
Thursday, July 9, 2015


Just about every year at this time, I start dreaming of San Diego.  I mean, honestly, how could you not?  San Diego Comic Con is the biggest gathering of geeks and geek culture in the world, and it's awesome.  I unlike some people, have gotten the chance to experience it. Unfortunately, I realize now, that I didn't get to really grab the bull by the horns and live it up while I was there.  I mean, I didn't even wear a costume or an ironically funny tee shirt.  I don't even have any weird pictures to share. These are about it.
At least I got the shot everyone has to take, going down the escalator into the convention center.  But, since we were there for only one day, we had only one purpose - Sit in line for hours to assure we could get in to see the USA Network panels (White Collar, Burn Notice and Psych).  You see?  We weren't even really geeking out.  We were just wanting to see the dreamy Matt Bomer - which was by no means a bad thing, let me tell you.   If by some magic, he's even dreamier in person than he is in real life!  All I'm saying is that if I were to go this year, there would be about a dozen other geekier things I'd need to see.  I think I'd go full on Fangirl.

At the time that I went, in 2010, I hadn't fully embraced my geekiness.  I was sort of aware of sci-fi, but I was much more interested in other things.  Now I get it.  I've drank the Kool-Aid, and I understand the true awesomeness of these events.  Oh, and I REALLY want to be a part of them :)

So what's a good sci-fi fan to do when she's not at Comic Con?  That's easy - take to Twitter and YouTube of course.  Have I mentioned how much I loved technology lately?  Why, just this afternoon I was able to watch the preview to end all previews for the Sherlock Christmas special, the utterly perfect lead in video to the Sherlock panel, the exclusive trailer for ConMan the series and the trailer for next season's Doctor Who.  How awesome is that!?

And that's not even the best part.  It's only Thursday.  Everyone knows that the REALLY good stuff (though I'm still not convinced that Sherlock isn't the REALLY good stuff) doesn't even happen until Saturday.  I can't even wait!  I still have a Supernatural Panel to catch, as well as all the awesome Conversations for a Cause on Sunday run by Nerd HQ.

It's a good weekend to be a geek - even if I'm not there with all my fellow geeks!


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