
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Cyber For Dummies

I've spent the last 2 days in a class that was essentially a Cyber For Dummies class.  Considering how very little I actually know about cyber and computers, it was pretty much the perfect class for me.  Aside from a lot of cool tips and tricks, I learned one big thing: I'm terrified of computers now and I have every right to be.  Holy cow!  Do you have any idea how many different ways a bad guy can get into your computer?  There are at least a hundred.

I mean, seriously, I found out they can hack your webcam and apparently taping over it, is a good idea. They can hack your thumb drive and un-erase files.  They can hack your credit card numbers from amazon or anything.  They can hack your email and send you some crazy little worm thing that looks like something else, and when you open it, you're officially screwed.  

But I think the most terrifying thing which I thought only happened in movies, was Anonymous cyber-targeting some woman from Maryland because she did something they didn't like.  I mean she kinda deserved it but we're talking Guy Fawkes mask, voice modulator and ransom. (I'm gun-shy on the creepy video but if you search Youtube for Marley Station Mall Anonymous you'll find it).  Holy crap!    

Is it too late to not live in the future?


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