
Friday, January 17, 2014

Friday Five

1. Erica's Cannella Vita: I have to say a baking, travel and photo blog written by a teenager should not be as good as it is.  However, she will make you feel completely inadequate.  She's seemingly figured out how to be awesome in the crafty-creative world and she's only in high school.  I can't imagine what amazing other things she'll do once she graduates!

2. These comments from one of the smartest and funniest actors in Hollywood were in response to this Guardian article on the Sochi Olympics and Vladamir Putin's idiocy. 
Though he's generalizing a bit (I know all Russian's don't agree with Putin's laws), it's well said.

3. "High Hopes" and "Hunter of Invisible Game" by Bruce Springsteen: I'm not the biggest Boss fan (love his old stuff but that ridiculous Pay Me My Money Down song is the bane of my existence!) but this new album is pretty amazing.  I love  everything about "High Hopes". While I'm not as crazy about the words to "Hunter of Invisible Game", I'm obsessed with the tune.  I've been humming to it all week.  If I could just find an instrumental version of it, I'd be a happy girl.


4. Fangirl Quest: I read about these girls on BuzzFeed earlier this week.  There's something terribly geeky and terribly awesome about what they're doing.  They want to find all of the filming locations from favorite television and movies and photograph them (a la Dear Photograph).  It's hard to explain so click the link to see for yourself.  It's pretty impressive and I'm super jealous!

5. "The Best Travel Writing - Volume 9":  Two short stories in and I'm already hooked.  I'm currently devising a plan to acquire volumes 1-8...


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