~ Sometimes even when you don't know the answer, you actually know the answer. Like when you've been living in England in your head for so long, you correct your friend for calling a zeppelin a blimp, then realize the answer is actually Led Zeppelin not Smashing Pumpkins like the rest of the team thought...
~ When you have 4 people playing on a team, you will never get a correct guess by a majority vote. It will always be 50-50. No matter how hard you try, you're pretty much up a creek.
~ Shark Week themed rounds are ridiculous when no one on your team is especially fond of sharks or weeks devoted to them.
~ Even though you're in love with the city of San Francisco, and you may very well have left your heart there, you are unaware that the Beatles played their last show there, and they have the highest percentage of money saved using coupons of anywhere in the US. Coincidentally that was the one US city you were convinced the Beatles didn't play their last concert.
~ Some weeks you're on fire, and some weeks you risk 40 points on a question you're pretty sure of, and you fail miserably. My logic was totally sound. Too bad my answer wasn't. (In case anyone is interested, humans have a chemical in their saliva (not their spinal fluid) that's 6 times more powerful than morphine. - Who knew!?)
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