~ Some people are inherently good at talking the talk. They can chat with anyone about cyber, technology, and computers, and make themselves look all sorts of charming in the process. Conversely, some people are just inherently bad at doing the same. I'd say most of the guys I work with are in the good category, while I count myself in the bad category. However, those same guys that can talk cyber like no body's business, are truly terrible at making the everyday small talk. So I suppose, at least I have my own little niche.
~ It's all about the swag. Pens, styluses (styli?), candy (LOTS of candy), phone chargers, give-aways - It's all good. And everyone wants them. I watched one convention goer not talk to a single vendor but grab every piece of swag in an entire aisle of vendors. Thankfully, someone was giving out bags so at least he had something to put it all in.
~ Fireside chats and briefs, are pretty darn boring. Everyone seems to go with the sole purpose of complaining about just how boring it was.
~ Conferences are a HUGE business. Some companies do them REALLY well. They have a whole process complete with swag, fancy speeches and lots of signage. Others are not shall we say, experts and set up a few measly pieces of signage, then leave to attend a brief (or 10). I saw the vendor across the aisle from me exactly once in the 10 hours I was there...
~ Padded booth carpeting is the BEST invention ever.
~ These things are long and exhausting. As I'm writing this, it's 7:30 pm and I'm struggling to keep my eyes open. What's worse is that I'll be in exactly the same place I was today in less than 12 hours. Ugh!
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