for help, nice people offer after hearing your annoyed huffs. And seeing that they're tech geeks, they have a lot to offer.  My cubicle hero was able to show me some very cool ways of making my hunk of junk work a bit better.  It's not perfect, but it's little better.  And I didn't have to stress myself out to do it.  Thank goodness for small miracles!  


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