
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

In My Expert Opinion

When searching for something interesting to write about this evening (on Pinterest, where else?), I came across an article titled, (and I quote): How to Establish Yourself as an Expert.  Um, ok...Is that a thing in today's society?  I always sort of assumed you either were or weren't an expert at something.

For instance, if someone were to ask me the square root of 336 multiplied by 24, they would quickly realize that I'm most definitely not an expert in anything having to do with numbers. So not my thing.  I wouldn't need to do much more than stare at them blankly to prove that I'm most certainly not a math expert.

However, if someone were to ask me the point of Pinterest for example, they'd quickly realize that I'm a little obsessed.  They'd also realize I was an expert on all things pinteresting.  But that's about it, isn't it?  I would give them all sorts of fabulous information regarding how to use Pinterest, what to search for and how you can use it for marketing or in everyday work.  Based on my constant stream of useless information, one could make the assumption I'm an expert.

I didn't need to do anything to establish that fact.  It's just true.  If you're attempting to establish the fact that you are in deed an expert and you have to do more than just share information, doesn't that stand to reason that you are in fact NOT an expert?  Just a thought...


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