The story on Tom Brady and the Patriots knowing about "Deflategate" was my most favorite story of the day. Honestly, after all the denials and press conferences, it came out that what everyone knew to be true, actually happened. It's good to see that they might get a bit more scrutiny as well as lose some of the respect of the fans.
But I doubt it.
What I really want to know is, what happens to the team now? Because of the deflated balls, they went on to the Super Bowl and won. Will that be taken away from them? Will they lose the endorsements and money they made from that huge game? Doubtful. I like to think they will. I like to think they will hold these players to a higher standard. But it's proven that for some reason the Patriots are beyond that level of scrutiny (they're already on Strike 2 after a previous dalliance with the rules a few years ago). And I doubt that the Seahawks will want to have the "win" that way either.
So I guess, I can just be happy with Karma biting them some time in the near future. I just have to believe that they'll get their just desserts, because they deserve it and we all know that people always get what they deserve...
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