Kitchen Pinning
Two more hits this evening from Pinterest. Dessert was a slightly bigger hit than dinner mind you, but my record is getting much better. Usually at least one recipe fails miserably but somehow I managed to eek out two wins in the same evening.
First up is the Broccoli Cheddar Quiche. Only thing I can add is that the cooking time is way, way off. I basically had to double how long it said to cook it after quite a few attempts at cutting into liquid. Oh, and be sure to cut the broccoli small - my chunks were just a bit too large.
Next up was dessert - Banana Foster Crumble. I noticed it last week because it made the rounds quite quickly. Before I pinned it, I saw it at least 5 times, then 3 more people pinned after I did. That's always a good sign. And boy was it ever a good sign! It was absolutely delicious! I didn't make the Kahlua Chocolate Sauce, mostly because I had none of the ingredients. But I don't really think it needed it. It was sweet enough and with the cold ice cream, it was pretty darn perfect! Also, you have to love a recipe that uses so few utensils. Yum!
PS: Is it odd that I'm strangely fascinated by the fact that I have 500 food pins exactly? I kinda don't want to pin any more recipes since I've reached a cool number : )
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